
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Incurable (Silly Sunday)

Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs.  The rules are simple, just have fun.

This is a great opportunity to get to know other bloggers and have a laugh or two in the process.

Here is how it works: Laugh and Link Up!

The more often i drive from our area to NOLA to visit Grandma and Grandpa, the more i realize that ignorance can be educated, crazy can be medicated, but stupid is forever and the only thing the medical community can do about it is sedate it.  Some of the driving moves i see on our highways would turn my hair gray if my children hadn't already done that.

Boudreaux be done foun' by de side de road hurt, an' dey call de am'blance to come take him to de emergency room.

When he get dere, Officer Thibodeaux want to talk to him, an' ax, "How you get hurt, Boudreaux?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Well, I done park my truck by de side de road an' was gettin' out to go huntin' possum fo' dinner, an' dese two men done jump me an' beat me up an' stole de truck!"

An' Officer Thibodeaux ax, "Did you gets a good look at dem to tell me what dey look like?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, no, dey jump me from behin', but I done got de license number o' de truck dey is in!"

Today is:

Ashi Vanguhi -- Ancient Persian Calendar/Zoroastrian (celebration of Ashi Vanguhi, or Holy Blessing; date approximate, but always two days after a full moon around this time of year)

Conmemoracion Patriotica en la Ciudad de Colon -- Panama

Daylight Saving Time ends -- Bermuda; Canada (most areas); Cuba; Greenland (some areas); Haiti; Mexico (Baja area); Saint Pierre and Miquelon; The Bahamas; US (most areas)
    National Sleep-In Day -- begun by those who want you to spend the extra hour gained resetting your clocks catching up on your ZZZZ's
    Zero Tasking Day -- spend the extra hour gained when turning the clocks back doing nothing, just practice being

Day of the First Shout for Independence -- El Salvador

Egyptian Day -- Medieval Europe day of bad forturne (common saying on this day was, "Notwithstanding, I will trust the Lord.")

Festival of Amun -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Guy Fawkes' Day -- Canadian province of Newfoundland & Labrador; New Zealand; UK; a/k/a Gunpowder Day, bonfires celebrate that Guy Fawkes plot did not succeed; related famous celebrations
    Burning of the Tar Barrels -- Ottery St. Mary, Devon, UK (17 barrels soaked in tar are lit outside 17 taverns and carried through the town)
    Lewes Bonfire Night -- Lewes, East Sussex, UK
    Turning the Devil's Stone -- Shebbear, Devon, UK (erratic stone, possibly from an Ice Age deposit, turned every year on this day to assure good forturne)

London to Brighton Veteran Car Run -- England (a race composed of only pre-1905 vehicles)

National Doughnut Day -- well, it's better than buy a donut day, that one's too obvious

New York City Marathon -- NY, NY, US

Nones of November -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Popes Day -- US name for the remembrance of Guy Fawkes' Day

St. Elizabeth's Day and St. Zechariah's Day -- parents of John the Baptist (Elizabeth is Patron of pregnant women)

Wet Wellington Day -- Fairy Calendar (Imps and Gremlins; they really love it when this falls on a Wednesday)

Wuwuchim Fire Ceremonies begin -- Hopi Native American (dating approximate, as these ceremonies are now mostly closed to outsiders, a celebration of Masaw, god of death, and Spider Woman, the earth mother; a 16 day festival and manhood ceremony for adolescent boys)

Anniversary Today:

George W. Bush marries Laura Welch, 1977

Birthdays Today:

Kevin Jonas, 1987
Corin Nemec, 1971
Judy Reyes, 1967
Tatum O'Neal, 1963
Tilda Swinton, 1960
Bryan Adams, 1959
Bill Walton, 1952
Peter Noone, 1947
Sam Shepard, 1943
Art Garfunkel, 1941
Elke Sommer, 1940
Geoffrey Wolff, 1937
Ike Turner, 1931
Vivien Leigh, 1913
Roy Rogers, 1911
Joel McCrea, 1905
Strom Thurmond, 1902
Raymond Loewy, 1893
Will Durant, 1885
Ida M. Tarbell, 1857
Eugene Debs, 1855

Debuting/Premiering Today

"Into the Woods"(Sondheim musical), 1987
"Fifth of July"(Wilson play), 1980
"The Nat King Cole Show, 1956
The New York Weekly Journal(first edition), 1733

Today in History:

Wu MeKuan, a collection of 48 Zen koans, is compiled in China, 1228
Publication of the Catholicon in Treguier (Brittany); it is the first Breton dictionary as well as the first French dictionary, 1499
St. Felix's Flood ravages the Dutch coast and destroys the city of Reimerswaal in the Netherlands, 1530
The Gunpowder Plot, in which Catholics were trying to blow up the English Parliament, is foiled, 1605
The first post office in the Colonies is opened in the home of Richard Fairbanks, 1639
Susan B. Anthony is arrested for trying to vote in Rochester, NY, 1871
The first US patent for a gasoline driven motor car is granted to George B. Selden, 1895
Calbraith Rodgers arrives in Pasadena from Sheepshead Bay, NY, completing the first transcontinental plane flight, in 49 days, 1911
Colombia joins the United Nations, 1945
USS Rentz, USS Reeves and USS Oldendorf visit Qingdao (Tsing Tao) China — the first US Naval visit to China since 1949, 1986
André Dallaire attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada, but is thwarted when the Prime Minister's wife locks the door, 1995
Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq, and his co-defendants Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and Awad Hamed al-Bandar are sentenced to death in the al-Dujail trial, 2006
China's first lunar satellite, Chang'e 1 goes into orbit around the Moon, 2007
India launches its Mars Orbiter Mission, it's first interplanetary probe, 2013


  1. Birthday of Roy Rogers! I love that!
    Also, they will have bonfires all over Great Britain for Guy Fawkes Day but the one in Lewes (which is pronounced "Lewis") is one of the biggest!

  2. I watch our Traffic Cops and Police Interceptors programmes and some of the things I see on there is unbelievable.

    Yep it's bonfire night tonight here in UK whoosh!

    LOL Boudreaux has an answer for everything haha!

    Have a tanfabulous SS :-)

  3. That is too funny :) Have a great day!

  4. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Bless his heart. Love these jokes each week.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  5. Well, not exactly a useful bit of information, but it is what it is.

  6. Sadly I know people that stupid and they vote.

  7. Love the joke, assuming he knew his own license plate number.

  8. I'm glad he got the license number. LOL!


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