
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Little Girl's Boy(friend) and His Dog (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday.


Words for Wednesday is a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.  This month, the prompts are being posted by Delores of Mumblings.   

Here are this weeks prompt words:

engine, thunder, rolling, blast, ancient, boulder
misstep, ponder, volume, crib, split and brilliant.

"BRILLIANT!" she muttered to herself as she heard the first stirrings of sounds from the CRIB through the baby monitor at her side.

She was at a critical point in rebuilding the ENGINE, a place where one MISSTEP would make much of her previous work need to be redone.  As she took a moment to PONDER her next step, hoping the sound from the child was just a bit of a dream and not a true awakening, the VOLUME began to rise like the ROLLING of THUNDER added to the BLAST of a BOULDER crashing down the mountain from which it has just been SPLIT, the ANCIENT sound of child in need screaming louder and louder for help to come now!

Heaving a sigh that came from her toes, she grabbed a wrench and propped it where she hoped it would prevent a total collapse back into chaos.  Wiping her greasy hands on an almost equally greasy rag, she bounded into the nursery where her entrance cut the noises short and brought a sunshiny smile from the boy, who grinned and raised his arms and snuggled in as soon as she lifted him up.

Her previous irritation melted at the joy of this reunion and she changed his diaper, then they headed through the kitchen to grab a box and she took him with her out to the garage.  Plopping him in the old high chair she kept there, she poured the oat circle cereal bits onto the tray and went back to her work, telling him the steps she was taking and the names of her tools as she went, while he munched his snack and listened and watched her every move with wide eyes, not yet old enough to know he was watching his destiny.


Today is:

Children's Picture Book Day -- while i can't find a sponsor for this day, starting kids on a lifelong love of books is as good an excuse for a holiday as any

Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu -- Urasenke School of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, Japan (remembering the influential master in The Way of Tea)

Feast of Artemis -- Ancient Greek Calendar (as protector of wild animals, vegetation, and places, begins at sundown; date approximate)

Festival of the Sacrifice at the Tombs -- Ancient Roman Calendar (to honor the ancestors)

"Greatest Show on Earth" Day -- Barnum and Bailey merged their circuses on this day in 1881

Hot Tub Day -- because we all need one!

Invasion of Loaming Shores Beyond the Certain Sea Anniversary -- Fairy Calendar

Khordad Sal (Birth of the Prophet Zarathushtra) -- Zoroastrianism (Fasli Calendar)

Komamorijinja Reisai -- Nakaedo, Kashi-sh, Gifu, Japan (festival of the the Kosazukeishi "child-granting stone")

National Black Forest Cake Day

Ragnar Lodbrok's Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (remembrance of this Viking's sack of Paris)

Respect Your Cat Day -- anniversary of King Richard II's edict in 1384 forbidding the consumption of cats

Serfs Emancipation Day -- Tibet

Something on a Stick Day -- something edible, of course, what were you thinking?  never mind; almost everything tastes better on a stick

St. Guntramnus' Day (Patron of divorced people, guardians, repentant murderers)

Teachers' Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia

Weed Appreciation Day -- at last, for those of us with black thumbs, since this is all we can grow! "Weeds are flowers once you get to know them!" A.A. Milne

Birthdays Today:

Lady Gaga, 1986
Julia Stiles, 1981
Annie Wersching, 1977
Kate Gosselin, 1975
Scott Mills, 1974
Juliandra Gillen, 1971
Vince Vaughn, 1970
Reba McEntire, 1955
Dianne Wiest, 1948
Ken Howard, 1944
Conchata Ferrell, 1943
Jerry Sloan, 1942
Freddie Bartholomew, 1924
Dirk Bogarde, 1921
Irving "Swifty" Lazar, 1907
August Anheuser Busch, Jr., 1899
Maxim Gorky, 1868
Frederich Pabst, 1836
St. Teresa of Avila, 1515
Fra Bartolomeo, 1472

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Hair"(Rock musical), 1968
"Philadelphia Story"(Play), 1939

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Pertinax is assassinated by Praetorian Guards, who then sell the throne in an auction to Didius Julianus, 193
Viking raiders sack Paris, who leave in exchange for a huge ransom, 845
The origin of the Fasli Era in India, 1556
Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco, 1776
Nathaniel Briggs of NH patents a washing machine, 1797
Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid known to man, 1802
The US Salvation Army is officially organized, 1885
Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, 1910
Jews are expelled from Tel Aviv & Jaffa by Turkish authorities, 1917
Constantinople and Angora change their names to Istanbul and Ankara, 1930
The McGill français movement protest occurs, the second largest protest in Montreal's history, 1969
Operators of Three Mile Island's Unit 2 nuclear reactor outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania fail to recognize that a relief valve in the primary coolant system has stuck open, leading to a partial meltdown, 1979
In South Africa, Zulus and African National Congress supporters battle in central Johannesburg, resulting in 18 deaths, 1994
The 2005 Sumatran earthquake rocks Indonesia, and at magnitude 8.7 is the second strongest earthquake since 1965, 2005
At least 1 million union members, students, and unemployed take to the streets in France in protest at the government's proposed First Employment Contract law, 2006
Australian diplomat Peter Woolcott's draft for the first-ever treaty to regulate the conventional arms trade is discussed by members of the United Nations, 2013


  1. I had a dogs when I was young but after I was married my new wife told me that it was her or a dog. I thought about it, no I didn't. I made the right choice and this July we'll be married for 44 years and no dog. ha,ha,ha. Have a great Wednesday Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. Great wordfull story! How fast did you put it together? I was just on your blog less than two hours ago (maybe?) and your post said the words hadn't been posted yet.

  3. Love the picture playing with the dog, it is so nice to have a companion. It's also a lot of people's birthdays today. I have a friend whose birthday is today too, pretty cool. Have a great week!

  4. Love the picture of your daughters boyfriend and his dog. If he loves dogs then he's one of the good ones.

    Love your story. You do these so very well.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Thay sunshiny smile tugs at your heart strings every time.

  6. This is beautiful. And I am sure, familiar to almost every mother.

  7. You always manage to create a complete little vignette when you do these- it's so clever. The Wordless Wednesday posts usually give me some ideas about what to think of, but this one left me stumped.

  8. Love the photo of son and his dog!

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. a wonderful use of the words!!!

  10. It's always amazing how quickly the screaming stops and the sunny smile appears, like somewhere there's a button they press to shut off the noise and tears.

  11. a talented use of words!! have a great week!

  12. That was fun! We enjoyed that story very much!

  13. what a great story and the photo of a boy and his dog is priceless!


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