
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Silly Sunday, Wedding Edition

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!

The wedding went off beautifully yesterday, in a most lovely church.

Very fancy.

It is official, Uncle P and Miss Eva are hitched.  Grandpa said he thought he'd never see the day.  Everyone is thrilled.

Boudreaux be talkin' to his son Tee, an' Tee done ax him, "Père, what you really t'ink 'bout marryin'?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Tee, dere be many a man say dat marryin' be a real expensive way to get you laundry done fo' free!"

Clothile, she done hear dat, an' she say, "Boudreaux, you allus be talkin' down marryin', you should be ashamed!  You jes' say all dem t'ings 'cause you don' like my relatives!"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, dat don' be true!  In fac' I like you mother-in-law better 'n I like mine!"

Today is:

Adonia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (date approximate, but always in July, a ritual to honor Adonis)

Buxton Wells Dressing -- Buxton, Derbyshire, England (preserving the 650+ years of traditional "dressing" wells in foliage to thank the patron saint of that well for blessings, now with parades and carnivals; through the 10th)

Distressed Elves' Creditors' Day -- Fairy Calendar

Ducktona 500 Family Festival & Car Show-- Sheboygan Falls, WI, US (lots of fun for everyone, culminating in the annual plastic duck race)

Flag & Anthem Day -- Curacao

Freedom From Fear of Public Speaking Day -- as proposed by Beverly Beuermann-King, because you don't want to blow it when your big opportunity comes because you are afraid to speak out!

I Forgot Day (the day to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or other special days that you forgot during the first half of the year)

National Anisette Day

Palio di Provenzano -- Siena, Italy (horse race and pageant, named after the Madonna di Provenzano, whose church is in Siena)

Remember to Feed the Hummingbirds Day -- internet reminder to be nice to these beautiful creatures

St. Swithin's Day (Patron against drought; of Stavenger, England; Winchester, England)

Try to Find Your Slinky Day -- the weird holiday of the day!

Violin Lovers' Day

World UFO Day -- unfortunately, a real day observed by many around the world (on the "anniversary" of the UFO crash in Roswell, if such a thing even happened, which i doubt*) 

*i believe that if there's life elsewhere, it shows its intelligence by staying away from us!

Anniversary Today:

Prince Albert of Belgium marries Paola Ruffo di Calabria, 1959

Birthdays Today:

Lindsay Lohan, 1986
Ashley Tisdale, 1985
Johnny Weir, 1984
Jose, Jr., and Ozzie Canseco, 1964
Jimmy McNichol, 1961
Ron Silver, 1946
Vicente Fox Quesada, 1942
Richard Petty, 1937
Polly Holiday, 1937
Dave Thomas, 1932
Medgar Evers, 1925
Dan Rowan, 1922
Ken Curtis, 1916
Thurgood Marshall, 1908
Jean René Lacoste, 1904
Hermann Hesse, 1877
Thomas Cranmer, 1489

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Andy Williams Show"(TV), 1957
"The Lawrence Welk Show"(TV), 1955
"Finlandia"(Sibelius' Op. 26), 1900

Today in History:

Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine, 1698
Vermont  becomes the first American territory to abolish slavery, 1777
Charles J. Guiteau shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President James Garfield, who eventually dies from an infection on September 19, 1881
Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 rebelling African slaves led by Joseph Cinque take over the slave ship Amistad, 1893
Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi obtains patent for radio in London, 1897
The first zeppelin flight takes place on Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany, 1900
Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan are last heard from over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight 1937
The first Wal-Mart store opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas, 1962
North and South Vietnam, divided since 1954, reunite to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1976
The AbioCor  self contained artificial heart is first implanted, 2001
Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly solo around the world nonstop in a balloon, 2002
Planetoid Pluto's fourth and fifth moons officially receive the names Kerberos and Styx from the International Astronomical Union, 2013


  1. Congrats to the newly wed! That is a beautiful church. Interesting talks about marriage. Have a beautiful day!

  2. the x=church looks great. Congrats

  3. Wow. That is impressive and the ceremony must have been very moving. Good luck to the newly weds.

  4. That is a good one :) Have a nice Sunday!

  5. Glad the wedding went well. What a great way to spend a day.

    Love your jokes. You've been doing Silly Sunday for a very long time and you still have the Cajun jokes. Love it.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

  6. Congratulations to the happy couple :-)

    LOL Boudreaux has an answer for everything haha!

  7. I am so totally going to try to remember I Forgot day for next year! ;-)

  8. Ha! I have to read that joke twice before I started laughing.


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