
Sunday, August 5, 2018

We Told You (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus no longer hosts a Silly Sunday blog hop, don't expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes.

Sweetie called me the other day in a bit of a dither as several of our kids and their friends had gathered at the house and the usual damage had occurred.  That means the kitchen was dirty and it was time for him to fix his supper and he didn't want to have to clean it.  Of course, the kids did the cleaning, but he had just the excuse he needed to go get a quick meal from the grocery store food line.

It's okay, it's something he does once in a while and it is not expensive.

Boudreaux an' Clothile know de damage de chil'runs can do in de house.  One day Aline an' Tee be in de kitchen an' Clothile hear a ruckus an' den a big crash!

Jes' a secon' later, both de kids yell, "Don' come in here!"

O' course, Clothile goin' go straight in, an' what she see!  It be de big mess, an' she say, "Mais!  What be goin' on in here?  How you chilluns done do dis big mess!"

An' Tee say, "Well, we done tol' you don' come in!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.   

Grandma has been busy in the fairy garden workshop again:

And here is the workshop:


Today is:

Barsi Bhagat Puran Singh -- Sikhism

Bogota Carnival -- Bogota, Colombia (celebrating the city's Hispanic founding; through tomorrow)

Celtic Tree Month Coll (Hazel) commences

Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day -- uttered this day by Admiral Farragut at the Battle of Mobile Bay in 1864

Hanakasa Matsuri -- Yamagata City, Japan (10,000 costumed dancers perform; through the 7th)

Independence Day / Republic Day -- Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta)(1960)

Loch-mo-Naire Pilgrimage -- Loch mo Naire, Scotland (tonight from midnight to 1am tomorrow is the magical hour, complete the ritual there to be healed by the waters because of magic stones in the water that a Celtic priestess put there) 

National Blackmail Day -- according to mostly ecard sites, with suggestions to send a card to the friend who has told you his/her secrets, with the notice that you plan on celebrating this date!

National Doll Day -- US (another with its own Facebook page)   

National Friendship Day -- US (designated by Congress in 1935)

National Underwear Day -- sponsored by, which encourages people to rethink their underwear style and make sure they have the right fit   

National Waffle Day

Nuestra Senora de Africa -- CE, Spain (Day of Our Lady of Africa, also called Fiestas Patronales)

Oyster Day

Pixie of the Year Competition -- Fairy Calendar

Sacrifice to Salus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of health, associated with Greek Hygeia)

Sisters' Day® -- celebrating the bond between sisters, as begun by Tricia Eleogram; a wiki page on how to celebrate this day     

St. Afra of Augsburg's Day (Patron of converts, martyrs, penitent women; Augsburg, Germany)

St. Oswald of Northumbria's Day (Patron of Zug, Switzerland)

Swiss Volksfest -- New Glarus, WI, US (celebration of Swiss Independence Day)

Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian defenders -- Croatia

Work Like a Dog Day -- different from work-a-holics, people who work like a dog work hard while they are at it, and rest when they aren't

Birthdays Today:

Jonathan Silverman, 1966
Patrick Aloysius Ewing, 1962
Maureen McCormick, 1956
Erika Slezak, 1946
Loni Anderson, 1946
Ja’net DuBois, 1938
John Saxon, 1936
Neil Armstrong, 1930
Sydney Omarr, 1926
Raoul Wallenberg, 1912
John Huston, 1906
Conrad Potter Aiken, 1889
Joseph Merrick, 1862
Guy de Maupassant, 1850
Thomas Lynch, Jr., 1749
John Eliot, 1604
Joseph Justus Scaliger, 1540

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Revolver"(Beatles Album, release date), 1966
"Eleanor Rigby" & "Yellow Submarine"(Beatles singles, A & B side respectively, release date), 1966
"American Bandstand"(TV, national premiere), 1957
"Andy Capp"(Comic strip), 1957
"Little Orphan Annie"(Comic strip), 1924

Today in History

The last outpost of Bar Kockba, Betar, falls to Rome, 135
Penda of Mercia defeats and kills Oswald of Northumbria at the Battle of Maserfield, 642
King Edward and Earl Aetherlred, leading the allied forces of Mercia and Wessex, defeat the last major Viking army to raid England at the Battle of Tettenhall, 910
Anti-Jewish riots in Arnstadt, Germany, 1264
Sir Humphrey Gilbert establishes first English colony in North America, at what is now St John's, Newfoundland, 1583
The Mayflower departs from Southampton, England on its first attempt to reach North America, 1620
New York Weekly Journal writer John Peter Zenger is acquitted of seditious libel against the royal governor of New York, on the basis that what he had published was true, 1735
US Army abolishes flogging, 1861
Standard Oil of New Jersey is established, 1882
The cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty is laid on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor, 1884
Bertha Benz drives from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back in the first long distance automobile trip made in her husbands invention, the first patented automobile; her journey was to publicize the invention, and she garnered attention and sales, 1888
The first electric traffic light is installed, in Cleveland, Ohio, 1914
Debut of the comic strip "Little Orphan Annie", by Harold Gray, 1924
Debut of the comic strip "Andy Capp", by Smythe, 1957
Nelson Mandela is jailed, 1962*
The United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty, 1963
The city of Knin, a significant Serb stronghold, is captured by Croatian forces during Operation Storm, 1995
The Copiapo mining accident traps 33 Chilean miners about 2,300ft below the ground, 2010
NASA launches its Juno space probe from Cape Canaveral to orbit and study Jupiter, 2011
The world's first bovine stem cell lab-grown burger is eaten in London, 2013
The UN Security Council votes to impose sanctions on North Korea for its continued missile program, 2017

*Released in 1990


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loved your blog, it's good, congratulations.
    Visit my blog

  3. I love the fairy gardens, what a great idea to brighten up a corner. Love the kitchen mess joke too :)

  4. The fairy garden is enchanting. And the kitchen mess too familiar (not from children).

  5. I love what's in Grandma fairy garden workshop. It gives me some ideas.
    As far as dinner is concerned, since I retired from teaching ( 14 years ago ), I've been the family chef and my wife loves it. She said that if you cook, she would wash and it has been wonderful in our home. I also do most of the baking except pies. Mary Lou pies are the greatest. I could never keep up with them. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. I am not as easy going and have little patience for people who live under the roof of my house, use my tools and food and then leave a mess. That would be fixed calmly but firmly.

  7. Kids can make a mess indeed. I so remember. They are all scattered now and make a mess in their own homes. Love your jokes. Always have looked forward to them.

    Love your grandmas garden. Beautiful.

    Have a blessed Sunday. ♥

  8. Do I check the fit of my underwear before or after I celebrate National Waffle Day?

  9. a fairy garden workshop has to be one of the best places in the world to work!

  10. I miss having little ones making a mess in the kitchen. Time goes so fast.

  11. interesting post have a great week

  12. Cute joke :) I love the fairy gardens, so pretty.

  13. Very pretty and cute fairy gardens by your mom! I know how it was like with messy kitchen. Lol!

  14. Delightful and creative fairy garden ~ so colorful too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Another fun Cajun joke!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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