
Friday, May 11, 2018

Friends (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Dansig loves the kittens:

The girls think he's a big toy.

Special buddies.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

1. I spend ______________ hours per day online.

2. When I go online, I use my _________________.

3. Mother’s Day __________________.

4. I wish ______________________.

I spend too many hours per day online.  After work, of course.

When i go online, i use my tablet or iPads, all of which i got free or cheap, and two of which are getting old.

Mother's Day will be celebrated at a restaurant with the usual suspects -- the whole family, minus Bryn and Dre, who will be with their mother of course.

I wish i could be the one helping others instead of the one who is always on the edge and who cannot do much.


Today is:

Bath International Music Festival -- Bath, UK (with musicians from more than 30 countries, this is truly a premier festival; through the 27th)

Blow Bubbles for Your Cat Day -- internet generated entertainment urged for human and feline like

Blueberry Hill Open Dart Tournament -- St. Louis, MO, US (America's oldest and largest pub dart tournament; through Sunday)

Canadian Tulip Festival -- Ottawa, Canada (the largest tulip festival in the world; through the 21st)

Child Care Provider Appreciation Day -- US (on the Friday before Mother's Day, to recognize the important role of child care providers in society today)   

Cormorant Fishing Festival -- Nagara River, Gifu, Japan (traditional fishing with trained cormorants is celebrated nightly under the light of blazing torches through mid-October)

Eat What You Want Day -- since none of the "experts" can totally agree on what's good and what isn't, today, ignore them all! sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Fairy Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Royal Humans Founded -- Fairy Calendar

Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks, Skates, and Rays a Voice -- Whale Times or Shark Research Institute (to raise awareness and encourage advocacy to protect elasmobranchs)         

Holiday of the City of Miskolc -- Miskolc, Hungary

Hostess Cupcake Day -- the Hostess Cupcake, the first cmmercially produced cupcake, went on sale on this day in 1919

Josey's World Champion Junior 4-D Barrel Race -- Josey's Ranch, Marshall, TX, US (finest youth barrel racing in the world; through Sunday)

Lemuralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (second day)

Lilac Festival -- Rochester, NY, US (a beautiful ten days of the biggest and best lilac festival anywhere)

Lokadagur -- Iceland (Final Day, festival to mark the end of the fishing season in the south-west of the country)

Military Spouse Appreciation Day -- US (Friday before Mother's Day)

National Mocha Torte Day

National Technology Day -- India

Nisga'a Day -- Nisga'a (one of the First Nations of Canada [ effective date of treaty])

One Day Without Shoes -- originally sponsored by Toms Shoes, to raise global awareness for children's health and education, which can be compromised when they do not have shoes    

Root Canal Appreciation Day -- Dr. Chris Kammer, the 'rock and roll dentist', declared this day back in 2005 because he said the much maligned proceedure saves millions of teeth a year and needs an image make over    

St. Gengulf's Day (Patron of knights, separated spouses, victims of adultery or unfaithfulness; against unhappy marriages)

St. Mamertus' Day (first of the Ice Saints, whose days are supposed to herald the last frost)

Tubeless Tire Day -- B. F. Goodrich Company announced the development of a tubeless tire on this day in 1947

Twilight Zone Day -- no, it didn't premier on this day, nor was Rod Serling born or died on this day; it's today on the internet for no particular reason except that someone decided to celebrate it today

Witching Day -- Isle of Man (Mayday Eve based on the OS calendar, be careful of the spirits today)

Anniversaries Today:

Sammy Davis, Jr., marries Altovise Gore, 1970
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded, 1927
Glacier National Park established, MT, US, 1910
Minnesota becomes the 32nd US state, 1858

Birthdays Today:

Corey Monteith, 1982
Jonathan Jackson, 1982
Natasha Richardson, 1963
Boyd Gaines, 1953
Robert Jarvik, 1946
Mort Sahl, 1927
Bernard Fox, 1927
Foster Brooks, 1912
Phil Silvers, 1911
Salvador Dali, 1904
Martha Graham, 1894
Irving Berlin, 1888
Charles Warren Fairbanks, 1852
Chang and Eng Bunker, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Once Upon a Mattress"(Musical), 1959

Today in History:

Constantinople becomes the capital of the Roman Empire and is also called Nova Roma and Byzantium, 330
Peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam, 1647
Captain Robert Gray becomes the first documented European to sail into the Columbia River, 1792
The waltz is introduced into English ballrooms, and becomes popular in spite of being called "riotous and indecent," 1812
William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth lead an expedition westwards from Sydney, opening the interior of Australia for settlement, 1813
Indian rebels seize Delhi from the British, 1857
Luxembourg  gains its independence, 1867
U.S. Congress  establishes Glacier National Park in Montana, 1910
Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies, 1924
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded, 1927
Siam officially changes its name to Thailand  for the second time, 1949
Israel joins the United Nations, 1949
In Baltimore, Maryland, the first heart-lung transplant takes place, 1987
In New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions, 1995
IBM Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format, 1997
In Nepal, Sherpa Apa Sherpa achieves a new record by climbing Mount Everest for the 21st time, 2011
Picasso's The Women of Algiers (Version ‘O’) sells for a record setting US$179.3 million at Christies in New York, 2015
India's poulation officially reaches 1 billion - Astha Arora is named India's billionth person, 2015


  1. The kittens are lovely. And from what I have read you are underestimating yourself -you do help others. And it is appreciated.

  2. Eat What You Want Day, huh?
    Hmmmm... I'm feeling better about getting up early.

  3. Danzig is a splendid buddy cat!

  4. Aww! How very cute heheh!

    Have a friendtastic weekend :-)

  5. Dansig is such a sweetie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I disagree with #4, you are ALWAYS helping others. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! XO

  6. Have a wonderful Friday Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Cute babies playing with Dansig. Have a beautiful weekend!

  8. Cute kitties.

    1. I spend too many hours per day online.

    2. When I go online, I use my laptop.

    3. Mother’s Day is sad without my mom.

    4. I wish Donald Trump would get off of Twitter.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. He is a toy to the girls. Too cute.

    I spend too much time on line. I'm on the boat right now and what am I doing? I'm doing Feline Friday.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ♥

  10. Dansig and the kittens are too cute together! And I enjoyed your fill-ins. I am certainly guilty of spending too much time online some days. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day!

  11. Dansig is so nice to help take care of the kittens. What a good boy. You all have a fabulous week end.


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