
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Five Plus Five Plus One (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


It’s time for Ten Things of Thankful, and i am going to make it short and sweet this time because it’s very late when i am writing this and i am tired.

Part of this is about the car, and part is about the kittens.

On Thursday morning, i smelled gas, and i am thankful i smelled it and didn’t ignore it.

We took Jalopy in, and we are both thankful we got her in right away because she needs a new gas tank and could have gone boom if we hadn’t taken her in.

Lenny found a still-in-great-shape used one, which cost about half of what a new one is — have i ever said how thankful i am for Kevin and Lenny at the mechanic shop?  Yes?  Well, i’m saying it again.

While the plan had been to take two cars to work that day so Sweetie could run an errand separately, yet i am still thankful we had one vehicle running so we didn’t miss work, even if we had to modify all of our plans.

Our second client that day, when he found out we were short one vehicle, insisted that we take his family’s extra vehicle.  His wife drives the minivan, he is driving the work truck, so the old Tahoe that sits in the driveway is ours to use for the weekend.  It is still amazing to me that he is doing this.  (We will be taking it for the fancy car wash and filling the tank before returning it as a thank you to him.)

Enough about the vehicle, onto the babies.

These little ones are so little that i’ve had to take them to work with me.  Every client has been fine with me parking the carrier in an out of the way place and stopping to feed them when i needed to.

What’s the old saying about how constipation is going less often than your mother?  Moms are always concerned about the state of the baby’s colon, and i am grateful to say i don’t need to have any concerns about these four.

The little girl, Maureen, had the beginnings of an eye infection, and i am grateful i had colloidal silver on hand to nip it in the bud.  Not only is her eye clear after only three treatments, none of the others even caught it from her because i was able to treat it so fast.

These four eat like little champions, i’m thankful i’ve had no troubles getting them to latch on to the bottle.

As much as i love raising kittens, it’s difficult to do with a full work schedule, so i am thankful they go back to their regular foster tomorrow.

A bonus thankful, Mr. BA wanted me to work today as usual and his wife had something else for them to do, so i have an unexpected day off!  My plan is to get some good photos of these kittens to use for Sunday Selections and Awww Monday.

Ten Things of Thankful is a wonderful blog hop that encourages everyone to count blessings and share them.  The new blog hostess is Kristi of ThankfulMe.  

If you’ve never tried it, it isn’t hard to do.  We don’t demand ten things, just list a few if you want, and link up.  It brightens your day to make your list, it brightens ours to read it!


Today is:

Anubis Ceremony -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

ARRL Field Day -- American Radio Relay League's most popular on-air operating event, in which amatuer/ham radio operators practice and drill for communications during emergencies; through tomorrow

Baymen's Seafood and Music Festival -- Tuckerton, NJ, US (this year including a micro-brewers tent with the seafood and music; through tomorrow)

Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche -- Bhutan

Dandruff Dance -- Fairy Calendar (Goblins and Gnomes)

Eastern Music Festival --  Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, US (an acclaimed festival and school, with world-class guest artists; through July 28)

Father's Day -- Nicaragua; Poland

Festival of the Purple Void -- only one internet reference, and not explained there, either, but since purple is my favorite color, and a Purple Void sound like something fun to celebrate, i'm including it!

Festivals of Het-Hert and Bast, and Great Feast of the Southern Heavens -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Grand Duke's Birthday & National Day -- Luxembourg

Great American Campout -- sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, and remember that Happy Campers Protect Wildlife   

Kupala -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (Summer Solstice celebration, always on St. John's Eve, as the pagans hid their celebration by naming it "Ivan Kupala", their name for John the Baptist)

Let It Go Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; whatever you are holding on to, just let it go and the day will get better

Long Beach Bayou and Blues Festival -- Rainbow Lagoon, Long Beach, CA, US (celebrating Cajun/Creole culture, food, music, arts and crafts, and even a Mardi Gras parade; through tomorrow)

Midsummer's Day -- Aland; Finland; Sweden

Mineral Collecting Field Trips -- Bancroft, ON, CA (every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday through July and August, geologists lead mineral collecting field trips, educating participants about mineral identification, collecting techniques, and earth sciences)

Napoleon Bivouacs -- Waterloo, Belgium (reenactment of Napoleon's military camp at the sight of his battle battle against Allied forces led by the Duke of Wellington; through tomorrow)

National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism -- Canada

National Pecan Sandy Day

National Pink Day -- the color or the flower, your choice, because the creator didn't leave a trail explaining it

Pink Flamingo Day -- honoring Don Featherstone, creator of the original pink plastic flamigo lawn ornament; decorate your lawn with at least four pink flamigos, the minimum number needed for a flock    

Pixie Day -- Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England (reenacting of the "Revenge" of the Pixies who bothered the town until midsummer in 1454; now fun, games, music, pageant, and more)   

Poop Out Early Day -- act pooped out, see if you can cut out early on whatever you are required to do today; your success at pooping out early may vary

Public Service Day -- UN

SAT Math Day -- birth anniversary of Alan Turing

St. Agrippina (Patron against bacterial diseases and infections, evil spirits, leprosy, storms and thunder; of Mineo, Italy)

St. Ethelreda's Day (Patron of those with neck and throat ailments, widows; University of Cambridge)

St. John's Eve -- start or culmination of many midsummer festivals, including:
    Dragaica Fair -- Buzau, Romania
    Golowan Festival -- Cornwall
    Jaaniohtu -- Estonia   
    Kupala Days begin -- Belarus; Poland; Russia; Ukraine
    Ligo / Lani -- Latvia (pagan midsummer celebration originally dedicated to the god Janis
    Midsummer Eve -- Denmark; Sweden
    Midsummer Festival -- Portugal

St. Joseph Cafasso's Day (Patron of captives, prisoners, prisons, and prison chaplains)

Typewriter Day -- patented this day in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes

Victory Day -- Estonia

Birthdays Today:

Bridget Sloan, 1992
Chellsie Memmel, 1988
Jason Mraz, 1977
Selma Blair, 1972
Louis Van Amstel,1972
Frances McDormand, 1957
Clarence Thomas, 1948
Bryan Brown, 1947
Ted Shackelford, 1946
James Levine, , 1943
Wilma Glodean Rudolph, 1940
June Carter Cash, 1929
Bob Fosse, 1927
Alan Turing, 1912
Edward VIII, King of England, 1894
Alfred Kinsey, 1894
Johannes Gutenberg, 1400 (estimated)
Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar, BC47 (Son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Batman(Film), 1989
"The Breakfast Club"(Radio), 1933

Today in History:

The world's oldest parliament, the Icelandic Althing, is established, 930
First Battle of Uji, starting the Genpei War in Japan, 1180
First War of Scottish Independence: The Battle of Bannockburn, south of Stirling, begins, 1314
The mutinous crew of Henry Hudson's fourth voyage sets Henry, his son and seven loyal crew members adrift in an open boat in what is now Hudson Bay; they are never heard from again, 1611
The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia, Canada, 1713
Empress Catherine II of Russia grants Jews permission to settle in Kiev, 1794
Christopher Latham Sholes receives a patent for Type-Writer, 1868
The Rocky Mountains Park Act becomes law in Canada, creating the nation's first national park, Banff National Park, 1887
The International Olympic Committee  is founded at the Sorbonne, Paris, at the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, 1894
The College Board administers the first SAT exam, 1926
Wiley Post and Harold Gatty take off from Roosevelt Field, Long Island in an attempt to circumnavigate the world in a single-engine plane, 1931
The 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake strikes Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 1946
The Antarctic Treaty, which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent, comes into force, 1961
Title IX of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 is amended to prohibit sexual discrimination to any educational program receiving federal funds, 1972
Himmy, of Australia, weighs in at domestic cat record 20.7 kg (45 lb) , 1982
Nintendo 64 goes on sale in Japan, 1996
Japan's Iwate prefecture experiences a 6.7 magnitude earthquake, 2011
Nik Wallenda completes a high wire walk across a Little Colorado River Gorge near the Grand Canyon, 2013


  1. Being thankful is a gift which keeps giving isn't it?

  2. Wow, you're so lucky you smelled gas! Looking forward to the kitten photos.

  3. Thankful that you smelled gas and acted fast! Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm all for celebrating Alan Turing but I'm not sure that choosing to celebrate the Math SATs is going to whip up quite the level of enthusiasm and appreciation that they may have hoped...

  5. So glad that you noticed something was wrong, and so glad that not only will it be able to be fixed, but that you aren’t too inconvenienced in the meantime.

    The kittens sound like they are cute, but a lot of work. How nice of you to help them!

  6. Thank God that your car didn't kill you Mimi. I think its about time to get either a new or used car, I think the jalopy has did its time.
    See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Sure glad you smelled that gas. It could have been a disaster. Lots good things to be thankful for, that is for sure. Have a great week end.

  8. Oh how nice to get a loner car for the weekend. I know the car will be clean and filled with gas when you return it. It's how you two roll. Ever wonderful why I love you? That's just one of many reasons.

    Can't wait to see the kittens. I know you spend a lot of time getting them started. It's a wonderful thing you do.

    Have a fabulous Thankful day. Big hugs. ♥

  9. Such great people around you along with the sweet kittens, lots to be grateful for each day ~ xxx

    Happy Weekend,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. It's heartwarming to discover there are still some thoughtful, kind people left in this world. :)

    And that includes you - giving love and taking such good care of the kittens. I hope karma treats you kindly. :)

  11. That was very sweet to loan you their vehicle. You are very trustworthy so I can see why they did. I am glad the kittens are doing so well.

  12. fortunate indeed! leaking gas tanks are no fun. even when they don't blow up, they are expensive in both lost fuel as well as having to replace the asphalt that gasoline dissolves.

  13. Way to go Mimi! I think I would have been scared to drive it lol It's a wonderful thing to have reliable, honest and competent mechanics.
    Awesome that your clients loaned you their extra vehicle. What a kindness.
    Kittens. Tiny, tiny kittens. For sure they up the "aw" factor :) They are lucky to have you. Look forward to the pics.

  14. Car issues can be exhausting in themselves. I'm glad you didn't blow up, Mimi, I would so miss reading your posts. I can say that lightly, because the serious issue was averted. It's great to have a mechanic you can trust. We have Eric. Helpful clients and sweet baby kittens are certainly things to be thankful for.

  15. It is nice to see you here with your TToT post, as always, but especially after your gas incident!
    I can't wait to see photos of those teeny little kittens.
    How nice for you to have an unexpected day off. I'm sure you used it well.


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