
Friday, January 26, 2018

Cranky Cat (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code. 

How i know Horizon is not happy with me:

His back is turned, he's not asleep, and his ears are cocked -- he's angry i brushed him!


McGuffy's Reader

Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

Week 90: January 26, 2018:

1.The flu shot                    .

2. I think everyone should take _________ daily.

3. I (almost) always                   , because                      .

4. I (almost) never                       because                         .

1. The flu shot is about useless as far as i can see, but Grandpa makes me take one anyway.

2. I think everyone should take whatever vitamins or minerals or other supplements their own doctor recommends daily.  Only your doctor knows if some medicine you are on could interfere with, or be interfered with by, a supplement.

3. I (almost) always get everywhere on time or early, because i believe it is rude to be late unless you are unavoidably delayed even though you left on time.

4. I (almost) never miss going to church because i really enjoy going to church!


Today is:

Arizona Musicfest -- North Scottsdale, AZ, US (a winter classical music festival; through Mar. 16)

Australia Day -- Australia (National Day); Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Norfolk Island; (Commemorates Captain Arthur Phillip's arrival at Sydney Cove with the First Fleet, on January 26, 1778.)
    Australia Day Cockroach Races -- Brisbane, Queensland (the greatest gathering of thoroughbred cockroaches anywhere, with competition proceeds going to charity)

Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo -- Rapid City, SD, US (everything you could want in such an event, including the stockman banquet and ball; through Feb. 4)

Carnaval de Quebec -- Quebec City, Canada (a vigorous winter celebration, where they have the cold around long enough to need it; through Feb. 11)

Dental Drill Day -- George F. Green, of Kalamazoo, MI, US, patents the electric dental drill, 1875

Dinagyang -- Iloilo, Philippines (huge religious and cultural festival celebrating Santo Niño[Baby Jesus], this year's festival theme is "Timeless Tradition, Culture and Devotion" and the religious theme is “Señor Santo Niño: Chaste, Poor and Obedient Son of God”; through the weekend)

Duarte Day -- Dominican Republic

Eagles Etcetera Festival -- Bismarck, AR, US (bald eagles in the wild, birds of prey demonstrations, and lots of outdoor fun; through Sunday)

End of the Fifth Quarter of the Ninth Dozen of the Thirteenth Set -- Fairy Calendar

Fun At Work Day -- inject laughter and fun into your workplace (if you dare); some sites have this as a national or international day, and dates given vary, but my warning stands if you decide to celebrate this at all

Liberation Day -- Uganda

Lotus 1-2-3 Day -- released this day in 1983

National Peanut Brittle Day

National Pistachio Day

National Preschool Fitness Day -- get kids to love staying fit and healthy early in life 

Oregon Truffle Festival -- Eugene, OR, US (celebrating the high-end culinary delight that is the lowly truffle, with seminars, cooking demos, and more; through Sunday)

Republic Day -- Delhi, India (pompous and splendid celebrations through the 29th)

Sailing of Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (celebration of the god of the dead; date approximate)

Spouse's Day -- an internet generated reason to tell your SO how much he/she means to you

St. Moritz Polo World Cup on Snow -- St. Moritz, Switzerland (winter polo on the frozen lake of St. Moritz; through Sunday)

St. Paula's Day (Patron of widows)

St. Timothy's Day (Patron against stomach and intestinal disorders)

St. Titus' Day (Patron of Crete)

Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement -- begun at Toad Hollow School in Kalamazoo, Michigan in the 1800s, a day to encourage your friends

Anniversaries Today:

Establishment of Rocky Mountain National Park, 1915
Michigan becomes the 26th US state, 1837

Birthdays Today:

Kherington Payne, 1990
Kirk Franklin, 1970
Andrew Ridgeley, 1963
Wayne Gretzky, 1961
Anita Baker, 1958
Ellen DeGeneres, 1958
Eddie Van Halen, 1955
Lucinda Williams, 1953
David Strathairn, 1950
Gene Siskel, 1946
Angela Davis, 1944
Scott Glenn, 1942
Bob Uecker, 1935
Father George Harold Clements
Jules Feiffer, 1929
Paul Newman, 1925
Anne Jeffreys, 1923
Jimmy Van Heusen, 1913
Maria Augusta von Trapp, 1905
Bessie Coleman, 1893
Douglas MacArthur, 1880
Mary Mapes Dodge, 1831
Julia Dent Grant, 1826
Emperor Go-Nara of Japan, 1497

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Phantom of the Opera"(Musical), 1988
"The Dukes of Hazzard"(TV), 1979
"Duchess of Padua"(Oscar Wilde play), 1891
"Cosi Fan Tutte"(Mozart Opera), 1790
"Esther"(Racine play), 1689

Today in History:

The fifth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, 66
Vicente Yáñez Pinzón becomes the first European to set foot on Brazil, 1500
The Council of Trent issues its conclusions in the Tridentinum, establishing a distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, 1564
Isaac Newton receives Jean Bernoulli's 6 month time-limit problem, and solves the problem before going to bed that same night, 1697
The magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquake took place off the west coast of the North America, as evidenced by Japanese records, 1700
The British First Fleet, led by Arthur Phillip, sails into Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) to establish Sydney, the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia, 1788
The Rum Rebellion, the only successful (albeit short-lived) armed takeover of the government in Australia, 1808
Tennessee enacts the first prohibition law in the United States, 1838
Hong Kong is proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain, 1841
The first US income tax, passed to raise funds for the Civil War, is repealed, 1871
Muhammad Ahmed ("Mahdi") rebels conquer Khartoum, Sudan, 1885
The World's largest diamond, the 3,106-carat Cullinan, is found, 1905
The Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III is officially introduced into British Military Service, and remains the oldest military rifle still in official use, 1907
Glenn H. Curtiss flies the first successful American seaplane, 1911
Richard Strauss' opera Der Rosenkavalier receives its debut performance at the Dresden State Opera, 1911
Former Ford Motor Co. executive Henry Leland launches the Lincoln Motor Company which he later sold to his former employer, 1920
Rioters burn Cairo's central business district, targeting British and upper-class Egyptian businesses, 1952
Danny Heater sets a worldwide high school basketball scoring record when he records 135 points for Burnsville High School (West Virginia), 1960
Ranger 3 is launched to study the moon, but misses its target by 22,000 miles (35,400 km), 1962
Hindi becomes the official language of India, 1965
The Great Blizzard of 1978, a rare severe blizzard with the lowest non-tropical atmospheric pressure ever recorded in the US, strikes the Ohio – Great Lakes region with heavy snow and winds up to 100 mph (161 km/h), 1978
Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations, 1980
An earthquake hits Gujarat, India, causing more than 20,000 deaths, 2001
President Hamid Karzai signs the new constitution of Afghanistan. 2004
Western Union discontinues its telegram service, 2006
The 41st World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland, 2011
Libby Lane is ordained as the first female bishop of the Church of England, 2015


  1. LOL he's got the right hump with you, has he given you the brush off.....boom boom haha!

    Have a humptastic day :-)

  2. Mimi,

    I take daily supplements. This is something we've done for years. We can't get everything in our foods so it's good to take vitamins. Can you imagine how you'd have to eat just to get all your necessary vitamins? I think flu shots are useless, too. I don't get one...ever! *knock on wood* Have a good weekend!

  3. Horizon is giving you the back of disrespect :) Great fill-in answers. You made a good point about supplements that I had not thought of. I agree, we should always check with our Dr. Have a great weekend!

  4. Horizon will get over being angry with you. Doesn't he know brushing helps him no get so many hairballs? I guess not.

    Love your answers. I'm an early bird too. Other peoples time is just as valuable as mine.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and an even better weekend. ♥

  5. Persnicky fellow. One of our cats loves to be brushed.

  6. MRx Male Enhancement Make positive that you do dead lifts in your workout regime. This exercise causes a very quite a bit of hormones to be released which can needed for maximum male enhancement supplements.

  7. I had to laugh at Horizon, because mine do that exact same thing. I love how they will do it very nearby to make sure you are noticing their scorn, and they always have their ears cocked to listen for you. Thankfully, they forgive very quickly. :-)

    For Papa Bear and I the flu shots seems to be about the same, if flu is going around we tend to get it anyway.

    I agree with you about supplements, for some people it becomes a very expensive lifestyle and a handful of supplement pills each day. There are some that can be of benefit but best to discuss it with your doctor and be certain of what you need and what you take. Don't believe everything you read online! :-)

    Amen, amen to #3. My Dad instilled in us to always arrive early for everything and to this day I feel stressed if I am cutting it even close. I agree that it is rude and inconsiderate of others to be regularly late for no good reason. I have attended so many meetings where we waited and waited for people to arrive, or had to stop when they finally showed up and interrupted the process.

    Church should always be a joyful experience, if you go only out of obligation or begrudgingly, you are missing the whole message! :-)

    Josie Two Shoes ~ Friendly Fill-Ins

  8. Mimi, I just adore you. I could have answered these much in the same vein. Always discuss health, yours, family, and that includes critters, with doctors. Trends are dangerous. And, I love Mass, too. Hugs. Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  9. I agree about being late. I don't like to be late, either. Being too early isn't good either, especially if you're going to someone's home. I remember years ago going to a Baptist Young Women's meeting and being confused about the time. I got there a little better than an hour early for the meeting. The hostess was flustered and I was embarrassed. After that, I think I quadruple checked the times for any meetings!

    I can't stand to be kept waiting, either. If someone says they are going to be here at 1pm and they don't show up until 4pm (or not at all), and don't call to let me know they will be late, they find a very irritated Suz when they finally show up. Our time is important, too.

    That Great Blizzard of 1978 sounds very exciting. A snow-nado!

    I always enjoy your history points. Thanks so much for sharing them. :)

    Have a blessed week. :)

  10. With any type of medicine, it is always good to not only consult with your doctor but to read the product inserts. I was on a medicine for a while when I read the product insert. I found that drinking grapefruit juice while taking the med could be fatal. My doctor did not know this. Have a blessed week.

  11. StamiMax That Muscle Fitness related in sized. In The Truth about Abs he suggests eating about every hours when were awake. Mike states right on his web page that he includes eggs meats whole milk avocados butter and nuts inside the diet.


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