
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Thankful on Saturday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


This past week was a bit on the difficult side, so i'm especially glad to be able to write my thankful post.

There was a lot of good mixed in, and sometimes there are good sides to even not so great events.

For the past several years, our ladies' circle has had an honorary member, the husband of our first chairwoman.  Mr. D was welcomed and we always gave him the best seat in the house and made sure he got coffee and treats first.  Ms. D couldn't come to the meetings without him because he simply couldn't be left alone, so she brought him, and it was a blessing.  He went home to be with the Savior this past week, and when the ladies' circles start up again, i am going to miss him.  I am very thankful he got to come to our meetings.

Ms. JAI called me to let me know she had left town for the funeral of a family member.  As much as i dislike being called at the last minute to cancel work, i am thankful for Ms. JAI and her forthright attitude and the fact that she and i understand each other.

Pepe the grand-dog showed up with a lump on him that made an appointment with the vet necessary.  All of us are thankful it was just a swollen lymph gland that should be taken care of by the steroid shot and the antibiotic pills.

While i was at the laundromat, a very sad looking lady approached me and asked for change.  Since i was done with my load and had a couple of dollars left, i gave them to her.  She asked others as well, and i think she eventually got enough together to get her laundry finished.  As much as i like saving what change i have left for the next week's load, i'm thankful i had something left to give her.

There's been an awful outbreak of ringworm at the shelter, and i am very thankful that volunteers no longer have to deal with that.  Only paid staff care for cats with ringworm.  This makes Horizon the cat at our house thankful, too, as he gets ringworm at the drop of a hat, so i am always afraid i'll bring it home to him by accident if i have to touch any ringworm cats at the shelter.

Ms. G asked me to clean an empty house that is going on the market, and it took ten hours (two trips).  Part of it was the place was filthy, and part was she wanted me to use a specific product on the wood floors i've never used.  As difficult as the place was to get done, i am thankful the floors turned out looking as good as they possibly could.

Sweetie's knee is hurting him again, and i am thankful he decided to help me with a couple of houses this week anyway.  He actually thinks that keeping moving makes it feel a bit better, too.

The Big Boss got called out of town for a funeral and he called Sweetie to come wait at his house for a package that was expected.  This meant i did not have help at Ms. GA's house like i usually do.  It made me thankful for the help i get.  

One of our clients has a dog that is normally very well behaved.  He is now an older dog, though, and he had his first accident in the house ever when we were there cleaning.  While the cleaning products i tried didn't do much good, i am thankful i was able to pull the rug he wet up away from the hardwood floor underneath and prop it with a riser to keep the floor from getting damaged.

Not to get too detailed, let's say i am very thankful for indoor plumbing, especially when i have a tummy issue.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  You will be glad you did.    


Today is:

Antique Marine Engine Exposition -- Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT, US (annual exposition of pre-WWII marine engines and models; through tomorrow)

Bad Poetry Day -- Wellcat Holidays suggests you get back at your high school English teacher for making you read all that "good" poetry; get together with friends, write some truly awful stuff, and mail it to him/her!

Battle of Blue Licks Celebration -- Blue Licks Battlefield State Park, Mount Olivet, KY, US (to commemorate the Revolutionary War Battle of Blue Licks with living history demonstrations, arts, crafts, games, reenactments and more; through tomorrow)

Bike Van Buren -- Van Buren County, IA, US (a leisurely two-day bike tour of villages, landmarks and landscapes)

Hartjesdagen -- Amsterdam and Haarlem, Holland ("Little Hearts Day"; the folklore is that this was the day non-nobles could hunt deer in the woods around Haarlem, and became a two-day cross dressing festival, all men dressed as women, and women as men, to see how the other half lived; revived in recent years on the 3rd weekend of August, because the 3rd Monday was the original celebration, and is still the biggest day)

International Homeless Animals Day® -- International Society for Animal Rights    

Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon -- Leadville, CO, US (race 100 of the toughest miles in the country through the Rocky Mountains beginning at 4am; you have 30 hours to complete the course to the ghost town of Winfield and back)

Long Tan Day a/k/a Vietnam Veterans Day -- Australia

Mail Order Catalog Day -- the first one was published by Montgomery Ward this day in 1872, and was only one page (Do yourself a favor and opt out of the doggone things, save a few trees: )

Minnesota Renaissance Festival -- Shakopee, MN, US (one of the countries largest and finest; weekends through Sept. 30)

Mt. Hagen Cultural Show -- Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea (one of the biggest cultural shows in Papua New Guinea; through tomorrow)

National Honey Bee Day -- US     

National Ice Cream Pie Day

National Science Day -- Thailand

National Soft Ice Cream Day

Parsi New Year/Shahenshahi -- MH, India

Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival -- Pittsburgh, PA, US (relive the days of yore, watch artisans practice the olde crafts, and have a high good time; weekends through September)

Serendipity Day -- and it's here serendipitously! begun by writer Madeleine Kay, it's the day to step out of routine, do something you've always wanted to do, and see what happens

St. Agapitus' Day (Patron of Palestrina, Italy; against colic)

St. Helena's Day (Mother of Constantine the Great; Patron of archaeologists, converts, difficult marriages, divorced people, dyers, empresses, nail smiths, needle makers; Birkirkara, Malta; Helena, MT, US; against fire and thunder)

Toge-Pogling Season begins -- Fairy Calendar (Toges are normally pogled in groups of five or six, depending upon the size and strength of the individual Poge)

Woodward Dream Cruise Day 2018 -- Detroit, MI, US (what began in 1995 as a fundraiser for a soccer field has grown into the largest one-day classic car show in the world)

Birthdays Today:

Andy Samberg, 1978
Malcolm-Jamal Warner, 1970
Christian Slater, 1969
Edward Norton, 1969
Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, 1962
Madeleine Stowe, 1958
Patrick Swayze, 1952
Elayne Boosler, 1952
Martin Mull, 1943
Robert Redford, 1936
Roberto Clemente Walker, 1934
Roman Polanski, 1933
Luc Montagnier, 1932
Rosalynn Carter, 1927
Shelley Winters, 1920
Greta Garbo, 1905
Max Factor, 1904
Meriwether Lewis, 1774
Virginia Dare, 1587 (first English child born in the Americas)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Private Lives"(Play), 1930
"Iphigénie"(Racine's dramatic tragedy), 1674

Today in History:

Founding of the oldest known Roman temple to Venus, BC293
Rome is occupied and plundered by Visigoths under King Alarik I, 410
Death of Genghis Khan (fell from his horse), 1227
A Portuguese ship drifts ashore in the Japanese province of Higo, 1541
The Boston, Massachusetts Evening Post begins publishing, 1735
Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, 1834
Pierre Janssan discovers helium, 1868
German engineer Karl Jatho allegedly flies his self-made, motored gliding airplane four months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers, 1903.
Mayor of Tokyo Yukio Ozaki presents Washington, D.C. with 2,000 cherry trees, which President Taft decides to plant near the Potomac River, 1909
A Great Fire in Thessaloniki, Greece destroys 32% of the city leaving 70,000 individuals homeless, 1917
19th US Amendment ratified (gives women the vote), 1920
Premier of The Wizard of Oz, 1939
The first commercially produced oral contraceptives are marketed, 1960
James Meredith becomes the first black person to graduate from the University of Mississippi, 1963
Steve Biko is arrested at a police roadblock under the Terrorism Act No 83 of 1967 in King William's Town, South Africa. He would later die of the injuries sustained during this arrest bringing attention to South Africa's apartheid policies, 1977
Massive power blackout hits the Indonesian island of Java, affecting almost 100 million people, 2005
Columbia's Chiribiquete National Park expands to 3 million hectares from 1.2 million hectares, becoming one of the Amazon's largest protected zones, 2013


  1. Love your positive attitude.
    Thank you (and everyone else) for making Mr D welcome.

  2. I love that you all showed such grace to this man who had to venture into the ladies' circle, and that your openess was rewarded by the blessing he became for you. I can't begin to image the comfort and joy it gave to your friend during that time of decline to be able to remain a part of the group and to see the group encircle her husband in love.

  3. You are a wonderful person and you always able to see the good even in not so good situation. Praise God for your positive attitude. Dwelling on the negative will get us no where. Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. I loved the first story about Mr. D & Ms D. You ladies were wonderful treating him so great. You were all angels Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. You have a lovely ability to find sunshine in a thunderstorm!

  6. Indoor plumbing is high on my list of "thankful for"s, as well.
    I've been to that antique engine exposition - it's fascinating.
    (Altho' perhaps not as fascinating as the idea of a national cross-dressing holiday...)

  7. Bless you for letting Mr. D. have the best seat in the house at your meetings. May he rest in peace.

    You are so busy every single week. I also agree with what Joe said. You do have the ability to find sunshine in a thunderstorm.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  8. Thank you, Mimi reminding me that, while all too often there are weeks, heck, maybe months where difficulty and challenge seem to reign, there is always some good tucked away. We just have to recognize it and pull it out into the open.

  9. Sorry for the loss of Mr. D.
    I am glad Pepe is OK. You always find the silver lining. XO

  10. Those sure are some fantastic things to be thankful for. It is good to find good things in all that we do. Life is good.

  11. Outstanding example of the power of deciding how to feel. (Thats a poor expressed reference to an old (and better expressed) saying about it is us to us as individuals what our emotional content it at any given time.
    (What I like is that, as evidenced in your Grat Items, it is not simply to try to not feel the negative, but to take the action to see the positive elements that are inherent.)
    I got something from your TToT this week. Thanks

  12. How wonderful that Mrs. D was able to continue coming to the Ladies' Circle because of the allowing Mr. D to become an honorary member. I know you will miss him.
    I'm glad Pepe's swollen lymph gland can be treated with steroids and antibiotics.
    Indoor plumbing and easily accessible is always a good thing.
    Hope you have a great week.

  13. Wow, I'm sorry so many people around you had funerals this week. I'm glad that you were able to find things to be thankful for; oftentimes the sweet and bitter mix together in a week.

  14. Lots going on in your week, Mimi. By keeping a positive attitude and looking for the gratitude, you have swished away the negativity.


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