
Monday, January 29, 2018

They Practically “Sell” Themselves (Awww Monday) and Sparks!

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it. 

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

More of our adorable adoptables at the shelter:


McGuffy's Reader

The wonderful Annie of McGuffy's Reader has started the blog hop called Sparks as a way to put more positive energy into the world.  Join her in combating the often negative influence of social media by adding your own Spark!

I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world! ~ McGuffy Ann Morris

My "Spark" for the day


Today is:

Auckland Province Anniversary -- Auckland, New Zealand

Blue and Pink Day -- Fairy Calendar

Bubblegum Sculpture Day -- commonly listed on ecard sites, and not to be confused with National Bubble Gum Day, coming in February

Carnation Day -- in honor of William McKinley; also on the date of his assassination each year, Sept. 14

Curmudgeons' Day -- W.C. Field's birth anniversary

National Corn Chip Day

National Cowboy Poetry Gathering -- Elko, NV, US (the nation's greatest celebration of the American West, with working cowboys, this year including butteri from Italy, attend workshops, jam sessions, performances, and enjoy art and exhibits; through Saturday)

National Puzzle Day -- because they are just fun

Nelson Provincial Anniversary Day -- Nelson, New Zealand

Sahid Diwash -- Nepal (Martyrs' Day)

St. Constantius of Perugia (Patron of Perugia, Italy)

St. Gildas the Wise's Day (one of the earliest British historians)

Thomas Paine Day/Freethinkers' Day -- birth anniversary of Thomas Paine

Anniversaries Today:

Establishment of The Seeing Eye, 1929 (first US guide dog school)
Kansas becomes the 34th US state, 1861

Birthdays Today:

Adam Lambert, 1982
Jonny Lang, 1981
Andrew Keegan, 1979
Sara Gilbert, 1975
Heather Graham, 1970
Bobby Phillips, 1968
Nick Turturro, 1962
Greg Louganis, 1960
Oprah Winfrey, 1954
Teresa Teng, 1953
Ann Jillian, 1950
Tom Selleck, 1945
Katharine Ross, 1942
Germaine Greer, 1939
John Forsythe, 1918
Victor Mature, 1913
Huddie William "Leadbelly" Ledbetter, 1885
W.C. Fields, 1880
Anton Chekhov, 1860
William McKinley, 1843
Henry Morton Stanley, 1841
Thomas Paine, 1737
Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Sweet Charity"(Musical), 1966
"Dr. Strangelove"(Film), 1964
"Sleeping Beauty"(Cartoon movie), 1959
"The Potting Shed"(Play), 1957
"All My Sons"(Play), 1947
"The Raven"(publication date), 1845
"Idomeneo"(Mozart Opera), 1781
"The Beggar's Opera"(Gay Ballad Opera), 1728

Today in History:

The first performance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 1595
John Beckley of Virginia is appointed the first Librarian of Congress, 1802
Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" is first published, 1845
The Victoria Cross is established to acknowledge bravery, 1856
Karl Benz patents the first successful gasoline-driven automobile, 1886
Liliuokalani is proclaimed Queen of Hawaii, its last monarch, 1891
Walt Disney starts his first job as an artist, earning $40/week with the KC Slide Co, 1920
North America's first guide dog school, The Seeing Eye, is incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee, 1929
The first inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame are announced, 1936
The first inductees into the Pro Football Hall of Fame are announced, 1963
Hungary establishes diplomatic relations with South Korea, making it the first Eastern Bloc nation to do so, 1989
President Jacques Chirac announces a "definitive end" to French nuclear weapons testing, 1996
La Fenice, Venice's opera house, is destroyed by fire, 1996
The first direct commercial flights from mainland China (from Guangzhou) to Taiwan since 1949 arrived in Taipei. Shortly afterwards, a China Airlines flight lands in Beijing, 2005
Archaeologists discover the oldest Roman Temple (6th C BC) at Sant’Omobono, 2014
Scientists announce they have discovered how to convert normal cells into stem cells in mice, 2014


  1. Dearest Mimi,
    I heartily thank you for sharing your always outstanding shots - how I'd love to adopte them!- and for hosting, as well!

    While wishing you a most lovely new week,
    I'm sending blessings on your way

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  2. Those cats are so gorgeous - I hope they're given a lovely forever home soon. Your spark is so beautiful and another that I'm going to save for my diary.
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Aww! share and share alike heheh!

    Lovely quote :-)

    Have a tanfastic day :-)

  4. Mimi,

    Excellent "Sparks" and it's so true. We can't expect everyone to be on the same time table. This is one thing I learned as a homeschool mom. All three of my children had different learning curves and it was important to tailor to their speed without comparison. That's one of the worse thing you can do to a child.

    WOW, I didn't realize Tom Selleck is the same age as my mother. I had such a crush on him in the 80s. lol You'd think a man that good looking would have a chip on his shoulder but he seems to be quite the opposite. He's actually humble. In an interview he said something to the affect, "I didn't understand what my wife saw in me." in reference to his appearance. Of course, thinking back on his role as Magnum PI I can see that his boyish charm and sense of humor is really a revelation of who he is off screen. :)

  5. Such cuties, I hope they get adopted together. Excellent spark too. That is so true, I never thought of things that way.

  6. Adorable and sweet kitties photo ~ great Spark and post ~

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Great spark! Hope you're having a great day.

  8. Mimi, this is so true! You cannot rush nature. Things happen when it is the right time. And, patience does pay off. HUGS.

  9. Such cute kitties. That is one terrific spark and Oh so true. You all have a great evening.

  10. Cute, even if they are kitties and not puppy dogs.

    When it comes to age, I like to lie upwards. I'm a crappy looking 29 years old but look amazing for 86!

  11. Those cats are adorable. My daughter would adopt them both.

  12. Good spark! A gentle reminder to be gentle!

  13. Mimi...they are the sweetest! May they have forever homes soon! I so admire all that you do!

  14. This spark resonates with me to a tee. I am a late bloomer and I am always too hard on myself! Thanks for sharing this ;)


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