
Friday, June 29, 2018

Grand Dames (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

The two Grand Dames of our cat family are the fourteen-year-olds, Little Girlie and Tripod SissyCat.  Sometimes they argue with each other.

Little Girlie thinks Tripod needs to lose weight (she does) and Tripod thinks Girlie needs to mind her own business!


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by the new cohost of the Fill-Ins, Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. Fireworks ______________________.

2. My favorite 4th of July picnic food is _____________________.

3. I begin every day with _________.

4. _________ is the best thing since sliced bread.

1. Fireworks are lovely when professionally done, and dangerous when the kids up the street are setting them off, firing at cars coming down the road.

2. My favorite 4th of July picnic food is vegan mayonnaise and home grown tomato sandwiches on a whole grain seed bread.  Yes, i embrace my weirdness.

3. I begin every day with prayer and Bible study.  If i read your blog (or you have read mine), you have been prayed for.

4. Internet access is the best thing since sliced bread.  After all, without it we wouldn't have our online friends and communities.


Today is:

10,000 Crestonians 4th of July Celebration -- Creston, IA, US (lots of history and fun, through the 4th)

Autonomy Day -- French Polynesia

Camera Day -- internet generated, but a fun one to celebrate

Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul -- Christian
    St. Paul, Patron of Greece, Malta, rope makers, tentmakers, upholsterers
    St. Peter, Patron of clockmakers, fishermen, Russia; against fever, foot trouble, wolves
    a recognized holiday in Chile; Holy See; Italy; Malta[l-Imnarja]; Peru; GR and TI, Switzerland; Wallis and Fortuna
    Haro Wine Festival -- Haro, LaRioja, Spain (a festival that includes a Battle of Wines, where wine is thrown from buckets at opposing teams; on the feast day of the city's patron, San Pedro)
    Rat-Catcher's Day -- often cited because some of the earliest legends of the Pied Piper claim he took the children on the Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul

Gettysburg Civil War Relic and Collectors Show -- Gettysburg, PA, US (featuring leading collectors and dealers; through tomorrow)

Hug Holiday -- while the National Hug Holiday Week has been moved to the beginning of May, this is the original day, and was for quite a while, so go give someone a big hug!

Independence Day -- Seychelles

Montreux Jazz Festival -- Montreaux, Switzerland (a premier jazz event for music lovers from around the world and one of the world's greatest music festivals; through July 14)

National Almond Butter Crunch Day

Oharai/Grand Purification Festival -- Shinto

Purple Hull Pea Festival and World Champion Rotary Tiller Contest -- Emerson, AR, US (the tiny town of Emerson, population 368, puts on a big show that also includes a World Cup Purplehull Pea-Shelling competiton)

Runic Half-month Feoh (wealth) commences

Waffle Iron Day -- don't know why today, but it's a great gadget, and if you have one, pull it out and use it today

Wicked Fairies Summer Debate -- Fairy Calendar (i'd love to hear this!)

Birthdays Today:

Prince Aristide Stavros of Greece and Denmark, 2008
Amanda Donohoe, 1962
Sharon Lawrence, 1962
Fred Grandy, 1948
Richard Lewis, 1947
Gary Busey, 1944
Robert Evans, 1930
Ray Harryhausen, 1920
Slim Pickens, 1919
Bernard Herrmann, 1911
Nelson Eddy, 1901
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1900
James Van Der Zee, 1886
William James Mayo, 1863
George Washington Goethals, 1858
Julia Clifford Lathrop, 1858

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Moonraker(Film), 1979

Today in History:

An Irish monastic chronicler records a solar eclipse, 512
Jacques Cartier makes the European discovery of Prince Edward Island, 1534
The Globe Theatre in London, England burns to the ground, 1613
Alexander Macdonell and over five hundred Roman Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario, 1786
Coal is discovered on Vancouver Island, 1850
Ninety-nine people are killed in Canada's worst railway disaster near St-Hilaire, Quebec, 1864
France annexes Tahiti, 1880
The first known recording of classical music, Handel's "Israel in Egypt", is made on a wax cylinder, 1888
Street railway in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, commences operation, 1891
Doukhobors burn their weapons as a protest against conscription by the Tsarist Russian government, 1895
France grants 1 km² at Vimy Ridge "freely, and for all time, to the Government of Canada, the free use of the land exempt from all taxes," 1922
Joseph-Armand Bombardier of Canada receives a patent for sprocket and track traction system used in snow vehicles, 1937
Isabel Perón is sworn in as the first female President of Argentina, 1974
The Seychelles  become independent from the United Kingdom, 1976
The space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir Space Station for the first time, 1995
Two car bombs are found at Piccadilly Circus, in the heart of London, 2007
News that European Union members agree on a deal to help some struggling Eurozone members causes world stock markets to soar, 2012


  1. As a child I had mayonnaise on toast (home made - not vegan) for breakfast for years. And still like it.
    Love your diva cats.

  2. Interesting questions this time. We don't celebrate 4 July but I get the idea. I am not sure what I think about the internet, because I am not sure we see the big picture of how it has changed things quite yet. I do enjoy the online friends and communities, though, so for me personally it is good.

  3. LOL @ the cats and quote beneath it

    I liked your fill-ins especially N0.4

    Have a webtastic weekend :-)

  4. I agree. Fireworks should be left to the professionals. Have a Happy 4th!

  5. Your fill-ins are terrific. We like your choice of food for the Fourth. All cats have to have little spats every now and then. Have a great day.

  6. I celebrate Camera Day several times every month. Have a blessed week-end.

  7. Fireworks definitely should be handled by professionals. A childhood memory is someone throwing out a firecracker into a parade. A young girl was thrown from her frightened horse and trampled. It was a horrible site and I never knew if the girl lived or died.

  8. Don't worry, Girlie and Tripod, you're not the only ones who argue over weight. Sometimes I just argue with myself about it.

    And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I completely agree with you on fireworks. I don't mind them so much if they're done safely. I don't like when I hear them all over my neighborhood, though, because I'm fairly certainly all of my neighbors aren't fireworks professionals. And starting the day with prayer is such a wonderful, serene thing. I need to do better about this. Wishing you a wonderful Friday!

  9. Cute cats conversation! I too need to lose weight!

  10. Those two old gal kitties are most precious. Yes they are. I don't want to talk about weight though. I'm not doing as well as I should.

    Keep up the prayers for me and I'll keep them up for you.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  11. That's a hysterical picture of your two cats with one on the scale. Love it :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I love the photo of the kitties, it would make a great meme. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I think that sandwich sounds fantastic. Thank you for the prayers, I always include my blogging friend in mine as well. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  13. Oh love the Grand Dames ~ beautiful and sweet kitties!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I wouldstay far away from any cat argument.

  15. Fireworks should definitely be left to the pros. I heard two random booms in our neighborhood last night, and it always makes me nervous. That is a cute picture of the cats! :)

  16. I agree with you on home grown tomato sandwiches. Only for me I would replace the vegan mayo with Duke's. I grew up in the South and that is just the way we did things.

    Have a happy fourth and a blessed week.


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