
Friday, September 7, 2018

That Incredulous Look, Part 3 (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

That incredulous look when Dr. D's cat, Josephine the Persian, sees the car is being packed again, and she knows she's going to be put in it:

Another trip!!!  You must be joking.  You aren't joking.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!       

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. September is the perfect month for __________________.

2. This month, I am looking forward to __________________.

3. My morning routine always includes _________.

4. I have a love-hate relationship with _________.

September is the perfect month for watching the stores for sales on items you will need for the holidays later.  Often they put staples on sale early, and things like butter freeze well and the flour and sugar will keep.

This month, i am looking forward to slightly lower temperatures as we make our way inexorably toward winter.

My morning routine always includes prayer, Bible reading, and the personal grooming needed to make sure i don't end up stinky in front of clients.  When i work cleaning a home or office, i work and you will know it if i am not careful.

I have a love-hate relationship with driving.  While i don't mind driving, and in fact enjoy it, i cannot stand traffic and the way it moves, or rather doesn't move, around here.  While i am a teetotal, the only thing that could turn me into a drinking woman is the traffic around here.


Today is:

Air Force Day -- Pakistan

Arcola Broom Corn Festival -- Arcola, IL, US (includes a parade; through Sunday)

Banana Festival - An A-peeling Celebration -- Fulton, KY & South Fulton, TN, US (the fun starts tonight with The Banana Ball and continues through next Saturday)

Beer Lovers' Day -- ESPN began to broadcast on this day in 1979

Bring Your Manners To Work Day -- sad that we even have to have this one, isn't it?

Dri-jerbal -- Marshall Islands (Labor Day)

Feel the Love Day

Festival of the Vine -- Geneva, IL, US (celebrating the flavors of fall, especially good food and wine from around the world; through Sunday)

Fiesta de Santa Fe -- Santa Fe, NM, US (festivities include the burning of the Zozobra -- Old Man Gloom effigy -- on the first night, so bring your personal gloom written down before the burning, and watch it be destroyed, then enjoy one of the oldest fiestas in the US; through Sunday)

Freddie Mercury Montreux Memorial -- Montreaux, Switzerland (annual weekend-long tribute to the work of Freddie Mercury)

Grandma Moses Day

Great Canadian Beer Festival -- Victoria, BC, Canada (through tomorrow)

Independence Day -- Brazil

Lazy Moms Day -- a day for mom to be lazy, and let the kids do the housework!

Lusaka Peace Agreement Day -- Mozambique

National Acorn Squash Day

National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day -- US (by Senate proclamation in 2004)

National Folk Festival -- Salisbury, MD, US (sponsored by the National Council for the Traditional Arts, a multicultural celebration of traditional native and folk arts in the United States; through Sunday)

National Napoleon Day (the dessert, not the general)

National Threatened Species Day -- Australia

Neither Snow Nor Rain Day -- celebrates the opening of the US Post Office in NYC on this day in 1914, which building has the famous inscription on it

Nijamati Sewa Divas -- Nepal (Civil Servants' Day)

North Carolina Folk Festival -- Greensboro, NC, US (art, music, North Carolina folklife, and fun; through Sunday)

Norwalk Seaport Oyster Festival -- Norwalk, CT, US (vintage ships, crafters, entertainment, oysters, and a Kids' Cove; through Sunday)

Olney Amputee Dove Hunt -- Olney, TX, US (a one-of-a-kind event, begun by two Texas politicians from Olney who were both amputees, they and the town of Olney invite every amputee or person who has lost use of a hand or arm to come to "The Friendliest Town West of the Mississippi River" for Texas food, fun, a glove swap, musical entertainment, one arm jokes and tales, one arm golf tournament, the famous 10 cents a finger breakfast, a Cow Chip Chunk'n, Amputee Vs. Politician, and the big dove hunt; through tomorrow)

Petersfield Antiques Fair -- The Festival Hall, Petersfield, Hampshire, England (one of the best in the nation; through Sunday)

Popeye Picnic -- Chester, IL, US (celebrate everyone's favorite cartoon sailor in the town where his creator, E.C. Segar, was born, and this year "Popeye Celebrates the Bicentennial" [Bicentennial of Illinois]; through Sunday)

Salami Day -- sponsored by

St. Cloud's Day (a/k/a Clodoald the Confessor; Patron of nail makers; St. Cloud, Minnesota)

St. Regina's Day (Patron of poor people, shepherdesses, torture victims)

Turn A Cartwheel in Public Day -- the internet has it out for us

United Tribes International Pow-Wow -- Bismark, ND, US (over 70 Native American Tribes represented at the major cultural event; through Sunday)

Victory Day -- Mozambique

Welsh Fairies Bonnet-Hurling Competition -- Fairy Calendar

Anniversary Today:

Sergey Brin and Larry Page incorporate Google, 1998

Birthdays Today:

Evan Rachel Wood, 1987
Devon Sawa, 1978
Angela Gheorghiu, 1965
Michael Feinstein, 1956
Corbin Bernsen, 1954
Chrissie Hynde, 1951
Julie Cavner, 1951
Susan Blakely, 1950
Gloria Gaynor, 1949
Richard Roundtree, 1942
Cuneyt Arkin, 1937
John Phillip Law, 1937
Buddy Holly, 1936
Don Messick, 1927
Peter Lawford, 1923
Jacob Lawrence, 1917
Anthony Quayle, 1913
Elia Kazan, 1909
Michael E. DeBakey, 1908
Grandma Moses, 1860
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Flying Nun"(TV), 1967
"Truth or Consequences"(TV), 1950

Today in History:

Traditionally, the solar eclipse date that marks the birth of Heracles of Thebes (Latin Hercules), BC1251
The Roman army under Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem, 70
In the world's first submarine attack, the American submersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe's flagship HMS Eagle in New York Harbor, 1776
The "Troy Post" of NY first uses "Uncle Sam" to refer to the US, 1813
Last hold-up of Jesse James, 1881
Edith Eleanor McLean becomes the first baby in the US to be put in an incubator for premature infants, 1888
The Boxer Rebellion in China officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol, 1901
Eugene Lefebvre (1878–1909), while test piloting a new French-built Wright biplane, crashes at Juvisy, France when his controls jam. Lefebvre dies, becoming the first 'pilot' in the world to lose his life in a powered heavier-than-air craft, 1909
The first day of the first Miss America Pageant is held in Atlantic City, NJ, 1921
Philo T. Farnsworth demonstrates the first use of television in San Francisco, 1927
The last surviving member of the thylacine species, Benjamin, dies alone in her cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania, 1936
Integration begins in Washington, D.c. and Baltimore, MD public schools, 1954
Desmond Tutu becomes the first black man to lead the Anglican Church in South Africa, 1986
A 5.9 magnitude earthquake rocks Athens, rupturing a previously unknown fault, 1999
Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 hurricane, hits Grenada, killing 39 and damaging 90% of its buildings, 2004
The first presidential election is held in Egypt, 2005
The US Government takes control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest mortgage financing companies, 2008
Canada closes its Iranian embassy and expels the Iranian diplomatic staff from their country, 2012
Tony Abbott becomes Prime Minister of Australia after the Liberal-National Coalition wins the election, 2013
The 15th Summer Paralympics opens in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016


  1. Poor Josephine. That is a very, very sad expression.

  2. LOL the "here we go again" LQQK

    Have a annoyedtastic weekend :-)

  3. Ha ha ha....Josephine the Persian cat doesn't look happy about being put into its cage and another car trip!

  4. Funny, I don't really think of KY and TN as being the Home of the Banana... but it sounds like fun!

    I was recently at a museum that has a life-size replica of The Turtle. Truly amazing - that it would work, that anyone would actually get inside it, and that it nearly succeeded!

  5. I don't want to see the cooler temperatures to come since I'm a summer person. Have a great weekend!

  6. I would be very afraid of that cat.

  7. Cats are smart and they know when they are going one place or another.

    It's cooler today, but it's going to warm back into the 90s starting today. The last two days were wonderful.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, my friend. ♥

  8. I hadn't thought of buying holiday baking/cooking staples so early! What a great idea! We already have butter stocked up in the freezer, but getting flour and sugar is a great idea!

    My husband and I have started finding things to do around the city before going home after work. Traffic here is a nightmare too. Just waiting an extra hour, grabbing an appetizer or running errands (grocery shopping, making returns, taking things to the post office, etc…) makes our commute so much shorter! Instead of an hour and a half in stop-and-go traffic, we get home in 45 minutes. (It still sounds like a lot, but that's just our commute time. We don't have 2k to spend on housing near where we work. *sigh*)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Mimi!

  9. Aw, poor Josephine. We don't think she's fond of the car. We aren't either.

  10. Josephine's expression is priceless! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I can relate to all of your answers. I am most definitely looking forward to autumn temperatures. And I need to make sure I pray every morning, because sometimes I fail at that. Have a beautiful weekend!

  11. Cute kitty. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am a teetotaler too :)
    I look forward to cooler temps too, and less humidity. Have a great weekend! XO

  12. We hear ya' on the driving thing. Although none of us felines are allowed to drive we absolutely HATE being thrust into a carrier and dropped into the metal moving machine because it usually means a visit to the place with white coats. Hiss!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Jasmine & The Tribe of Five at Feline Opines

  13. Josephine looks totally dangerous.

    Grandma Moses day and Welsh Fairy Day would be perfect for me.

  14. 1. September is the perfect month for _doing nothing.

    2. This month, I am looking forward to _watching the new TV shows.

    3. My morning routine always includes _getting out of bed and taking a show.

    4. I have a love-hate relationship with _no one, I love everyone.

    See ya Mimi.

    See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Yes, traffic is the worst. Here in Gulf Coast Texas it is like you have to pass some sort of stupid test to see if you are stupid enough to be on the roads here. Most of the drivers around here pass on the shoulder of the roads, pass with oncoming traffic, and think the speed limit is just a suggestion. Have a blessed week.

  16. If I had been able to crawl under my bed to get a photo, I would have had a similar shot to post today. I left my cat alone last night, for the first time since I rescued her, and she was certainly not amused when I got home, even after I explained I got up early to rush home to her. She's quite a talkative little thing but I haven't heard a peep out of her all day, although she did eventually come out from under my bed. Sulking, I guess. And I'm with you when it comes to traffic. Love driving though.

  17. Beautiful kitty and love the expression!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores


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