
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Random Tuesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 

Stacy Uncorked

And now, a Random Tuesday post, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked.  

One thing that makes me sad is when people i like online disappear.  It's always their choice, of course, and real life takes precedence over virtual always.  Sometimes it's difficult, though, the not knowing what happened or why.

Thus i was very happy to see a post from Rory Bore.  She simply said she is going to be unveiling a new site, but that's plenty to get me excited as i have missed her.  She had such fun ideas for Tuesday Coffee Chat, i hope she will do those again.

Ms. JAI has decided she is spending too much money on housecleaning and wants me to come only every other week.  So many people who are on a fixed income are also unable to do the work involved in keeping up their own homes that we've worked out a more flexible pay scale and she can keep me going over there.  Just call me softie.

Sweetie made a killer chili for the Super Bowl party, everyone liked it and had multiple servings.  He will now be called upon to do this for every big get together, i am sure.  As i told him, it's the price of fame.

At the party, we had the gift exchange we didn't get to at Christmas because everyone was too busy.  It's one of those "spend no money, only bring stuff from around the house that you do not want" situations.  Sweetie ended up with a book we will give to the friends of the library for their book sale (it's a romance novel, neither of us has any interest), and i got one of those hooks you put your bananas on so they don't get mushy.  Funny enough, i've always kind of wanted one of those, but never was willing to part with the money to get one.

It is now official, i am in full "procrastinate on the taxes" mode.  Brother-in-Law, The Mouth, is done (i do his on TurboTax).  #2 Son and Daughter-in-Law Becky are done, they just do TurboTax themselves.  #1 Son has his ready to go to the CPA, and Bigger Girl is close.  Little Girl will bring me her papers the next time she comes.

This year i am alone in my procrastinating, and that means the challenge is on.  Whether i want to or not, i have to start working on it, some every day.  And i will, starting tomorrow.


Today is:

Aldus Day -- death anniversary of Aldus Manutius, inventor of italics

Bob Marley Day / Reggae Day -- Jamaica (birth anniversary)

Gamelia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (anniversary celebration of the marriage of Zeus and Hera; date approximate)

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation -- United Nations

Lame Duck Day -- US, on the anniversary of the passage of the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution; a day to recognize those whose tenure is running out

National Chopsticks Day

Oto Matsuri -- Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan (fire festival)

Pay-A-Compliment Day

Rubik-Cube Muddling Championships -- Fairy Calendar

Safer Internet Day -- organised originally by Insafe, now called Better Internet for Kids (promotes safe and responsible use of the internet by teaching children how to keep themselves safe online; this year's theme is "Create, Connect and share respect: a better internet starts with you!")  

Sami National Day -- Finland, Norway, Russian, and Sweden

St. Dorothy of Caesarea's Day (Patron of brewers, brides, florists, gardeners, midwives, newlyweds; Pescia, Italy)

St. Peter Baptist's Day (Patron of Caceres, Philippines; Japan)

Waitangi Day -- Maori, New Zealand and Niue (treaty with Britain, 1840; also considered National Day)

Anniversaries Today:

Accession of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952 (upon the death of her father, George VI)
Massachusetts becomes the 6th US State, 1788
The College of William and Mary in Virginia is founded by royal charter, 1693

Birthdays Today:

Axl Rose, 1962
Barry Miller, 1958
Kathy Najimy, 1957
Robert Townsend, 1957
Natalie Cole, 1950
Bob Marley, 1945
Michael Tucker, 1944
Fabian, 1943
Gayle Hunnicutt, 1943
Gigi Perreau, 1941
Tom Brokaw, 1940
Mike Farrell, 1939
Francois Truffant, 1932
Rip Torn, 1931
Mamie Van Doren, 1931
Zsa Zsa Gabor, 1919
Mary Leakey, 1913
Ronald Reagan, 1911
Babe Ruth, 1895
Aaron Burr, 1756
Nicolaus II Bernoulli, 1695
Chongzhen, Emperor of China, 1611
Christopher Marlowe, 1564

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Masque of Kings"(Play), 1936
"Rhenisch"(Schumann's 3rd Symphony), 1851

Today in History:

The United States signs its first treaty, in which France recognizes the US and promises aid, 1778
New Jersey issues the first US railroad charter to John Stevens, 1815
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founds Singapore, 1819
The first 86 African American immigrants sponsored by the American Colonization Society started a settlement in present-day Liberia, 1820
Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, establishing New Zealand as a British colony, 1840
Harper's Weekly publishes the first picture of Uncle Sam with chin whiskers, 1869
The international arbitration court at The Hague is created when the Netherlands' Senate ratifies an 1899 peace conference decree, 1900
The Young Women's Hebrew Association organizes in NYC, 1902
The "Monopoly" board game goes on sale for the first time, 1935
Turkey holds its first election in which women can vote, 1935
K Elizabeth Ohi becomes the first Japanese-US female lawyer, 1937
Elizabeth II becomes the first Queen regnant of the United Kingdom and several other realms since Queen Victoria, upon the death of her father, George VI, 1952
Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments files the first patent for an integrated circuit, 1959
Justice Mary Gaudron is appointed to the High Court of Australia, the first woman to be appointed, 1987
The Round Table Talks start in Poland, thus marking the beginning of overthrow of communism in Eastern Europe, 1989
Russia captures Grozny, Chechnya, forcing the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria government into exile, 2000
A magnitude 8.0 earthquake causes significant damage to villages along the coast of the Solomon Islands, 2013


  1. Hubby completed our taxes several days ago. We won't file them until April because we always owe money even though we pay quarterlies. Bugger. I don't like how the government spends some of our money either.

    I love your gift giving idea. That's most clever and also doesn't involve money. Very clever.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. I wish I could do our taxes, but they seem too complicated and hubby has no skill in that area. I cannot do them as I am on travel for the next three/four weeks! They will wait until I return.

  3. We never get our taxes done until about a week before and my mom always gets an extension so don't feel bad.

  4. Oh, tax! I can't believe how fast it comes around. each year I resolve to do a bit earlier in the year. This year I did manage about 1/10 of it early and wish I had done more. It is kind of you to work out a special price for the house cleaning. I am sure it is much appreciated. It's tough on people if they don't have the strength to do their own homes.

  5. I've been blogging since 2004 so I've experienced the loss of many online friends and sometimes without so much as a goodbye.

    As for taxes, I used to stress about them because it fell upon me to collate everything for the accountant. Once we hired a bookkeeper, she does all the stressing for me :)


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