
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How one client made the kids stop stealing his toothbrush (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by River at Drifting Through Life.    

This week's words are:

1. yellow
2. zinnias
3. adjust
4. boots
5. chicken
6. doomed


1. extensively
2. flagstones
3. gingerly
4. holding
5. investigator
6. jerked

Looking at the new CHICKEN coop in her back yard, she shook her head and smiled wryly.

He’d been EXTENSIVELY researching keeping chickens for months now as she GINGERLY probed for reasons like an INVESTIGATOR trying to come up with the motive for the crime.  Did he want fresh eggs?  Was he trying to turn into a city farmer?  Trying to keep up with the obnoxious fellow at work who always bragged about being raised in the country and how much better it was and how he was going to move back someday?

While she hadn’t gotten to the bottom of it, she’d been HOLDING on to the hope that perhaps it was just something that would die away on its own, like his earlier delving into archaeology.  (When he’d figured out he’d be spending most of him time sweating at the end of a shovel if he signed up as an amateur digger on an excavation site for a vacation, he’d dropped that like the proverbial hot potato and gone back to watching Indiana Jones movies.)

Seeing a large YELLOW coop delivered had made her realize that he was not just serious, but that he’d determined raising their own chickens was now a foregone conclusion.

Not that she had anything against it, it was simply that she had no clue how to care for such critters.  Seeing the FLAGSTONES he’d bought to use for a path to the coop piled up next to rolls and rolls of chicken wire and lots of lumber, she knew he was going to build them a run and who knew what else.

She was going to have to act fast and lay down some rules if she didn’t want him to encroach on her ZINNIAS and roses.  He would have to ADJUST some of his building plans to keep her flower beds from being DOOMED.

When he got home, he whooped like a child to see that the coop was there, and  pulled out his new “farmer BOOTS” as he called them.  She just laughed and let him have his moment, knowing he’d be JERKED back to seriousness at some point in the process.

She just hoped they both enjoyed the fun of having chickens when it was all over, because if they were this far in, she was going to make sure they went all in.


Today is:

Air Guitar World Championships -- Oulu, Finland (through Friday; "The purpose of the Air Guitar World Championships is to promote world peace.")  

American Quilter's Society Quilt Exposition -- Grand Rapids, MI, US (their largest show; through Saturday)

America's Cup Day -- the first America's Cup was won this date in 1851 by the yacht America

Be an Angel Day -- Sponsored by Angel Heights Healing Center, encouraging people to be a blessing and perform an act of service for someone

Corn Palace Festival -- Mitchell, SD, US (harvest celebration and redecoration of the world's only Corn Palace; through Sunday)

Eat a Peach Day

Feast of the Queenship of Mary & Immaculate Heart of Mary -- Catholic Christians

Flag Day -- Russia

Hoodie Hoo Day, Southern Hemisphere -- Wellcat Holidays says to go outside at noon and call "Hoodie Hoo" to chase away winter and call spring

National Spumoni Day (i don't think i've had really great spumoni since i went to Italy all those years ago -- nothing like getting things at the source.)

National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day -- US (started by a vet who declared today a cat's only day for his practice, so his feline patients wouldn't be upset by any dogs in the place; now many vets will only schedule cats on a particular day)

Rumpleskunkskin's Wedding Anniversary -- Fairy Calendar (Goblin celebration)

St. Symphorian's Day (Patron of children, students; Autun, France; against eye problems, syphilis)

Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration -- Shelbyville, TN, US (an 11-day festival celebrating the world famous Tennessee Walking Horse and crowning this year's World Grand Champion)

Anniversary Today:

Henry Leland founds the Cadillac Motor Company, 1902

Birthdays Today:

Kristin Wiig, 1973
Giada De Laurentiis, 1970
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, 1967
Tori Amos, 1963
Cindy Williams, 1947
Steve Kroft, 1945
Duane Charles "Bill" Parcells, 1941
Valerie Harper, 1940
Carl Yastrzemski, 1939
E. Annie Proulx, 1935
Norman Schwarzkopf, 1934
Gerald Paul Carr, 1932
Ray Bradbury, 1920
John Lee Hooker, 1917
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1908
Helene Bertha Amalie "Leni" Riefenstahl, 1902
George Herriman, 1880
Dorothy Parker, 1893
Claude Debussy, 1862
Archibald MacNeal Willard, 1836
Samuel Pierpont Langley, 1834
Virginia Clemm Poe, 1822
St. Anthony of Padua, 1195

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Later with Bob Costas"(TV), 1988

Today in History:

St. Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, 565
The Battle of Bosworth Field, in which King Richard III is killed and his forces defeated by Henry VII, 1485
Madras, India (now called Chennai) is founded by the British East India company on land purchased from the local Nayak rulers, 1639
Jacob Barsimon, the first Jewish immigrant to what would become US territory, arrives in New Amsterdam/Manhattan, 1654
The Newport, RI newspaper, Mercury, becomes the first in the US to hire a female editor, Ann Franklin, 1762
Austria laundches pilotless balloons against the Italian city of Venice, thus staging the first air raid in history, 1849
Gold discovered in Australia, 1851
12 nations sign the First Geneva Convention and the Red Cross is formed, 1864
William Shepphard patents the first liquid soap, 1885
Founding of the Cadillac Motor Company, 1902
President Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first US chief executive to ride in an automobile, 1902
The first Victor Victrola is manufactured, 1906
The Mona Lisa is stolen, 1911 (recovered 2 years later)
Althea Gibson becomes the first black competitor in international tennis, 1950
Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota, Colombia, becoming the first pope to visit Latin America, 1968
Rhodesia is expelled by the IOC for its racist policies, 1972
The first ring of Neptune is discovered, 1989
A version of The Scream and Madonna, two paintings by Edvard Munch, are stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Oslo, Norway, 2004
The Storm botnet, a botnet created by the Storm Worm, sends out a record 57 million e-mails in one day, 2007
Russia and Vanuatu become members of the World Trade Organization, 2012
India’s highest court outlaws instant divorce (talaq, talaq, talaq) for Muslim men, 2017


  1. I hope they both enjoy the chickens - and that her zinnias are safe. Yet another lovely use of the prompts.

  2. I hope everything goes well for the chicken and the zinnias. Before I started my garden, we were rearing chickens.

  3. Great story! I hope the chicken cop and the new run are a great success and they are soon enjoying fresh laid eggs.

  4. I like the idea of Be An Angel Day! I have to admit, that's one clever way to keep your toothbrush safe.

  5. Great use of the prompts. I loved having chickens and miss them a lot...especially the fresh eggs.

  6. That toothbrush security system is hilarious!

    Visiting from WW

  7. LOL! I think it's great the kids actually want to brush their teeth! Or, maybe they just want to hide his toothbrush!

  8. Toothbrush is secure now! Good story too!

  9. Great story, I hope she can keep her zinnias :) Good idea for the toothbrush. I have to keep our in the bathroom closet because I caught our cat , Joanie gnawing on mine once.

  10. Sorry I'm so late. Today was the day we spent in Sacramento while our friend had her procedure. All turned out well.

    Love the security system for the toothbrush.

    I always love your stories and I hope they both work together so they both have what they want.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  11. Air Guitar - my best instrument.

  12. Well I just had to look up the triple Talaq divorce thing.
    Learn something new every day.

    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  13. I'd forgotten what you wrote, so had to come and read it again :)

  14. Fun toothbrush story!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  15. I loved your Chicken story. Chickens are far the best and most comfortable creatures to live with. . but for some foul reason they insist on crossing roads.


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