
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Take Them Yourself (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Just because Sandee, of Comedy Plus, has stopped hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, don't expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes.

One of the reasons this past week was difficult is that we lost a couple of very beloved elderly people in our community.  Sometimes children especially have a hard time, and can say some rather interesting things.

Dat be what happen when Grand-père Boudreaux done pass.  Tee Boudreaux, him's petit-garçon (grandson), come to de house a few day after de funeral an' see Grand-mère be packin' up Grand-père's clothes.

"Grand-mère, what you be doin' wit' Grand-père's clothes?" Tee ax.

Grand-mère look up wit' sad eyes an' say, "I be packin' de clothes for to take dem to de charity closet at de church."

"What fo' you be doin' dat?" Tee ax.

"Well," she say, "Grand-père not goin' be comin' back fo' dem, so we be goin' give dem to people who can use dem."

"But Grand-mère," say Tee, "you be goin' go to be wit' Grand-père real soon, you can take de clothes to him den!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.  

Dr. D's stealth tomatoes are doing well:

Mr. BA and Ms. GA are out of town.  Ms. GA has entrusted me again with the care of the cats, and Mr. BA has entrusted me with his plants.  He has three prize ferns:

They have to be soaked in the pond three times a week.  Poor ferns, pray they survive me.


Today is:

Abolition Day -- Guadeloupe; Saint Martin

Arbor Day -- Aston-on-Clun, Shropshire, England (a Poplar tree in town is decorated and left that way year round; probably associated with Oak Apple Day)

Buttercup Day -- an internet holiday that just sounds fun

Cape May Music Festival -- Cape May, NJ, US (world class music performances of many genres; through June 15)

Cellophane Tape Day -- patented this date in 1930

Children's Day -- Nigeria (a school holiday)

French Open Tennis Tournament -- Roland-Garros Stadium, Paris, France (part of the Grand Slam of Tennis, annually since 1925; through June 10)

FindleFritter's Stoat-Wheedling Event -- Fairy Calendar

Grand Prix de Monaco -- Monaco (premier Formula 1 race through the streets of Monte Carlo, run since 1929; through Sunday)

Indianapolis 500 -- Indianapolis, IN, US (the world's single largest one day sporting event)

Mother's Day -- Algeria; Dominican Republic; France; French Antilles; Haiti; Madagascar; Mauritius; Morocco; Senegal; Sweden; Tunisia

Mother's Day -- Bolivia

National Grape Popsicle Day

Palio Dei Balestrieri -- Gubbio, Italy (the last Sunday of May always sees a medieval crossbow contest between the town of Gubbio and the town of Sansepolcro, with medieval costumes and arms)

Pop-up Toaster Day -- Charles Strite applied for his patent on the first pop-up toaster on this day in 1919

Procession of the Golden Chariot and the Battle of Lumecon -- Mons, Belgium (a horse-drawn coach carrying the relics of St. Waudry circles the town to commemorate the delivery of Mons from plague in 1349, and in the afternoon, the Fraternity of St. George reenact the Battle, with St. George defeating the dragon)

St. Augustine of Canterbury's Day (Roman Catholic Church observance; Patron of England)

St. Melangell's Day (Patron of hares)

Sun Screen Protection Day -- an annual, and unsponsored, reminder to use that SPF protection, every day!

Throw the B*st@rds Out Day -- originally directed at politicians, (and if you want to do that, too, great!), and celebrated on various days on various sites, but whomever is making your life miserable, toss them out!  or at least, toss them out of your thoughts for today.

Trinity Sunday -- Christian

World Hunger Day -- The Hunger Project    

Birthdays Today:

Chris Colfer, 1990
André Benjamin, 1975
Jamie Oliver, 1975
Jack McBrayer, 1973
Joseph Fiennes, 1970
Jeremy Mayfield, 1969
Todd Bridges, 1965
Pat Cash, 1965
Adam Carolla, 1964
Peri Gilpin, 1961
Richard Schiff, 1955
Bruce Weitz, 1943
Louis Gossett, Jr., 1936
Ramsey Lewis, 1935
Lee Meriwether, 1935
John Barth, 1930
Henry Kissinger, 1923
Christopher Lee, 1922
Herman Wouk, 1915
Sam Snead, 1912
Hubert H. Humphrey, 1911
Vincent Price, 1911
Dolores Hope, 1909
Rachel Louise Carson, 1907
Dashiell Hammett, 1894
Isadora Duncan, 1878
Arnold Bennett, 1867
Wild Bill Hickock, 1837
Julia Ward Howe, 1819
Amelia Bloomer, 1818
Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1794

Debuting/Premiering Today

From Russia With Love(Film). 1964
"The Three Little Pigs"(Disney animated short), 1933

Today in History:

Habeaus Corpus Act, codifying how the writ of habeaus corpus is to be used, passes in UK, 1679
Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg, 1703
In Bolivia, the Battle of La Coronilla, in which the women from Cochabamba  fight against the Spanish army, 1812
In Canada, American forces capture Fort George, 1813
Bubonic plague breaks out in San Francisco, California, 1907
The NC-4 aircraft arrives in Lisbon after completing the first transatlantic flight, 1919
The 1,046 feet (319 m) Chrysler Building in New York City, the tallest man-made structure at the time, opens to the public, 1930
Richard Gurley Drew receives a patent for his adhesive tape, later manufactured by 3M as Scotch tape, 1930
The Walt Disney Company releases the cartoon  The Three Little Pigs, with its hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?", 1933
In California, the Golden Gate Bridge opens to pedestrian traffic, , 1937
Toronto's CHUM-AM, (1050 kHz) becomes Canada's first radio station to broadcast only top 40 Rock n' Roll music format, 1957
Australians vote in favor of a constitutional referendum granting the Australian government the power to make laws to benefit Indigenous Australians and to count them in the national census, 1967
In Culpeper, Virginia, actor Christopher Reeve is paralyzed from the neck down after falling from his horse in a riding competition, 1995
Russian President Boris Yeltsin meets with Chechnyan rebels for the first time and negotiates a cease-fire, 1996
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands indicts Slobodan Milosevic and four others for war crimes and crimes against humanity, 1999
The May 2006 Java earthquake strikes at 5:53:58 AM local time (22:53:58 UTC May 26) devastating Bantul and the city of Yogyakarta killing over 6,600, 2006
Scientists in Canada bring 400 year-old bryophyte specimens left behind by retreating glaciers during the Ice Age back to life, 2013


  1. Love those ferns. Which sadly do not survive my care. The stealth tomatoes are good too - volunteer plants so often are.
    I am sorry to hear why your week had difficult spots - and agree children do say some amazing things.

  2. Kids say the darnedest things :)

    I empathize with you about the plants. I have a black thumb myself so I'll pray for Mr. BA's ferns.

  3. I can picture a kid saying that :)
    I am sure you can keep those ferns alive. Nice tomatoes. Have a great day! XO

  4. DOn't know whether to laugh or cry at this one...laugh wins.

  5. Sorry for the loss of your two elderly friends.

    Kids do say whatever they are thinking don't they. Good one.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. Funny Mimi. It'a really hot around her in Amherstburg. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Your joke made me laugh and those ferns are wonderful~

  8. That's a fine crop of tomatoes and ferns. Kids are pretty straightforward with things they say.


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