
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Of Cars and Work and Running Out of Food, a Random Tuesday Post

Stacy Uncorked

And now, some random thoughts and news from around here, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked.  

The car situation here continues to make me pull my hair out.  On Saturday, as we headed down to NOLA to see Grandma and Grandpa, Lunceford the Land Yacht decided to start acting up.  We came back and put him in the garage and they let us borrow the loaner vehicle.

Lunceford needed coils and plugs, and on top of that, his windshield wipers were not working (again).  They finally finished with him yesterday, and after $280 just for the switch for the wipers, they are still not working.  This morning i am going back in and demand they figure it out, and after we have replaced the motors on the wipers a few months ago and a switch yesterday, it better not cost any more as everything should be under warranty now.

Yes, Cicero is still in the shop getting her transmission fixed.

Yes, i have work every day this week, so i don't know when i will be able to leave Lunceford for the actual repair of whatever it is, as Bigger Girl is still driving Jalopy.

In happier news, i will be going to NOLA the Saturday before Christmas to clean Grandma's house and help cook and stay until Christmas.  This time she is going to let me help enough that she won't wear herself out.  It's the only way we will be able to continue going down there for holidays.

Zippy has been "fixed" (even though he didn't know he was broken, haha) and should be able to go up for adoption very soon.

#2 Son is back from his weeks away helping to train a new crew for a new franchise.  They liked him and offered him a job there, but he and Daughter-in-Law Becky do not want to move to Georgia.  He said the worst part was his room mate at the hotel where they put him up snored and kept him awake.  As long as he's back and safe, that's what matters.

Yesterday i also did my first day of work for my new client, Dr. D.  She is as crazy as you'd expect a woman who got her Ph.D in economics in England and taught behind the Iron Curtain to be.  We will get along famously, i am sure.  Yesterday i began to try to help her get some of her many, many stacks of paper sorted into some kind of order. 

Someone is coming by today to spend some time with the foster dog.  He will probably take her home for a couple of days, see how she gets along.  We are praying he loves her as we just cannot keep a dog along with all of the cats.

Oh, and the cats want everyone to know they suffered terribly for about 5 hours when they ran out of food before the vet's office opened.  They are still very put out about it, having to wait that long for their food bowls to be replenished.  All of them are certain they were going to die, except for Enigma Sissy, who was quite content to eat reconstituted dried shrimp and doesn't understand why the rest of them turned their noses up to it.

Today is:

Bonza Bottler Day™

Constitution Day -- Russia (constitution approved in nationwide referendum 1993)

Feast of Masa'il (Questions/Mystery) -- Baha'i

Ganden Nga-Choe -- Lhasa, Tibet (a winter festival celebrated by lighting butter lamps)

Gingerbread House Day -- because today is as good a day to start making one as any

Hanukkah -- Judaism (Festival of Lights; begins at sundown, through sundown Dec. 20)

Hovercraft Day -- the first prototype of a hovercraft was patented this day in 1955 by British engineer Christopher Cockerell

Independence Day -- Kenya (Jamhuri)(1953)

Miracle of the Roses / Our Lady of Guadalupe -- Catholic Christian; related celebrations
     Fiesta del Virgin de Guadalupe -- Mexico
     Las Mananitas -- Puerto Rico

National Ambrosia Day

National Cocoa Day

National Ding-A-Ling Day -- an unofficial day on which to honor all the ding-a-lings you know, and even act like one yourself if you wish

Neutrality Day/National Day and Student Youth Day -- Turkmenistan

Poinsettia Day -- death anniversary of Joel Roberts Poinsett

St. Finnian of Clonard's Day (Father of Irish Monasticism; going to bed without supper tonight means you risk being carried away by the fairies)

St. Lucy's Eve -- Austria (night of the shining that some use to predict the future)

Unmentionable Thoughts Festival -- Fairy Calendar (Imps, Goblins, and naughty Fairies)

Yuletide Lads begin arriving --  Iceland (Jolasveinar trolls, children of Gryla and
Leppaludi, who come one each day to bring gifts and mischief from now until Christmas)
     Yuletide Lad of the Day, Stekkjarstaur -- Sheepfold Stick, who will try to drink the milk from the farmers' ewes

Anniversaries Today:

Jerry Lee Lewis marries his cousin Myra Gale Brown, 1957
Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Mayim Bialik, 1975
Rey Mysterio, Jr., 1974
Madchen Amick, 1970
Jennifer Connelly, 1970
Tracy Austin, 1962
Sheila E. 1957
Cathy Rigby, 1952
Robert Lindsay, 1949
Tom Wilkinson, 1948
Emerson Fittipaldi, 1946
Dionne Warwick, 1941
Connie Francis, 1938
Robert Lee "Bob" Pettit, Jr., 1932
Edward Irwin Koch, 1924
Bob Barker, 1923
Bob Dorough, 1923
Joe Williams, 1918
Frank Sinatra, 1915
Edward G. Robinson, 1893
Edvard Munch, 1863
Gustave Flaubert, 1821
Stand Watie, 1806
William Lloyd Garrison, 1805
John Jay, 1745 (Old Style date)
Erasmus Darwin, 1731

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"La Valse"(Ravel ballet), 1920
St. Louis Post-Dispatch(First edition), 1878

Today in History:

The Battle at Ninevah: Byzantine emperor Heraclius defeats Perzen, 627
The Order of the Dragon is created by Sigismund, King of Hungary, and his wife Queen Barbara of Celje, following the battle for possession of Bosnia, 1408
Isabella crowns herself Queen of Castile and Aragon, 1474
Jews are expelled from Schlettstadt Alsace by Emperor Frederick III, 1479
In Vienna, Ludwig von Beethoven receives his first lesson in music composition from Franz Joseph Haydn, 1792
Mexico is officially recognized as an independent nation by the US, 1822
The first Canadian coins are circulated (1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent and 20 cent), 1858
Rudolph Dirks' first Katzenjammer cartoon strip appears in the NY Journal, 1897
Belo Horizonte, the first planned city of Brazil, is founded, 1897
George F Bryant of Boston patents the wooden golf tee, 1899
Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal at Signal Hill in St John's, Newfoundland, 1901
Delhi replaces Calcutta as the capital of India, 1911
Oscar Straus becomes US Secretary of Commerce, the first Jew to be a US Cabinet member, 1906
The first all metal aircraft, the Junkers J-1, is test flown in Dessau, Germany, 1915
In Nebraska, Father Edward J. Flanagan founds Boys Town as a farm village for wayward boys, 1917
The first prototype of a hovercraft is patented by British engineer Christopher Cockerell, 1955
Guinea joins the United Nations, 1958
The Russian Federation gains independence from the USSR, 1991
An asteroid named 4179 Toutatis, over 3 miles wide, passes within 4.3 million miles, or 18 lunar distances from Earth, 2012


  1. Good morning Mimi. It's about 20 degrees and last night we got 4 inches of white, fluffy snow. My daughter is outside cleaning off the driveway. What a wonderful girl. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. Sorry about all the car problems :( Your new client sounds very eccentric, should be fun :)

  3. Frustrating when you pay for a car fix and it still doesn't work. Hope they figure it out.

  4. Your life is anything but dull. Something is going on all the time, but you roll with it and I like that. I hope the vehicle issues work themselves out and you can breathe again.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  5. Mimi,

    Car troubles, oh what headaches! I hope everything gets fixed soon!! I always wanted to make a gingerbread house but have yet to do it. The closest I get is making gingerbread cookies. Oh well...that's a lot of fun, too. It's chilly here today. Our high has already come and is heading downhill now. We're expected to get to 22 tonight. That may not be as cold as some but for the Tennessee Valley that's plenty cold. I'm ready for spring! lol My toes are so freezing!! Have a good day, dearie!

  6. Cool igloo! We had so much fun in the snow. Only the tiniest bit of a snowman remains now. Well, and the snowballs my son put in the deep freezer.


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