
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jobs, Coincidences, Books and Cookies, a Random Tuesday Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

Stacy Uncorked

And now, random news and thoughts from the ol' hacienda, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked.  

Little Girl is starting her new job today.  She has a full time position with her Army Reserve unit, doing paperwork, and the job lasts through the year with a possible extension of the contract beyond that.

Because she now has dependable hours and days off, i am hoping she will sign up for some online classes and get her core classes done that way.  She's too smart to neglect her education.

The friends of the library book sale was this past weekend, and Sweetie and i were very good.  We only spent about $30 on around a dozen books.  This included one book that i got for a dollar that i knew Dr. D wanted.

Of course, if i'd had more money to spend, i would have bought more books.  There were several that i passed on.  Who knows, maybe next year.

The pastor of our church writes a devotional book for Lent each year.  We are going through it in Sunday evening Bible study, and the sermon series relates to the previous week's readings.

Since a sermon series a couple of years ago about the Psalms in which the pastor urged us to read a Psalm or part of a Psalm each day, i've been doing that.

Then this year's devotional book on Day 8 began the focus on sin and forgiveness.  What Psalm happened to be my Psalm of the day?  Psalm 51, of course, the repentance one written by David after he was confronted by Nathan the Prophet for his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah.

At church that day, i had the following discussion with the pastor:

Me:  there are no coincidences!  Remember how you encouraged us to read a Psalm each day in your sermons on Psalms a couple of year ago?

Pastor:  Yes.

Me:  well, this morning's devotional is on repentance and forgiveness, and guess which Psalm was my Psalm of the day.

Pastor:  No!  Not Psalm 51!

Me:  yes, exactly!

Pastor:  How weird that it would happen to be that Psalm!

Me:  it's not weird, it's G-d!

Pastor:  That would make a great bumper sticker.

Yes, we both laughed and agreed that "It's not weird, it's G-d" would be a good one.

The Girl Scout cookies arrived, and since the kids are around a lot less, the cookies are being served at the Ladies Circle meeting this morning.  Everyone likes them, after all, and since i buy them from a friend's daughter, i really do feel i'm helping someone out when i get them.

Sweetie got a box of Thin Mints all to himself, too, so everyone is happy.


Today is:

Alamo Day -- Texas, US

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Tuesday:  Unique Names Day, a day to appreciate friends, acquaintances, and loved ones with unique names

Feast of Excited Insects -- China; Korea (sometimes called Chinese Groundhog Day, the day insects are supposed to awaken for spring; date approximate)

Foundation Day -- Norfolk Island, Commonwealth of Australia

Headache Relief Day -- aspirin was patented today in 1899

Independence Day -- Ghana(1957)

Kirishima Jingu Otaue-sai -- Kirishima Jingu Shrine, Kirishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (rice planting festival)

March Goblins' Galumphing Gala and Display -- Fairy Calendar

National Frozen Food Day

National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

Oreo Cookie Day -- no history found on why this day, but if you like Oreos, do you need a reason?

Stoneware Pottery Appreciation Day -- internet generated by those who love stoneware

St. Colette's Day (Patron of Corbie, France; against the death of parents)

St. Rose of Viterbo's Day (Patron of exiles, people rejected by religious orders, tertiaries; Viterbo, Italy)

Town Meeting Day -- Vermont, US (giving all citizens the right to speak out about local government, an official state holiday the first Tuesday of March allows towns to have a daylong public meeting of voters to elect town officers, approve budgets, and deal with town business)

Birthdays Today:

Ryan Nyquist, 1979
Shaquille O'Neal, 1972
Amy Pietz, 1969
Connie Britton, 1968
D.L. Hughley, 1963
Tom Arnold, 1959
David Gilmour, 1946
Rob Reiner, 1945
Kiri Te Kanawa, 1944
Dave Gilmour, 1944
Ben Murphy, 1942
Willie Stargell, 1941
Valentina Tereshkova-Nikolaeva, 1937
Lorin Maazel, 1930
Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, 1928
Alan Greenspan, 1926
Ed McMahon, 1923
Will Eisner, 1917
Lou Costello, 1906
Bob Wills, 1905
Ring Lardner, 1885
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806
Anna Claypoole Peale, 1791
Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619
Michelangelo Bounarroti, 1475

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Lend me a Tenor"(Play), 1986
"Deep Blue Sea"(Play), 1952
"Both Your Houses"(Play; Pulitzer Prize for Drama), 1933
"La Traviata"(Opera), 1853
"La Sonnambula"(Opera), 1831

Today in History:

Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Guam, 1521
The First Fleet arrives at Norfolk Island (an external territory of Australia) in order to found a convict settlement, 1788
York, Upper Canada is incorporated as Toronto, 1834
After a thirteen day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers defending the Alamo are defeated and the fort is captured, 1836
Giuseppe Verdi's opera La Traviata receives its premiere performance in Venice, 1853
Dmitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society, 1869
Bayer registers "aspirin" as a trademark, 1899
The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins, 1951
United Kingdom colonies Gold Coast and British Togoland become the independent Republic of Ghana, 1957
After 19 years of presenting the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite signs off for the last time, 1981
Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers, 1992
A referendum in Moldova results in the electorate voting against possible reunification with Romania, 1994
Picasso's painting Tête de Femme is stolen from a London gallery, and is recovered a week later, 1997
Microsoft is fined €561 million for not providing E.U. residents with an alternative web browser to Internet Explorer, 2013


  1. Resisting at book sales is something I find really, really hard. Well done you.

  2. That is great that your daughter is starting a new job, it sounds like a good one too. I agree that everything happens for a reason. Thin mints are the best :) Keebler grasshoppers are pretty good, but not as good.

  3. I always love your posts about your life and family. Books are a passion here too. We have way too many books and I am most happy about that.

    We used to buy the Girl Scout cookies, but we stopped a few years ago. Not good for us at our ages and we would eat too many. So we removed the temptation. Great cookies though.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. I love a book sale but I've had to force myself to stop buying more because I have far too many as it is. It's the library for me now.

    I'm glad your daughter is doing so well :)

    My husband brought home one box, but I'm not sure if they're Samoas or Caramel deLites, because he threw away the box. I'm happy as long as they're not Thin mints. I like chocolate and I like mint, but not together.

  5. I love Psalms and I don't believe in coincidences. Great post!


  6. Nothing better than a good book and I tend to buy too many.Those Girl Scout cookies are the best. You all have a wonderful day.

  7. Love girl scout cookies!! Yum! 😋

    I can never go book shopping. I always want all of the books and I never have time to read as many as I get. I've been buying travel books as of recently and that has been pretty perfect for me. I get a new book that I will actually read in a decent amount of time. Of course, sometimes those same books frustrate me because I can find a lot of the same information online. (Sometimes, not always.) I think you did well getting over a dozen books for just $30! And you helped out the library too. Sounds like a win-win to me. 🙂

    Best of luck to your daughter starting her new job this week!


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