
Friday, September 8, 2017

Hammock Time (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code. 

There are several ways to share a hammock:

This is our hammock, we defend it from all comers!
Oh, this is so relaxing!  Isn't this so relaxing, George?
I swear I don't know who she is or why she's sharing my hammock!
Do you mind?  We are trying to sleep here!
You make a good pillow. / I like being a pillow.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

Week 70: September 8, 2017

1. September bucket list: 1) ___________, 2) _______________, 3) ....

2. If I came with a warning label, it would say ______________.

3. Truth be told,                         .

4. I would rather                      than                           .

September bucket list: 1) take Buff for his first full check-up, 2) pay my quarterly taxes, 3) finish at least one of the books i am reading, 4) survive the month!

If i came with a warning label, it would say She won't judge you by your housekeeping because she does barely any at her own house!   (It's true, shoemakers' wives go barefoot and housekeepers often are too tired to clean their own homes.)

Truth be told, i do not like religion so much as i like relationships.  It's my firm belief that Jesus did not come to establish a new religion but to bring us back to our Heavenly Father, to repair our relationship with Him and each other.  In no way did He intend for His followers to become nothing but synonymous with Western Imperialism or right-wing conservatism.

I would rather be retired and able to travel than have to keep working.  My friend DiDreaming could have used my help a couple of months ago when she was so sick, my friend Dayeanu could stand some help right now.  If i were not still working, i would be free to go be with them.

Today is:

Arcola Broom Corn Festival -- Arcola, IL, US (includes a parade; through Sunday)

Banana Festival - An A-peeling Celebration -- Fulton, KY & South Fulton, TN, US (the fun starts tonight with The Banana Ball and continues through next Saturday)

Community Day -- EX, O, Spain

Feast of Honor for Lada and Lela -- Slavic Pagan/Asatru (harvest festival, a holiday of bread and farewell to summer)

Feast of 'Izzat(Might) -- Baha'i

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin -- Catholic Christian; related observances
     Jum il-Vittorja -- Malta (Feast of Our Lady of Victories)
     Matki Boskiej Zielnej -- Poland (Feast of Greenery, also harvest celebration)
     Public Holiday -- Liechteinstein
     Virgen de la Victoria -- Spain

Festival of the Vine -- Geneva, IL, US (celebrating the flavors of fall, especially good food and wine from around the world; through Sunday)

Fiesta de Santa Fe -- Santa Fe, NM, US (festivities include the burning of the Zozobra -- Old Man Gloom effigy -- on the first night, so bring your personal gloom written down before the burning, and watch it be destroyed, then enjoy one of the oldest fiestas in the US; through Sunday)

Great Canadian Beer Festival -- Victoria, BC, Canada (through tomorrow)

Independence Day -- Macedonia

International Literacy Day -- UN

Kosrae Liberation Day -- Micronesia

La Vierge de Meritxell -- Andorra (Feast of Our Lady of Meritxell, a National Day and official flag day)

National Date Nut Bread Day

National Folk Festival -- Greensboro, NC, US (sponsored by the National Council for the Traditional Arts, a multicultural celebration of traditional native and folk arts in the United States; through Sunday)

Navy Day -- Pakistan

Ohio River Sternwheel Festival -- Marietta, OH, US (a three day riverfront extravaganza)

Olney Amputee Dove Hunt -- Olney, TX, US (a one-of-a-kind event, begun by two Texas politicians from Olney who were both amputees, they and the town of Olney invite every amputee or person who has lost use of a hand or arm to come to "The Friendliest Town West of the Mississippi River" for Texas food, fun, a glove swap, musical entertainment, one arm jokes and tales, one arm golf tournament, the famous 10 cents a finger breakfast, a Cow Chip Chunk'n, Amputee Vs. Politician, and the big dove hunt; through tomorrow)

Pardon Me Day -- anniversary of the 1974 pardon of Nixon

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

Petersfield Antiques Fair -- The Festival Hall, Petersfield, Hampshire, England (one of the best in the nation; through Sunday)

Popeye Picnic -- Chester, IL, US (celebrate everyone's favorite cartoon sailor in the town where his creator, E.C. Segar, was born, and this year "Popeye Goes Tropical"; through Sunday)

St. Adrian's Day (Patron of arms dealers, butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

St. Elizabeth's Day (Orthodox Churches; Mother of John the Baptist; Patron of expectant mothers; Fulda, Germany)

United Tribes International Pow-Wow -- Bismark, ND, US (over 70 Native American Tribes represented at the major cultural event; through Sunday)

Birthdays Today:

Jonathan Taylor Thomas, 1981
Pink, 1979
David Arquette, 1971
Henry Thomas, 1971
Alan Feinstein, 1941
Frankie Avalon, 1940
Guitar Shorty, 1939
Patsy Cline, 1932
Peter Sellers, 1925
Sid Caesar, 1922
Claude Pepper, 1900
Antonin Leopold Dvorak, 1841
Richard I (Lionheart), 1157

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Oprah Winfrey Show"(TV), 1986
"Star Trek: The Animated Series"(TV), 1973
"Star Trek"(TV), 1966
"Tarzan"(TV), 1966
"That Girl"(TV), 1966
"F Troop"(TV), 1965
The Old Man and the Sea(Publication Date), 1952
"Blondie"(Comic strip debut), 1930

Today in History:

The Statute of Kalisz, guaranteeing Jews safety and personal liberties and giving battei din jurisdiction over Jewish matters, is promulgated by Boleslaus the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland, 1264
Michaelangelo's David is unveiled in Florence, 1504
St. Augustine, FL, becomes the first permanent European settlement of the New World, 1565
The US "Pledge of Allegiance" makes its first appearance in print, in the Youth's Companion, 1892
Galveston, TX, is struck by a hurricane and tidal surge that kill 6,000, 1900
First appearance of the comic strip "Blondie", 1930
3M begins marketing Scotch transparent tape, 1930
The original Star Trek series premiers, 1966
The Beatles perform their new hit "Hey Jude" as their last live TV performance on the David Frost show, 1968
Chinese athlete Wang Junxia sets a new women's 10,000 m world record of 29:31.78, breaking the former record by 42 seconds, 1993
Two EMERCOM Il-76 aircraft land at a disaster aid staging area at Little Rock Air Force Base; the first time Russia has flown such a mission to North America, 2005
Pakistan and India announce plans to mutually ease visa requirements, 2012
The government of Hong Kong backs down on plans to introduce Chinese patriotism classes in schools after weeks of protests, 2012


  1. I'm loving the hammock. It's so cat-ish. I love that they love it.

  2. I hope all these adorable cats get forever homes soon. Thank you for your wonderful fill-in answers. I agree about religion, it makes me sad when people use religion as an excuse to judge others and treat them badly. I hope you get to accomplish everything on your September bucket list. Have a nice weekend! XO

  3. Aren't they cute sharing the hammocks I liked the quotes with each one heheh!

    Have a hammocktastic day :-)

  4. Awww on all the precious kitties. I hope they find wonderful forever homes.

    Religion is getting such a bad name. I won't go into the why, because I think you already know.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ☺

  5. I love the hammock pictures! Definitely "Aww..." worthy!
    Your list sounds similar to mine; "need to" stuff, and happy to just survive it. #2 is very honest, too. Again, you do what needs to be done. You are human. I think that God allows us different paths to Him, because we are all different. Religion is just a way to get to Him. I agree with Ellen, judging others is not part of God's plan. Some do it, though. I do not like judging, in any way, shape, or form. Mimi, you are a blessing. Hugs.

  6. That's a good bucket list. I like all of them.


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