
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Enough (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

"Are you going to wage war with us if they won't pay us a living wage?"

"And then what?" 

"What do you mean?"

"And then where does it all end?  'The eye of man is never satisfied,' as it says in the Good Book, so no matter how much they pay us, others want more, too, for the products they make and sell, and thus costs go up for everything, and then we are back where we started, feeling like we don't have enough.  When does it end, when do we have enough?"

Linking up with Zoe's Uncharted Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Wage.


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.

Wooden fences around gardens are some of my favorites.


Today is:

Banquet of Fairies, Goblins, Pixies, and Elves -- Fairy Calendar

Burning of the Clavie -- Burghead, Scotland (ancient ritual to ensure good luck through the year)

Carmentalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of the goddess of childbirth)

Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival -- Chicago, IL, US (17th annual, celebrating the best in local and national sketch comedy; through the 21st)

Cuckoo Dancing Week begins -- in honor of Laurel & Hardy, whose theme song was "The Dancing Cuckoos"; watch some of their fabulous material this week, and introduce it to a new fan

Designated Hitter Day -- the American League adopted the "designated hitter" rule on this date in 1973

Feast of Sokar -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Independence Manifesto Day -- Morocco(1944); Western Sahara(1944)

International Thank You Day -- as declared by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith

Juturnalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of prophetic waters festival)

Kosrae Constitution Day -- Micronesia

Milk Day

National Hot Toddy Day

Nosso Senhor de Bonfim Festival -- Salvador, Brazil (Our Lord of the Happy Ending Festival, at the church by that name, the celebrations begin with washing the steps of the church today and celebrations run through this Sunday and to the next)

Secret Pal Day -- no info found on the origin, it's a secret!  do something nice for someone, secretly.)

Sinulog -- Cebu City, Philippines (a very colorful ten day festival about the pagan origin of the people, and their acceptance of Roman Catholicism; the Grand Parade, highlight of the festival, is on the 21st)

Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day -- just don't do it to your secret pal

Sts. Paldo, Taso, and Tato's Day (founders of the monastery of San Vincenzo)

St. Theodosius of Cappadocia (Patron of file makers)

Tattoo Pride Day

Ultimate Fishing Show -- Detroit, MI, US (through Sunday)

Winterskol -- Aspen, Colorado (Aspen's annual "toast to winter", through Sunday)

Birthdays Today:

Amanda Peet, 1972
Mary Blige, 1971
Kim Coles, 1962
Stanley Tucci, 1960
Ben Crenshaw, 1952
Christine Kaufmann, 1945
Naomi Judd, 1946
Jim Hightower, 1943
Clarence Clemens, 1942
Jean Chretien, 1934
Rod Taylor, 1930
Grant Tinker, 1926
Alice Paul, 1885
William James, 1842
Eugenio Maria Hostos, 1839
John A. Macdonald, 1815
Alexander Hamilton, 1755
Theodosius I, 347

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Daktari"(TV), 1966
"Have a Heart"(Musical), 1917

Today in History:

Prophet of Islam Muhammad leads an army of 10,000 Muslims to conquer Mecca, 630
The first recorded lottery in England is drawn in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1569
Isaac Newton is elected a member of the Royal Society, 1642
Mt. Etna erupts, 1693
William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, the moons of Uranus, 1787
An earthquake in Martinique destroys half of Port Royal and results in about 700 deaths, 1839
Charring Cross Station opens in London, 1864
Milk is first delivered in bottles, 1878
Martha H. Cannon becomes the first woman state senator in the US, in Utah, 1897
The Hudson, the first sedan type automobile, goes on display at the 13th Auto Show in NYC, 1913
The first use of insulin to treat diabetes in a human patient occurs in Canada, with 14-year-old Leonard Thompson, 1922
Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Honolulu to Oakland, California, 1935
The first recorded snowfall in Los Angeles, California, 1949
United States Surgeon General Luther Leonidas Terry, M.D., publishes a landmark report saying that smoking may be hazardous to health, sparking nation- and worldwide anti-smoking efforts, 1964
The Gateway Bridge, Brisbane in Queensland, Australia is officially opened, 1986
The government of Ireland announces the end of a 20-year broadcasting ban on the IRA, 1994
Illinois Governor George Ryan commutes the death sentences of 167 prisoners on Illinois' death row based on the Jon Burge scandal, 2003
Forty-six  people are killed and 12 are missing after a landslide buries a village in the Yunnan province, China, 2013


  1. That's human nature for you. Never satisfied. But certainly there are better ways around things than waging war. Good thought provoking six.

  2. There’s never enough!! And designated hitter day! I could use one today. Just not feelin’ It! Good post.

  3. Good morning Mimi. I wonder is Trump going to hurt Canada? I'm worried. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Good story, so true. Have a great day!

  5. We are all guilty of wanting more, well, I am. Must go, off to the Banquet of Fairies, Goblins, Pixies, and Elves!

    Click to visit Keith's Ramblings

  6. Yes, we will always want more . We are wired like that.

  7. I think if we manage better what we have we'll have enough. Some want to live large and don't have the funds to do that. Live within our means. Being comfortable is key. That's been my experience.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  8. It is just best to enjoy what we have and not worry about what we don't have. Love all the fence pictures.

  9. very apt and true observation... kinda always, but nowadays it seems to be extra true.
    insightful six

  10. When indeed.. thoughtful take on the prompt.


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