
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ups and Downs and All Arounds, a Random Tuesday Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Hey, kids, it's Tuesday!  Do you know what that means?  That's right, Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked!  

In the great news department, #1 Son has been promoted to manager at the pizza place and will run his first shift on Wednesday.  He's had mixed feelings about going back into management.  One the one hand, it means more money and more hours.  On the other hand, if a customer is having a tantrum he cannot just say, "Let me get the manager for you," because he is the manager.

The benefits will outweigh the drawbacks, i believe, and so does he.

In the i-can't-believe-this-is-happening-again department, the Jalopy is down and needs another major repair.  We are looking into a loan, a small, short term one.  Meanwhile, Sweetie is stranded at home while i work or i am stranded at work if he drops me off.  It could be worse, i am counting my blessings that i have work and two more people who want me to squeeze them in.

In the Dr. D department, we spent 6 hours yesterday sorting paperwork and got most of the way through the papers in the house.  Next will be the storage building in the back yard, then the storage unit up the road.  With four lawsuits going, all of which she researches and makes sure her lawyers are doing everything right, she keeps every bit of paper and goes over every word of every document, looking for anything amiss. 

She also files all of her bills, stretching back for years and years.  She hasn't kept all of the files in order, or in one place, is the problem.  Right now i am trying to talk her into only keeping this year and last year, it would make a big difference.

Yesterday she was on a tear to get a certain amount done, and we did.  She also let me throw away a whole bunch of stuff that's been in the yard long enough that she knows she isn't going to do anything with it.

In the kitten department, they are growing and mostly eating canned and dry food now.  

Breakfast time!

Big Sister has managed to climb the obstacle course we use to try to keep them in the kitchen.  My rule is, if they are big enough to climb out, they are big enough.  The other two will probably follow suit soon, and we will remove said obstacles and no longer risk tripping ourselves up trying to get into the kitchen.  What i really need is a baby gate with bars too close together for them to get through, but i haven't been able to find one.

Link has decided he does not like kittens, but he likes raiding their food.  That's what he decides with every batch of kittens, so why should these be any different?

That's about all of the random news for today, i hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


Today is:

Cannes Film Festival -- through the 19th

Dog-Prodding Day -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins)

Festival of Matsu/Mazu -- Southern China and Taiwan (Taoists and Buddhists celebrate the goddess of the sea who protects fishermen and sailors; often worshiped in sea-faring areas surrounding China as well, although some local dates will vary; in Taichung City, the festival lasts through Sunday)

Fête de I'iris -- Belgium (Brussels Region Day)

Helston Furry Dance a/k/a The Flora -- Helston, Cornwall, England (the world-famous dance is each year on May 8, unless that day is Sunday or Monday, when it's held the Saturday before; dancing around the streets begins very early in the morning)

Iris  Day -- celebrate these beautiful spring flowers

Liberation Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia

Miguel Hidalgo Day -- Mexico (birth anniversary of the father of Mexican independence)

National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day -- US  (FEMA wants you to make plans for your pets in case of disaster or emergency)  

National Coconut Cream Pie Day

National Empanada Day

National Student Nurses Day -- US

National Teacher Appreciation Day -- US

No Socks Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, who want you to let your toes go free, and cut down on your laundry a bit today

Parents' Day -- South Korea

St. Ida of Nivelles' Day (Patron of erysipelas patients, toothache sufferers; against erysipelas and toothache)

Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War -- International

Truman Day -- Missouri, US

V-E Day -- some countries celebrate today, some celebrate tomorrow

World Ovarian Cancer Day -- International (because while up to 89% of women with breast cancer are likely to survive 5 years or more, only 45% of women who get ovarian cancer will survive that long)  

World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day

Birthdays Today:

Enrique Iglesias, 1975
Robert M. Hensel, 1969
Melissa Gilbert, 1964
Janet McTeer, 1961
David Keith, 1954
Toni Tennille, 1943
Peter Benchley, 1940
Rick Nelson, 1940
Thomas Pynchon, 1937
Charles “Sonny” Liston, 1932
Don Rickles, 1926
David Attenborough, 1926
Robert Johnson, 1911
Bishop Fulton Sheen, 1895
Harry S Truman, 1884
Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829
Jean-Henri Dunant, 1828
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla, 1753

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Let It Be"(Album), 1970
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"(Musical), 1962
"Look Back in Anger"(Play), 1959
Concerto in E-flat, "Dumbarton Oaks"(Stravinsky concerto), 1938

Today in History:

Hernando de Soto  reaches the Mississippi River and names it Río de Espíritu Santo, 1541
Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, is tried and guillotined by the Reign of Terror, 1794
Future US president Zachary Taylor defeats a Mexican force north of the Rio Grande in the first major battle of the Mexican-American war, 1846
At Gilmore's Gardens in New York City, the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens, 1877
George B. Selden files the first patent for an automobile in the US, 1879
Pharmacist John Styth Pemberton first sells a carbonated beverage named "Coca-Cola" as a patent medicine, 1886
In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts, destroying the town of Saint-Pierre and killing over 30,000 people, 1902
In Rheims, France, German forces agree to an unconditional surrender, ending the war in Europe, 1945
The rollercoaster Revolution, the first steel coaster with a vertical loop, opens at Six Flags Magic Mountain, 1976
Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler make the first ascent of Mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen, 1978
The World Health Organization announces the eradication of smallpox, 1980
The new Canadian War Museum opens, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of V-E Day, 2005
Dmitry Medvedev appoints Vladimir Putin as Russian Prime Minister, 2008
The last piece of Yankee Stadium falls in the Bronx, New York, marking the end of the two year demolition process, 2010
Brazilian Roberto Azevedo is named the next Director-General of the World Trade Organization, 2013
Researchers announce the development of synthetic nucleobases, the molecules that form the backbone of DNA; organisms successfully replicated the synthetic bases, implying that creation of new life forms with these additional bases may be possible in the future, 2014
British Prime Minister David Cameron is re-elected for five more years in a decisive victory, 2015


  1. I am sorry to hear about the jalopy, but glad your other news is good.

  2. Good to hear about your son's promotion. So sorry to hear about the jalopy, hope you can something sorted out. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Yay for kittens outgrowing their obstacle course! (Though, I'm sure it's a bit sad too.)

    Also, congrats to your son on his new management position!

    Hope you are able to get the car fixed for a good price soon. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be down a vehicle. :(

  4. Congrats to the son. Good for him to get that job. Hope you can get the car fixed for not too much money. I don't think that Murphy has an UTI, I just think the people next door were too lazy to have a litter box for him. He used the litter box just fine while he was in the house here. You all have a great day.

  5. I can see how you son might feel about his promotion. It's so nice to be able to say, "Let me get the manager." :-) The kittens are adorable.

  6. Mimi,

    We've been a one-car family since 1991. At first it was a hard transition but since I don't work then it's really no big deal. DH has been blessed with amazing employers with great flexibility. Of course, now that the kids are gone and if I need to go somewhere that requests transport then I can call a cab. That's certainly cheaper than being straddled with a car payment. Cats are definitely a trip hazard. Congrats to the son's promotion! Retail and the food industry are two places I don't think I'd fit into very well as an employee. Have a randomtastic day!

    Curious as a Cathy
    5-Get2KnowMe Questions, A2ZReflections, & BoTB Results

  7. Way to go on the promotion. He'll do fine. I do know it's a harder job to manage. Been there and done that.

    Sorry about the vehicle. You guys need two new vehicles that work properly so you don't have to worry about vehicles. I know that feeling too.

    The kitties are getting so big. You do such a great job with them.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. Congratulation for your son's promotion. I know it may deal with upset people but so what. Just keep saying, yes, yes, I know, you're correct and after that they will be gone and he still gets more money in his pocket. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Congrats on the promotion! Someone has to deal with the jerks. :)

  10. Congrats to your son on his promotion. That Dr. sounds like a full time job :)

  11. Being the manager isn't as easy, but it's a step up in any organization and your son should be proud of his achievement.

    Sorry about your car. We just paid off my X-Terrra, and my husband is talking about a new truck for himself. I'd love a nice long stretch without a car payment, but it doesn't look like it's in the stars. Our two daughters are running even older vehicles and we worry about what they're going to do about that. We've already given them one free vehicle each with all expenses paid. I think that's plenty.

    The kittens are getting so big. And no, there's no way to stop the other pets from stealing their food when they can. Fact of life.

  12. Did you know that Albert Einstein disliked wearing socks?
    I shall celebrate this day in his honor!

  13. Wow all that paper! How adorable is that kitten photo!? Well I hope you get the car stuff settled out soon there is just such an inconvenience attached to having the car down. You always make it through it but boy is it a drag .zoe

  14. Sounds like you're just looking for something to worry about your son getting another management position. As long As he can handle leadership you literally should be excited!! Congrats to him!!


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