
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Rain, Storms, Deadlines and Scams, a Random and Happy Tuesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

First let me say that when tropical weather hits, it's not funny, and i should know, i've lived through it several times over.

Let me add that we have to laugh so we don't cry, and we do have hurricane parties because otherwise the awfulness is too much.

Funny but not funny.  Laugh anyway.

Last week, there was a threat from a storm named Gordon.  When i left Dr. D's house on Monday, she asked me a bit plaintively to check up on her through the week (her children live out of town).

Wednesday, our third day in a row of no sign of a storm (it never got here), i jokingly texted her on a very sunny afternoon and asked her how she was surviving the tropical weather.  We are both still laughing.

As i write this, we are having our every other afternoon monsoon.  The day begins beautifully, then clouds start to gather.  By around 4pm, some areas will see rain of the downpour variety for a good ten minutes to a half hour.  Other areas will get theirs tomorrow.  So far, only enough to keep the swamps swampy, which is plenty for me.

View from the back window during an afternoon monsoon.

Speaking of Dr. D, she has been after me to help her find someone to sell stuff for her for a commission on eBay.  The person has been found, and i will take stuff to church on Sunday for K to look over.

And we got her taxes for 2017 started.  Yes, it's late.  She doesn't owe anything, so she can file whenever she wants, which is not good.  Some people need a deadline.

Speaking of deadlines, a friend has one, and she needs help getting a place ready for the sale this Friday, so i am skipping Ladies Circle today and cleaning two houses.  Three jobs tomorrow and two on Thursday, three on Friday, and i think by Saturday afternoon after i finish with Mr. BA i may be ready to sit down a while.

Sweetie got an interesting piece of mail the other day.  It told him that he had an old, unused gift card that was going to be turned over to the state unclaimed property office if he didn't send them his name, address, phone number, and include copies of two forms of government issued ID.

Thank you, you can turn it over to the state, we'll get it then.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday!


Today is:

Day of Remembrance/Patriot Day/National Day of Service -- US (all flags at half staff)

Discontinued Thoughts Exhibition -- Fairy Calendar

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 1, Unity (sponsored by We, the World

Emergency Number Day/National 911 Emergency Day -- US

Fiesta Nacional de Cataluna -- Catalonia, Spain (National Day of Catalonia)

Hijra -- Islam (Islamic New Year Begins at the viewing of the new moon crescent, so exact time/date varies by location)

Husker Harvest Days -- Grand Island, NE, US (the largest irrigated working ag show on a permanent site in the US; through Thursday)

Jinnah Day -- Pakistan (Founder's Day)

Libraries Remember Day -- encouraging libraries, which preserve knowledge and heritage, promote tolerance, and represent all that is the antithesis to terrorism, to remain open the entire 24 hours of this day as symbol of freedom, tolerance, and hope

Make Your Bed Day -- make your mom happy!

National Hot Cross Buns Day

Nayrouz -- Coptic Orthodox Church (Coptic new year and day of confessors) related observances
    Enkutatash -- Ethiopia
    Keddus Johannes -- Eritrea (a/k/a Geez New Year)

No News is Good News Day

Pohnpei Liberation Day -- Micronesia

Queen Paola's Birthday -- Belgium (an official flag day)

Rosh Hashanah -- Judaism (ends today at evening)

Sacrifice to Zeus Epoptes -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

St. Sperandea's`Day (Patron of Cingoli, Italy)

St. Vincent of Leon' Day (Patron of Cercemaggiore, Italy)

Teacher's Day -- Argentina

Anniversaries Today:

Diocletian New Year
Remembrance of 9/11/2001

Birthdays Today:

Harry Connick, Jr. 1967
Moby, 1965
Virginia Madsen, 1963
Kristy McNichol, 1962
Amy Madigan, 1951
Donna Lopiano, 1946
Lola Falana, 1943
Tom Dreesen, 1942
Brian DePalma, 1940
Paul "Bear" Bryant, 1913
D.H. Lawrence, 1885
O. Henry, 1862

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Martian(film), 2015
"Little House on the Prairie"(TV), 1974
"The Rookies"(TV), 1972
"The Carol Burnett Show"(TV), 1967
"The Queen's Messenger"(TV, first drama ever broadcast), 1928
Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale"(first US performance), 1850

Today in History:

Battle of Teutoburg Forest ends, 9
Michimalonko leads indigenous warriors to attack and destroy Santiago, Chile, 1541
Alexander Hamilton is appointed first US Secretary of the Treasury, 1789
The Hope Diamond is stolen along with other French crown jewels when six men break into the house used to store them, 1792
Stephen Foster's well-known song, Oh! Susanna, is first performed at a saloon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1847
Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale", gives her first US concert, 1850
The Olympia Columbian becomes the first newspaper published north of the Columbia River, 1852
The postal mail chute is patenteted by James Cutler, 1883
Mahatma Gandhi coins the term "Satyagraha" to characterize the Non-Violence movement in South Africa, 1906
The Quebec Bridge's central span collapses, killing 11, 1916
Hurricane Carla strikes the Texas coast as a Category 4 hurricane, the second strongest storm ever to hit the state, 1961
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel meet at Camp David and agree on the Camp David Accords, 1978
Hungary announces that East German refugees there are free to leave for West Germany, 1989
Hurricane Iniki, one of the most damaging hurricanes in United States history, devastates Hawaii, especially the islands of Kauai and Oahu, 1992
September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, 2001
The State of Israel claims completion for its unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip, 2005
Russia tests the largest conventional weapon ever, the Father of all bombs, 2007
The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is attacked by terrorists, 2012
One million march on this state's national day in Barcelona in support of independence for Catalonia, 2017


  1. Goodness you are busy. You will deserve a bit of a rest when you get all that done.
    Sigh on the scammers. They succeed too often.

  2. We are having our share of rainy days over here. All the jobs will keep you very busy. Have to be very careful and alert of the scammers. They will try anything just to cheat people of their hard earned money!

  3. That letter definitely sounds like a scam. Such a shame so many people try to scam others out of money instead of just getting a job themselves. Good luck getting through the week with all those jobs, I am sure you can do it though.

  4. Love that Spam letter. I got one the other day from Mrs "Melanin" Trump who wants to give me $60 million, which is very nice of her! I didn't even realise she knew me but they probably read my blog in the White House. Off now to email her all my bank details......!

  5. I have been getting banking email scams and I just forward to abuse@name of company...not sure if that helps. Glad you are keeping busy but hope you can set aside some down time.

  6. I know for sure that we will never have a hurricane in Amherstburg but we have had a tornado or two in the past. I worry for those that people that do end up in the way of those hurricanes.
    I did end up in a scam once but due to my computer whiz, he was able to get me out of it. These people really know how to get you into a mess. Have a great day Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Amazing the scams out there.

    I hope you don't work too hard this week. Sounds like you're going to come home very tired until Saturday.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Thanks for playing along. ♥

  8. oh my you are one busy bee! and honestly those #@!%^&! scammers. They need to be strung up.

  9. Precious photos and fun sparks ~ be safe ~ hope Florence doesn't get to you ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  10. I know you don't pick 'em - but what a very odd day to choose for hot cross buns. Shouldn't it be, like, closer to Good Friday?
    (I know, I need to learn to think outside the box!)

  11. Ah the spam emails. Humans are so devious. We furries are open and honest. Just look into our eyes ... and call us so we can refund the money you didn't pay us. :)

  12. We are in the rainy season so we get afternoon showers almost every afternoon. Our yard is a mess, but I don't want to complain. I pray for those poor people in Florence's path.

    You sound way too busy. Hope you get a nice rest.

    Scammers are such pests. I report them, but they keep coming.

  13. You sound as if you will need a rest. I was amazed at the gift card scam, I haven't seen that one before! That rain looks amazing, but quite refreshing too. I am glad the storms don't reach you. reminds me I must contact some of our friends in Florida.


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