
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Last Mistake (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


“I can explain!” his words were a desperate plea as the people he would call a rabble closed in on him.

“We’re tired of explanations from suits!” the leader of the workings spat back at him.

“We’re tired of words, and endless work, and no changes, and we don’t want an explanation, we want action!”

Workings surrounded the suit, who had unfortunately stepped out of the protected area to check the report of a non-functional door at the wrong moment, when they were changing shifts.

They had been plotting for a long time, what they would do if a suit ever came within their grasp; rigging the door to malfunction and the shift change warning light to not come on at the same time had taken a feat no suit thought a working could pull off.

It was the last time this suit would make that mistake, or any other, for that matter.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Explain.      


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others blog to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

This one i caught from inside the car, i like it and i hope to get a better picture of it someday:


Today is a rather sad anniversary.  Please only follow the link if you are prepared to read straight talk.   


Today is:

Bear Lake Days --Bear Lake, MI, US (the fun even includes a Venetian boat parade; through Sunday)

Different Colored Eyes Day -- people with heterochromia, celebrate!

Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo -- Vernal, UT, US (one of the top rodeos in the country; through Saturday)

Etch-a-Sketch Day -- the toy was first manufactured on this day in 1960, timed to hit toy shelves for Christmas that year

Hodag Country Festival -- Rhinelander, WI, US (at the Hodag "50" Track, a large open-air country music festival; through Sunday)

Hot Dog Nite -- Luverne, MN, US (free hot dogs to all comers!)

Independence Day -- Kiribati(1979; a/k/a National Day); Sao Tome & Principe(1975)

Kronia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate, a festival for Kronos, part of which included masters and slaves switching places for a meal)

National Pecan Pie Day

Orangemen's Day (a/k/a Twelfth Day) -- Northern Ireland (Battle of the Boyne commemoration)

Oregon Trail Days -- Gering, NE, US (the oldest continuing celebration of the Oregon Trail; through Sunday)

Rainmaker Day -- Salem, Oregon (while it is understood that in Salem, you are more likely to rust than sunburn, from 1892 until 2006, no measurable rain fell on this date in this normally wet city)

Simplicity Day -- sponsored by on Thoreau's birthday, highlighting the concepts in the book Voluntary Simplicty by Duane Elgin, and advocating finding sustainable ways to live

St. John Gualbert's Day (Patron of foresters and forest workers, park services and parks)

St. Veronica's Day (Patron of laundry workers and photographers)

Anniversaries Today

Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr, 1543 (the lucky wife who outlived him)

Birthdays Today

Erik Per Sullivan, 1991
Michelle Rodriguez, 1978
Brock Lesnar, 1977
Anna Friel, 1976
Kristi Yamaguchi, 1971
Lisa Nicole Carson, 1969
Rolonda Watts, 1959
Mel Harris, 1957
Paul Guilfoyle, 1955
Cheryl Ladd, 1951
Jamey Sheridan, 1951
Richard Simmons, 1948
Denise Nicholas, 1945
Christine McVie, 1943
Bill Cosby, 1937
Van Cliburn, 1934
Andrew Wyeth, 1917
Curly Joe DeRita, 1909
Milton Berle, 1908
Pablo Neruda, 1904
R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895
Oscar Hammerstein II, 1895
George Washington Carver, 1861
George Ohr, 1857
George Eastman, 1854
Henry David Thoreau, 1817
Josiah Wedgwood, 1730

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Northern Exposure"(TV), 1990
"Family Feud"(TV), 1976
"Evening At Pops"(TV), 1970
"The Adventures of Sam Spade"(Radio), 1946
"Baseball's Sad Lexicon (Tinker to Evers to Chance)"(Publication date), 1910

Today in History

England is unified by Athelstan of England, 927
Saladin's garrison surrenders to Conrad of Montferrat, ending the two-year siege of Acre, 1191
Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of Yucatan, burns the sacred books of the Maya, 1562
Ostrog Bible, the first printed Bible in a Slavic language, is published, 1580
The United States invades Canada at Windsor, Ontario, 1812
The Commonwealth Franchise Act, granting women's suffrage in Australia, is given royal assent and takes effect, 1902
Pune, India floods due to failure of Khadakvasala and Panshet dams; half of the city is submerged and the death toll exceeded 2000, 1961
A fire destroys the entire 6th floor of the National Personnel Records Center of the United States, 1973
Boris Yeltsin quits the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1990
Israel invades Lebanon in response to Hezbollah's kidnapping of Israeli soldiers, 2006
A ticket holder in Britain wins the largest EuroMillions jackpot in history, 161,653,000GBP, 2011
The Rolling Stones, English rock band, celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of its first performance at the Marquee Club in Oxford Street, London, 2012


  1. I like it. The workings against the suits is a cleverly written SSS.

    Oh, and the heat is on in Salem. No sign of rain.

  2. Oooh. Much darker than I have grown to expect from you. And still really well written.

  3. I find myself wondering what is beyond that gate, don't you?

  4. ~ooof~
    I'll lay off the smart-aleck comments for a day and just give you a shoulder bump.

  5. The anger that brought the workers to that point, must have been extreme and horrific.

  6. The black gate and high solid wall doesn't look welcoming!

  7. The sentiment expressed in your story is universal and it seems those numbers are growing. I believe in the power of organized, large groups of people to affect positive change. Going to pretend the suit only got fired!

  8. PS. I'll be celebrating Simplicity Day ☺

  9. Your 6 sentence story would make a good mystery book ~ fence shot is intriguing too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I got stuck on your sad anniversary. What a horrible thing to have happen. I'm so glad you survived. I'm so glad you and Sweetie are still together. I'm thinking it was because you have God in your life.

    Have a blessed day, my friend. ♥

  11. Once again, I enjoy your sentences. You seem to quickly know what words to put in wonderful thoughts. You should write a small magazine, small book or even a novel. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Two words: 'Yow!'

    what a cool story and... and! all in Six Sentences! (sure sign of a good, engaging story is the world (in which this Six takes place) was beginning to come out of the mists before the last sentence)
    nice work, M

  13. This reminded me a bit of NORMA RAE. Great use of the prompt.

  14. That was darkly fun. Loved the terminology.

  15. You could do a series on mystery stories. Loved the transition you created in just six sentences.


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