
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Trying to Remember (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


"Honey, I'm out of that stuff again!"

"What stuff?"

"That supplement!"

"Which one?"

"The one that's supposed to help you not lose your memory, you know, the one with the name I can never remember!"

"The memory supplement with the name you can't remember -- I don't think it's working!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Supplement.     

Please note that the above story is an actual conversation, the names will not be said out loud to protect the gullible.


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others blog to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

A white picket, always a hit with me:


Today is:

Defy Superstition Day -- go walk under that ladder!

Dia de los Ninos Heroes -- Mexico 

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 3, Environment (sponsored by We, the World)   

Epulum Iovis and Lectisternia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva)

Feast of San Gennaro -- New York, NY, US (an 11 day street fair centered around Little Italy and its Patron Saint, Gennaro, whose feast day is the 19th; includes a Mass and parading of the Saint's statue on the final Saturday of the celebrations)

Festival of Lighting the Fires of Neith -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Fortune Cookie Day -- you might need one after that ladder stunt

Ganesha Chaturthi -- Hindu (festival to honor the god of prosperity, prudence, and success, Ganesha; local customs and dates can vary, as can official government holiday status)

Hummer/Bird Celebration -- Rockport and Fulton, TX, US (ruby-throated hummingbirds and other avians are the stars of this show; through Sunday)

Independence Day -- Venda (recognized within South Africa only)

International Chocolate Day -- as declared by the National Confectioners Association

National Celiac Awareness Day -- US

National Day of the Working Parent -- US (can't find a sponsor, but it's listed on several sites as the 2nd Thursday of September)

National Peanut Day

Newport International Boat Show -- Newport, RI, US (through Sunday)

Osage River Mountain Man Festival and Black Powder Shoot -- Lake Ozark, MO, US (reenactment of a pre-1840s wilderness rendezvous; through Sunday)

Positive Thinking Day -- think positively that nothing bad will happen because of that ladder!

Programmers Day -- Russia, and among programmers around the world (on the 256th day of the year)
    some sites call this "Thank a Programmer Day"

Rhishi Panchami -- Nepal (continuation of the women's festival, a holiday for Female Employees Only)

Roald Dahl Day -- it's his birth anniversary    

Runic Half Month Ken begins (illumination)

Samvatsari -- Jain (final and most important day of the Paryushana Parva, the day focused on forgiveness)

Snack-A-Pickle Time

St. John Chrysostom's Day (Patron of education, epileptics, lecturers, orators, preachers; Constantinople)

Birthdays Today:

Ben Savage, 1980
Fiona Apple, 1977
Stella McCartney, 1977
Tavis Smiley, 1964
Jean Smart, 1959
Nell Carter, 1948
Jacqueline Bisset, 1944
Peter Cetera, 1944
Bela Karolyi, 1942
David Clayton-Thomas, 1941
Fred Silverman, 1937
Richard Kiel, 1939
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin, 1938
Robert Indiana, 1928
Mel Torme, 1925
Yma Sumac, 1922
Roald Dahl, 1916
Bill Monroe, 1911
Claudette Colbert, 1903
Sherwood Anderson, 1876
John J. Pershing, 1860
Milton Hershey, 1857
Walter Reed, 1851
Clara Schumann, 1819
Cesare Borgia, 1475

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Law & Order"(TV), 1990
Divine Madness(Documentary/Comedy), 1980
"Soap"(TV), 1977
"The Muppet Show"(TV)1976
"The Rockford Files"(TV)1974
"Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?"(TV)1969
"Yesterday"(Beatles' single release), 1965
"Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis/Canticle to Honor the Name of Saint Mark"(Stravinsky orchestral piece), 1956

Today in History:

The temple of Jupiter on Rome's Capitoline Hill is dedicated on the ides of September, BC509
Building begins on Hadrian's Wall, 122
St. Francis of Assisi receives stigmata, 1224
Michelangelo begins work on his statue of David, 1503
Henry Hudson reached the river that would later be named after him, 1609
NYC becomes the first capital of the US, 1788
US Government takes out its first loan from NYC banks, 1789
Six teenage military cadets known as Niños Héroes die defending Chapultepec Castle in the Battle of Chapultepec, 1847
Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage incredibly survives a 3-foot-plus iron rod being driven through his head; the reported effects on his behavior and personality stimulate thinking about the nature of the brain and its functions, 1848
Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film, 1898
Lusitania completes her maiden voyage, arriving in NYC, 1907
The temperature (in the shade) at Al 'Aziziyah, Libya reaches a world record 57.8*C (136.04*F), 1922
Elizabeth McCombs is the first woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament, 1933
Chiang Kai-shek elected president of the Republic of China, 1943
IBM introduces the first computer disk storage unit, the RAMAC 305, 1956
Hurricane Gilbert is the strongest recorded hurricane, based on barometric pressure, in the Western Hemisphere, 1988*
Largest anti-Apartheid march in South Africa, led by Desmond Tutu, 1989
The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted, 2007
Hurricane Ike makes landfall, damaging Galveston Island, Houston, and surrounding area, 2007
Jan van Eyck is credited as the painter of 'The three mary's at the tomb' a painting from the 1430's held in a Rotterdam museum, 2012
EU Migrant Crisis: Germany introduces temporary border controls to cope with huge migrant numbers, 2015
Residents of a nursing home in Hollywood, Florida, are finally rescued after losing their air conditioning due to Hurricane Irma; 11 do not survive, 2017
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the Rohingya refugee crisis now "catastrophic" as 370,000 confirmed to have fled Myanmar, 2017

*Replaced by Hurricane Wilma in 2005


  1. I once trolled the Newport Boat Show in hopes of bumping into a VERY attractive Scottish sailor I'd met a couple of days previously. (Who'd come over specifically for the show.)

    It didn't work, but I can vouch for how much fun the show is!

  2. The supplement for memory story makes me smile! Nice white fence!

  3. great six. and Roald Dahl's birthday! Yeah you !

  4. That conversation sounds very familiar.

  5. Delightful six! ~ and neat fence and shadow photo!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  6. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. No it's not working.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  7. Oh my goodness Mimi. I laughed so much because that's really true for me. I'm always asking my wife, where's this thing at, what is that things etc and she tells me what thing? LOL We are always laughing together but I do have to wonder about my brain. LOL See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Amusing 6, Mimi. Made me smile as just this morning I couldn't remember where I put my phone! I just might be a candidate for memory aide supplements lol

  9. I have an interesting fence, but will probably post it on my site and forget to link in the future. Oh well, I do have good intentions. It looks like the storm will miss us...but I worry for all the others.

  10. My husband and I play the "Where is the..." at least once a day; it usually regards the tv remote.

    Happy Chocolate Day! Yay!

  11. It is just so hard to remember everything. It is much easier to forget some things. You all have a great day.

  12. Good story, that could happen here too.

  13. It can really cause a problem when both partners can't remember something at the same time. Fortunately the answers do come back. We too laugh about these funny incidents.
    Nice SSS.


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