
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Now i wonder, too (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday.


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.  This month, the prompts are being provided by Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulton, with some pictures by her friend Bill, and are posted by Elephant's Child.                        

This week's words are:

  1. Radiator
  2. Football
  3. Ballet
  4. Electricity
  5. Cooking
  6. Debonaire


  1. Mambo
  2. Wrinkles
  3. Transport
  4. Suffocating
  5. Beanie
  6. Patisserie

“Mom, how much longer are you going to be working on that RADIATOR?"   Tim stood at the door of the shop, knowing that his mother tended to lose track of time when she was working.  "You didn't forget about the FOOTBALL awards banquet tonight, did you?"

"Would I ever forget an engagement that means I don't have to do the COOKING?" his mom, Marty, teased.

"Just let me put these tools away and I'm done.  Also, Ms. Avery called me to ask if we could stop at the PATISSERIE on the way.  She needed someone to TRANSPORT the special cake they ordered, it will fit on the floor in the back of the van."

"That means we need to leave earlier than I thought," Tim said.  "Is that going to leave me time to iron my shirt?"

"It's already ironed," Marty answered.  "This morning, while you were at school, the ELECTRICITY went out in the shop.  While I was waiting for the electrical people to change out the transformer, I decided I didn't want my DEBONAIRE son to go to his banquet covered in WRINKLES.  It's a good thing the house electricity is on a different circuit."

"It's a good thing they got the electric back on in the shop," Tim replied.  "In this heat, we would be SUFFOCATING trying to work in there."

"That's for sure," Marty agreed as she locked the shop door and they headed back to the house.

"I am so proud of you, son.  Heading to college on a football scholarship!  Tonight when they call your name, I just might get up and dance the Mardi Gras MAMBO!"

"Well, I guess that would be better than you trying BALLET," Tim grinned at her.

"Behave yourself, boy, or in the 'graduation memories' pictures at church I'll include the one with you in a BEANIE!"

They both laughed, and Marty said, "Really, I am proud of you, and I'm going to miss having you in the shop with me."

"Mom, you know I love working on cars, just like you do.  I may be going to college, but that's not going to end."

I hope not, Marty thought to herself.  No matter what he said, though, she knew that after this summer, when he left for school, things would never be quite the same.


Today is:

Ancient Roman Festivities today:
    Festival for Vulcan -- god of fire, volcanos, and smiths
    Rosalia -- rose festival
    Tubilustrium -- ceremony to purify the trumpet used in sacred rituals

Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival -- Windsor to Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada (lots of fun in apple blossom time; through the 28th)

Bluebell Day -- Fairy Calendar

Declaration of the Bab -- Baha'i

Elf Fest -- Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary (near Needmore, Indiana; through next Monday)

Emergency Medical Services for Children Day -- because children need different care, they aren't just tiny adults    

Go For A Walk in Your Swim Fins Day -- no, i don't know who comes up with this stuff, and i don't want to

Linnaeus Day -- Stenbrohult, Sweden (birth anniversary of Carolus Linnaeus on the OS calendar)

Lucky Penny Day -- just a fun one, see if you find a penny today

National Labour Day -- Jamaica

National Taffy Day

Sacrifices to Leto, Pythian Apollon, Zeus, Hermes and the Dioscuri in the deme of Erchia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk's Day (Patron of Belarus)

Students' Day -- Mexico

St. William of Rochester's Day (Patron of adopted children)

World Crohn's and Colitis Day

World Turtle Day -- sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue   

Anniversaries Today:

South Carolina becomes the 8th US state, 1788

Birthdays Today:

Kelly Monaco, 1976
Ken Jennings, 1974
Jewel, 1974
Mitch Albom, 1958
Drew Carey, 1958
“Marvelous” Marvin Hagler, 1954
Marvin Hagler, 1952
Charles Kimbrough, 1936
Robert Moog, 1934
Joan Collins, 1933
Barbara Barrie, 1931
Rosemary Clooney, 1928
Helen O'Connell, 1920
Scatman Crothers, 1910
Artie Shaw, 1910
Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., 1883
Belle Aurelia Babb Mansfield, 1846
Margaret Fuller, 1810
Franz Mesmer, 1734
Carolus Linnaeus, 1707
Emperor Qinzong of China, 1100

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Tommy"(Album), 1969
"Shuffle Along"(Musical comedy revue), 1921
"Il bugiardo / The Liar"(Comedy), 1750

Today in History:

Joan of Arc is captured by the Burgundians while leading an army to relieve Compiègne, 1430
The marriage of King Henry VIII to Catherine of Aragon is declared null and void, 1533
The Netherlands declare their independence  from Spain, 1568
The Second Defenestration of Prague precipitates the Thirty Years' War, 1618
After being convicted of piracy and of murdering William Moore, Captain William Kidd is hanged in London, 1701
Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bifocals, 1785
Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned King of Italy, 1805
South American independence  leader Simón Bolívar enters Mérida, leading the invasion of Venezuela, 1813
The Báb announces his revelation, founding Bábism (the Baha'i Faith), 1844
Organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Battle Creek, Michigan, 1863
The Canadian  Parliament establishes the North West Mounted Police, the forerunner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1873
The fist transcontinental train arrives in Vancouver, BC, 1887
The first talking cartoon of Mickey Mouse, "The Karnival Kid", is released, 1929
American bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde are ambushed by police and killed in Black Lake, Louisiana, 1934
Tibetans sign the Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet with the People's Republic of China, 1951
Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion announces that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann had been captured, 1960
The first version of the Java programming language is released, 1995
The Good Friday Agreement is accepted in a referendum in Northern Ireland with 75% voting yes, 1998
The fastest roller coaster in the world, Kingda Ka, opens at Six Flags Great Adventure, 2005
Alaskan stratovolcano Mount Cleveland erupts, 2006
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) awards Middle Rocks to Malaysia and Pedra Branca (Pulau Batu Puteh) to Singapore, ending a 29-year territorial dispute, 2008
Fifteen months after President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in Egypt by a revolution, voters go to the polls for a presidential election, 2012


  1. When first I looked this post wasn't here. I am glad to find it now - and love Marty's relationship with Tim. You are so very good at always finding a positive spin to the words.


  2. Very Clever and lots of info- Have a great week

  3. Thy clearly havea wonderful relationship. The dialogue was perfect. Right, time to dig out my vinyl Tommy LP!

  4. That's a great sign! I wonder what animals do name us - "Head Scratcher," "Food Dispenser," "Lady Who Takes Me for Walks"?

  5. I'd never thought of our babies naming us. Yikes and too cute.

    Love your story. I always do. I would find it most difficult to write a story using prompts.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs. ♥

  6. What the heck is " PATISSERIE " ? I love how easy you can just put words into life. You are great Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Tim and mom enjoy a good relationship! Mom is going to miss Tim when he leaves for college!

  8. Mimi,

    I enjoyed your short story and it made me sad because of the truth that every mom knows, once her kids are out of the house things are never the same again. *sniff-sniff*

  9. OH yes, I love that sign! My cat's name for me would have been "Tuna Water Lady". That is the only time she ever noticed me!

  10. MOL if The Humans only knew what we've named them!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto & The Tribe of Five

  11. Well done, great job using all the words. :)

  12. I am always impressed how you can use all the words and also produce such a self contained bit of work, and conjure up a scene. It's a great talent in a writer.

  13. Loved the animal hospital sign. My kitties act as though my name is Justin Thyme, especially when I dole out the kibbles.

    Constricted to a set of words, you still managed to concoct a touching, bittersweet story.

  14. I think she named me MUMMY! Because when my better half says, 'THERE'S MUMMY!' she runs at

    I really think she named me 'Supreme Commander'.


    - Lisa

  15. I really love your story and especially love your photo for wordless Wednesday. It would be fascinating to find out where we were named!


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