
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Screen Habit (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Very bemusedly, he looked at the array of devices on the table where she sat and asked, "Do you always make it a habit to have four screens in front of you?"

"Five," she noted without looking up, pointing to the phone that he hadn't seen nestled between two larger devices.

"Well, then, do you always make it a habit to have five screens in front of you?"



"Because I do not own six!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Habit.      


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others blog to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

Even a back alley fence around here can be guarding a nice garden patch or some greenery. 


Today is:

Back-to-Front Yad -- Fairy Calendar

Bloomer Day -- anniversary of the opening day of the first US women's rights convention in 1848*

Comic-Con International -- San Diego, CA, US (through Sunday)

Festival of Honos -- Ancient Roman Calendar (personification of morality and honor)

Folkmoot USA -- Waynesville, NC, US (festival of international folk dance; through the 29th)

Get To Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of each quarter

Kokura Gion Taiko -- Yasaka Shrine, Fukuoka City, Japan (shrine festival that incorporates a taiko drumming competition with up to 100 teams; through the 21st)

Liberation Day -- Nicaragua

Lumberjack World Championships -- Hayward, WI, US (the world's greatest lumberjacks face off in the "Olympics of the Forest"; through Saturday)

Martyr's Day -- Myanmar

National Daiquiri Day

Quilt Odyssey 2018 -- Hershey, PA, US (national quilt competition, through Sunday)

Stick Out Your Tongue Day -- internet generated, do it just because it's fun

Stirling Settler Days -- Stirling, Alberta, Canada (parade, pancake breakfast, firefighter games, a movie in the park, dancing, rodeo, and more; through Saturday)

St. Justa's Day (Patron of potters; Seville, Spain)

Triple Play Day -- the first Major League unassisted triple play was made by Neal Ball on this day in 1909

*Amelia Bloomer's birth anniversary on May 27 is also called "Bloomer Day"

Anniversaries Today:

Frank Sinatra marries Mia Farrow, 1966
Isis marries Osiris (year unknown, ask the ancient Egyptians!)
Adonis marries Aphrodite (year unknown, ask the ancient Greeks!)

Birthdays Today:

Stephen Anthony Lawrence, 1990
Jared Padalecki, 1982
Topher Grace, 1978
Angela Griffin, 1976
Clea Lewis, 1965
Anthony Edwards, 1962
Campbell Scott, 1962
Brian May, 1947
Ilie Nastase, 1946
Vikki Carr, 1941
Arthur Rankin, Jr., 1924
George McGovern, 1922
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, 1921
Eve Merriam, 1916
Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, 1904 (last direct descendent of Abraham Lincoln)
Max Fleischer, 1883
Charles Horace Mayo, 1865
Lizzie Borden, 1860
Edgar Degas, 1834
Samuel Colt, 1814

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"That's All Right"(Elvis' first single release), 1954

Today in History

A dragon more than 100 metres long was found dead on Yehwang Mountain in Henan province and was seen as a bad omen for Emperor Huan, who ignored it and died at age 35 (three years later); Xiang Kai, who had warned him of the omen, was released from the prison the emperor had placed him in, and lionised as a hero, BCE164
Moslem forces under Tariq ibn Ziyad defeated the Visigoths led by their king Roderic, 711
A hailstorm brings down the ceilings of the Papal Palace, Rome, 1500
Lady Jane Grey is replaced by Mary I of England as Queen of England after having that title for just nine days, 1553
Five women are hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
Representatives of the Iroquois Confederacy sign the Nanfan Treaty, ceding a large territory north of the Ohio River to England, 1701
Australia's first recorded use of gaslight was commenced in a Sydney shop, 1826
The British Medical Association was founded as the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association by Sir Charles Hastings at a meeting in the Board Room of the Worcester Infirmary, 1832
The two day Women's Rights Convention opens in Seneca Falls, New York; "bloomers," named after developer Amelia Bloomer, are worn at this very early feminist convention, 1848
A meteorite with an estimated mass of 190 kg explodes over the town of Holbrook in Navajo County, Arizona causing approximately 16,000 pieces of debris to rain down on the town, 1912
Joe Walker flies a North American X-15 to a record altitude of 106,010 metres (347,800 feet) on X-15 Flight 90. Exceeding an altitude of 100 km, this flight qualifies as a human spaceflight under international convention, 1963
The Sandinista rebels overthrow the government of the Somoza family in Nicaragua, 1979
The first three-dimensional reconstruction of a human head in a CT is published, 1983
President Clinton announces his idea for a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in regards to gays in the US military, 1993
A Tel Aviv judges orders safe deposit boxes that contain manuscripts of Franz Kafka to be opened, 2010
A Pontifical Commission is established by Pope Francise to investigate current accounting practices and implement new strategies for greater fiscal transparency and fiscal responsibility among all Vatican office, 2013


  1. HaHa. A humorous SSS.

    I so enjoy reading your historical lists.

  2. Much better multi-tasking skills than I can manage.

  3. nice woowden fences not common in Europe

  4. Love the wooden fences and the plants growing near the fence. One screen is enough for me! Lol!

  5. My husband uses 3 screens at work. I don't even know how. I'm like "why isn't one good enough?" Then there is my dad who always has the tv on in the background while playing on his ipad. I know he can't watch both at once, so it drives me crazy. I'm a big fan of silence. One screen at a time (unless I'm watching a movie while responding to blog comments 😛).

  6. Now that was funny. Have a great Thursday Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. lol
    good one... (though it makes me wonder how I've resisted that notion of multiple screens for this long.)

  8. Love that six sentence story. Love the ending.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  9. I very much like the ending. If you live a righteous life you have no one to answer to about your screens or anything else.

  10. I'm not sure how I feel about Lizzie Borden being a Moonchild, Miz Mimi...!

  11. You have a great way with words. Love this! You are definitely a writer.

  12. Good 6! Made me smile. There's something about multiple screens...for me, only at work, otherwise 1 at a time, please :D

  13. Another good 6 word story!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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