
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Love to Give, and Sunday Selections

Just because Sandee at Comedy Plus is no longer hosting an official Silly Sunday doesn't mean i'm going to stop posting Cajun jokes about Boudreaux, his family and friends. 

Yesterday i had a lovely day to enjoy, and i got to do one of my favorite things besides nap and read.  It was time for our annual end-of-the-year donations online, where we give to a few charities we particularly like and want to support.  Sweetie and i don't always have much to give, but it brings me joy to throw in our "two mites," so to speak.  You really don't have to be wealthy to make a difference, as little amounts do add up.

One day, de teacher done give de chil'ren to write "What I Would Do With A Million Dollars."

Tee Boudreaux bring up de paper, an' it be blank.  De teacher say, "Tee!  You din't do de essay what I tell you!  You done turn in a blank paper, you din't do nothin'!"

An' Tee say, "Mais, but dat be what I would do if I had me a million dollar, nothin'!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It has been hosted by River at Drifting Through Life but she is taking a blog break for now.  Elephant's Child is keeping the meme warm for her.

A few pictures i just wanted to post somewhere:

Someone has a sense of humor!

A shirt i saw and liked very much.

Abigail, who lost a back leg, has her own way of sitting on the stairs.

Today is:

Check Your Smoke Alarms Day

Fairy Eve's Year News -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of Sharaf (Honor) -- Baha'i

International Solidarity Day -- Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis worldwide

Kwanzaa, Day 6, Kuumba (Creativity)

Leap Second Adjustment Day -- if a second needs to be added or subtracted to coordinate the atomic and astronimical time, it will be done today, buy the International Earth Rotation Service of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Paris, France

Make Up Your Mind Day/Procrastinator's Day -- you have to make up your mind

National Champagne Day

New Year's Eve -- a selection of related observances
     Allendale Tar Barrel Burning/Baal Fire Festival -- Allendale, England (locals burn out the old year by carrying burning tar barrels on their heads, then use them to light one huge bonfire)
     Feast of Father Time -- because he ultimately overcomes us all
     Festival of Yemaya -- Yoruba/Santeria (celebration of the mother of the sun and
     Fire and Ice New Year's Eve Celebration -- Anchorage, AK (fire jugglers, ice
carvers, fireworks, and more)
     First Night -- a non-alcoholic alternative to New Year's Eve
     Fravartigan -- Parsi Zoroastrian (celebration to honor the dead through the night)
     Gamlarskvold -- Icelandic traditions; cows gain human speech, seals take on
human form, the dead rise, and Elves move house
          obtain gold from the Elves by sitting at a crossroads and waiting for them to pass
          Housewives greet the Elves by reciting the rhyme of protection
              Let those who want to, arrive
              Let those who want to, leave
              Let those who want to, Stay
              Without harm to me or mine
         Light a bonfire, and "blow out the year" with fireworks 
     Harvest Day Celebrations -- Benin (celebration of the end of harvest season at the
turn of the year)
     Hogmanay Day -- Scotland (Auld Year's Night)
     Japanese Observances (a few, at least)
          Joya no Kane -- Japan (ringing out the old year with temple bells; Buddhists believe humans are born with 108 worldly desires which are removed when the bells are rung 108 times)
         Namahge -- Oga Peninsula, Japan (devil appearing holiday; young men dress as demons and run through the town warning children to behave during the coming year)
         Okera Matsuri -- Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto, Japan (Sacred Fire Rite)
         Omisoka Day -- Japan (the second most important day on the Japanese Calendar; tomorrow is the most important)
     Noche de Pedimento -- Oaxaca, Mexico (Night of the Petition)
     Ritual for Iemanja -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (seaside rituals for the goddess of the sea and carnal pleasure, followed by a swinging party in the city and on the beaches overnight)
     Samoan Fire Dance -- Samoa
     Swinging the Fireballs -- Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, Scotland
     Universal Hour of Peace -- begins at 11:30pm your local time, welcome the New Year with peace
     Watch Night -- Christian
     World Peace Meditation Day (International observance of one hour beginning 12:00 PM GMT, focusing thought and energy on peace.)

No Resolution Day / Ditch the Resolutions Day -- if you don't want to, you don't have to!

Restoration Day -- Geneva, Switzerland

Seventh Day of Christmas

St. Sylvester's Day (Patron of Feroleto Antico, Italy; Poggio Catino, Italy) related observances
     Saint Sylvester's Day Celebrations-- Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland
     Silvesterklause -- Urnäsch, Switzerland

St. Zoticus of Constantinople's Day (Patron of the poor; often titled Feeder of Orphans)

You're All Done Day -- sponsored by something i haven't been able to pin down online called The Long Haul Committee (and it's more like "all done in" if you are like me!)

Anniversaries Today:

Gregory Peck marries Veronique Passani, 1955
Rocky Marciano marries Barbara Cousins, 1950
Bette Davis marries Arthur Farnsworth, 1940

Birthdays Today:

Joe McIntyre, 1972
Nicholas Sparks, 1965
Val Kilmer, 1959
Bebe Neuwirth, 1958
James Remar, 1953
Donna Summer, 1948
Tim Matheson, 1947
Barbara Carrera, 1945
Diane Halfin von Furstenberg, 1945
John Denver, 1943
Ben Kingsley, 1943
Andy Summers, 1942
Sarah Miles, 1941
Anthony Hopkins, 1937
Odetta, 1930
Simon Wiesenthal, 1908
George C. Marshall, 1880
Henri Matisse, 1869

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The London Eye(World's Largest Ferris Wheel), 1999
"Lost in Yonkers"(Play), 1990
"Pirates of Penzance"(Comic Opera), 1879

Today in History:

80,000 Vandals, Alans and Suebians attack the Rhine at Mainz, crossing into and beginning the invasion of Gallia, 406
Byzantine General Belisarius completes the conquest of Sicily, defeating the Ostrogothic garrison of Syracuse, and ending his consulship for the year, 535
Ch'an monk Ho-tse Shen-hui is interred in a stupa built in China, 765
James I of Aragon the Conqueror enters Medina Mayurqa (now known as Palma, Spain) thus consummating the Christian conquest of the island of Majorca, 1229
100,000 Jews are expelled from Sicily, 1492
The British East India Company chartered, 1600
The first Huguenots depart France to Cape of Good Hope, 1687
A window tax is imposed in England, causing many shopkeepers to brick up their windows to avoid the tax, 1695
Rhode Island establishes wage & price controls to curb inflation: Limit is 70 cents a day for carpenters, 42 cents for tailors, 1776
Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa as new capital of Canada, 1857
The cornerstone is laid for Honolulu, Hawai'i's Iolani Palace, the only royal palace in the US, 1879
Edison gives 1st public demonstration of his incandescent lamp, 1879
Ellis Island (NYC) opens as a US immigration depot, 1890
Brooklyn's last day as a city, it incorporates into NYC (1/1/1898), 1897
The Boers & British army sign a peace treaty, 1902
The first New Year's Eve celebration is held in Times Square, then known as Longacre Square, in New York, New York, 1904
For the first time a ball drops at Times Square to signal the new year, 1907
The last San Francisco firehorses are retired, 1921
The chimes of Big Ben are broadcast on radio for the first time by the BBC, 1923
Dr R N Harger's "drunkometer," the first breath test, is introduced in Indiana, 1938
The farthing coin ceases to be legal tender in the United Kingdom, 1960
The Central African Federation officially collapses and splits into Zambia, Malawi and Rhodesia, 1963
The AT&T Bell System is broken up by the United States Government, 1983
All official Soviet Union institutions have ceased operations by this date and the Soviet Union is officially dissolved, 1991
Czechoslovakia is peacefully dissolved in what is dubbed by media as the Velvet Divorce, resulting in the creation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, 1992
This date is skipped altogether in Kiribati as the Phoenix Islands and Line Islands change time zones, 1994
The European Exchange Rate Mechanism freezes the values of the legacy currencies in the Eurozone, and establishes the value of the euro currency, 1998
The United States Government hands control of the Panama Canal (as well all the adjacent land to the canal known as the Panama Canal Zone) to Panama, 1999
The official opening of Taipei 101, the tallest skyscraper at that time in the world, 2004
Italy's ban of plastic bags goes into effect, 2010
A ship abandoned by human traffickers who deliberately set it on a collision course with the Italian coast is brought to shore safely by the Italian Coast Guard with 900 Syrian refugees on board, 2014


  1. YES!! Another year of Boudreaux.

  2. It is not the amount that counts but the heart behind the giving. Wishing you and love ones A Blessed New Year!

  3. I'll be here every Sunday to read your jokes too. That's what I would be doing if I had a million bucks too.

    Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year my friend. ♥

  4. " HAPPY NEW YEAR " Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. A very happy and healthy New Year to you. Love that you have joined Sunday Selections and your picks.

  6. Thanks for a year's worth of Boudreaux jokes. Happy New Year.

  7. Lovely story! I love your Boudreaux jokes and look forward to many more. Have a blessed 2018.

  8. Good tip on the smoke alarms....ours were taking turns all last week announcing that they needed to be changed....argh. Happy 2018!

  9. Cute joke. Abigail is a beauty. I like that shirt too :) Wishing you and your family a Happy and healthy 2018! XO

  10. lol. Smart kid. Better to not do anything with that million dollars than to spend it all. :)

    That sounds like a wonderful tradition for the new year – donating to a charity. I feel like maybe I should do something like that as well. It's easy to get caught up in paying bills, paying off debt, etc… without contributing to charities. If you make a point of donating around the new year, you can feel good about having made a point to give back. Of course, my next problem is deciding which charities to donate to. There are so many charities that do so much good in the world!


Thanks for meandering by and letting me know you were here!
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