
Monday, August 7, 2017

Awww Monday: Sleeping In

Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Link sleeps in:

Not much will blast him out of bed in the morning.

Mikey is a bit more sophisticated:

He'd rather snooze after breakfast and reading the funnies.

Today is:

Assyrian Martyrs Day -- various Assyrian communities

August Bank Holiday -- Australia; Ireland; (UK)

August Monday/Culturama -- Saint Kitts and Nevis 

Battle of Boyaca Day -- Colombia

British Columbia Day -- British Columbia, Canada

Carnival Monday -- Anguilla (August Monday); Antigua and Barbuda (J'ouvert); British Virgin Islands (Festival Monday/Parade); Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Saba only)

Civic Holiday -- AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NT, & NU, Canada

Emancipation Day --  Bahamas; Dominica; Granada; Montserrat; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Turks and Caicos Islands (Obs.)

Farmer's Day -- Zambia

Frídagur verslunarmanna -- Iceland (Commerce Day)

Full Sturgeon Moon a/k/a Full Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, or Grain Moon
     Native Wild Rice Harvest -- Northern Cree, Ojibwa, and Algonkian Native Americans (celebrated during the August full moon; if there are two full moons in August, it is during the second)
     Nikini Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka 
     Raksha Bandhan -- CG, GJ, MP, RJ, UK, & UP, India; Nepal (the Hindu festival that celebrates the the love and duty between brothers and sisters)
     Wahgaung Full Moon -- Myanmar 

Harvest Holiday -- Slavic Pagan Calendar (reaping ceases for a few hours in honor of Volos' beard; bread is eaten and offerings given to Mother Earth and Volos for a bountiful harvest)

Independence Day / National Day -- Cote d'Ivoire(1960)

Kadooment Day -- Barbados (huge carnival celebration of the end of the Crop Over festival, celebrating the end of the sugar cane harvest)

National Children's Day -- Tuvalu

National Lighthouse Day -- US (American Lighthouse Foundation

National Raspberries in Cream Day

New Brunswick Day -- New Brunswick, Canada

Old Fiddler's Convention -- Galax, VA, US (fun and fiddles, dulcimers, banjos, autoharps, and more; through Saturday)

Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, and especially the kind no one can open without a machete, what's with that!

Picnic Day -- NT, Australia

Purple Heart Day -- US (this award was instituted this day in 1782 by George Washington)

Say "Cheese" Day -- begun by ecard companies looking for something to celebrate; in my family, we do not say "Cheese", we say "Chicken Lips!" Try it some time when walking past tourists who are trying to get a good photo, and watch them smile genuine smiles and come up with a good picture.

Sea Serpent Day -- no one knows why today, just enjoy

Smartest Leprechaun Eisteddfod -- Fairy Calendar

St. Albert of Trapani's Day (Patron of Carmelite schools; Messina, Italy; Trapani, Italy)

St. Cajetan's Day (Patron of job seekers and the unemployed)

Take Last Winter's Snowballs Out of the Freezer and Have a Fight Day -- in the northern hemisphere, it's certainly hot enough; if you are in the southern hemisphere, freeze yours for next summer now, before you forget

Tampere Theatre Festival -- Tampere, Finland (largest such festival in the Nordic countries; through Sunday)

Youth Day -- Kiribati

Birthdays Today:

Charlize Theron, 1975
Harold Parrineau, 1963
DeLane Matthews, 1961
David Duchovny, 1960
Alberto Salazar, 1957
John Glover, 1944
Garrison Keillor, 1942
B.J. Thomas, 1942
Abebe Bikila, 1932
"The Amazing" James Randi, 1928
Carl "Alfalfa" Switser, 1927
Stan Freberg, 1926
Ralph Johnson Bunche, 1903
Rudolf C. Ising, 1903
William Boyd McKechnie, 1886
Billie Burke, 1884
Mata Hari, 1876
Nathanael Greene, 1742

Today in History:

Battle of Crannon between Athens and Macedon, following the death of Alexander the Great, BC322
Construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore begins in Florence, 1420
Coup again the Tianshun Emperor by the Ming Dynasty Chinese military general Cao Qin, 1461
Francis Drake's fleet returns to Plymouth, 1573
The first documented performance of Macbeth, at the Great Hall at Hampton Court, 1606
Sieur de La Salle's brigantine Le Griffon becomes the first ship to sail the upper Great Lakes, 1679
Cherokee Indians take Ft. Loudon, Tennessee, 1760
George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart, 1782
Simon Bolivar triumphs over the Spanish at the Battle of Boyaca, 1819
The long simmering tension between the Hatfields and the McCoys on the Kentucky/West Virginia border erupts into full scale violence on election day, 1882
The Peace Bridge opens between Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York, 1927
IBM dedicates the first program-controlled calculator, the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (known best as the Harvard Mark I), 1944
Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft the Kon-Tiki, smashes into the reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands after a 101-day, 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) journey across the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to prove that pre-historic peoples could have traveled from South America, 1947
Explorer 6 transmits the first TV photo of Earth from space, 1959
The "artistic crime of the century" occurs when Philippe Petit of France, after months of planning and smuggling in materials, makes an illegal tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, 1974
Viking 2 enters orbit around Mars, 1976
The Washington Star ceases all operations after 128 years of publication, 1981
Takao Doi, Mamoru Mohri and Chiaki Mukai are chosen to be Japan's first astronauts, 1985
Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants breaks baseball great Hank Aaron's record by hitting his 756th home run, 2007
Australia's Sally Pearson sets a new Olympic record when she wins the 100 metres hurdles in 12.35 seconds at the 2012 Summer Olympics, 2012


  1. Dearest mimi,
    I'm fascinated more and more by reading your stunning posts, thank you for sharing them and for hosting ... and for being so supportive, as well, you mean so much to me !!!

    Wishing you a most lovely new week ahead,
    with sincere thankfulness

    XOXO Daniela

  2. Few creatures appear to enjoy sleep as much as cats.

  3. I want to rub those gorgeous tummies. Link looks so much like my Brody. Have a great day!

  4. They both are adorable. Cats can sleep just about anywhere. I sure wish I could.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  5. Two of the most relaxed cats I have ever seen! Have a great day!

  6. MessyMimi, My kids sometimes fell asleep while sleeping when they were small. In fact, I think I snapped a shot or two with their heads laying in their plate. I really ought to find those pictures in the ancient, archives (photo albums). Thanks for sharing the funny pix of the kitties and have a funtastic week!

    1. Geez, I just realized my mistake. I meant to say...they fell asleep while they were eating... I should've read my comment closely. I'll blame this goof on Monday.

  7. Eating must be exhausting work. My granddaughter falls asleep like that when eating but she's five months old.

  8. Aww! and LOL @ reading the funnies :-)

    Have a cutetastic day :-)


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