
Friday, October 26, 2018

A Little Smackerel of Something (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Mikey wants everyone to know he is hungry.  Mikey is always hungry, in case you were wondering.

Mikey, doing his usual lying down and pulling the food to him trick.  He's not only always hungry, he's lazy.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. _______________________ is an awful _______________________.

2.  I always read __________________________ sections of the newspaper.

3. Black cats _________.

4. _________ is my favorite treat.

1. Without a plan or enough saved is an awful way to retire.  We thought we’d have enough, and maybe we will someday, but it won’t be very soon.

2. I always read the comics, puzzles, and advice columns sections of the newspaper, as well as the headlines and some of the business news.

3. Black cats are wonderful.  When i was a child we had two of them that the family named Midnight and Shadow — yes, i know, not really original.  They were such loving cats.  A couple of years ago we lost Badlands Blackie, Little Girlie’s brother.  We’ve never met a black cat we didn’t like.

4.  Coconut milk (vegan) ice cream is my favorite treat.


Today is:

Angam Day -- Nauru ("Day of Fulfillment"; a celebration of overcoming hardships)

Armed Forces Day -- Benin

Chili Cook-Off -- Washington, MO US (chili fest and contest)

Day of the Ancients -- Asatru/Pagan Slavic Calendar

Day of Mourning -- Libya

Exaltation of the Shellfish -- Pontevedra, Spain (can confirm they celebrate this each year, cannot find confirmation on this specific date)

Frankenstein Friday -- a day to celebrate the "mother" and "father" of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley and Boris Karloff

French Food Festival -- LaRose, LA, US (local specialties, dancing, music, and fun; through Sunday)

London Bridge Days -- Lake Havasu City, AZ, US (come celebrate London Bridge, which was disassembled and moved here and put back together, with festivities and a big parade tomorrow; through tomorrow)

Ludi Victoriae Sullanae -- Roman Empire (celebration of the victories of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, through Nov. 1)

Magal de Touba -- Touba, Senegal (commemoration of the departure into exile of Ahmadou Bamba to Gabon, a Sufi religious festival, begins at sunset)

Makoshe's Holiday -- Asatru/Pagan Slavic Calendar (honoring Mother Earth)

Mokosh Day -- Ukraine (Slavic goddess of "women's work", a wanderer and spinner, still popular as a life giving force and protector of women, always assoociated with Friday; date approximate)

Mule Day -- anniversary of the first importation of donkeys to the US, which George Washington used to breed the first mules in the Americas

National Bandanna Day -- Australia (to raise funds for teens with cancer)       

National Day -- Austria

National Gospel Day -- Cook Islands

National Mincemeat Pie Day

Pretzel Day

Pumpkin Day -- time to get one for the 31st, if you haven't already

Sea Witch Halloween & Fiddler's Festival -- Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach, DE, US (parade, costume contest, Sea Witch Hunt, horse show on the beach, and more; through Sunday)

St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki's Day (Patron of soldiers; Thessaloniki, Greece)
    Greek day to broach the wine barrels and taste the new season's wine in honor of this saint

Sts. Lucian and Marcian's Day (Patrons of converts, possessed people)

Toping Wagglegammon -- Fairy Calendar (no human knows what this means, but it sounds intriguing)

Workaholic Stop and Smell Something Day -- internet generated day to encourage workaholics to stop and consider what they might be missing

Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night -- some organizers even have howling parties

Anniversary Today:

Grand opening of the Erie Canal, 1825

Birthdays Today:

Sasha Cohen, 1984
Keith Urban, 1969
Tom Cavanagh, 1968
Natalie Merchant, 1963
Cary Elwes, 1962
Dylon McDermott, 1962
Jeff Probst, 1962
James Pickens, Jr., 1954
Lauren Tewes, 1954
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1947
Pat Sajak, 1947
Jaclyn Smith, 1947
Ivan Reitman, 1946
Pat Conroy, 1945
Bob Hoskins, 1942
Jackie Coogan, 1914
Mahalia Jackson, 1911
Abby Greene Aldrich Rockefeller, 1874
Joseph Hansom, 1803
Georges Danton, 1759
Domenico Scarlatti, 1685

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"St. Elsewhere"(TV), 1982
Doonesbury(Comic strip), 1970
The Village Voice(newspaper, first issue), 1955
"Mourning Becomes Electra"(Play), 1931

Today in History:

Comet 55P/1366 U1 (Tempel-Tuttle) approaches 0.0229 AUs of Earth (2.1 million miles and 3.4 million kilometers)--marking the third closest approach of any comet to our planet in recorded history, 1366
First use of lead pencils, 1492
William Penn accepts the area around the the Delaware River from the Duke of York, 1682
The first Continental Congress adjourns in Philadelphia, and the Minute Men begin to organize in the colonies, 1774
King George III goes before Parliament to declare the American colonies in rebellion, and authorized a military response to quell the American Revolution, 1775
Benjamin Franklin departs from America for France on a mission to seek French support for the American Revolution, 1776
The first of the "Federalist Papers" are published, calling for ratification of the US Constitution, 1787
The French Directory, a five-man revolutionary government, is created, 1795
Hamilton Smith patents a rotary washing machine, 1858
Soccer football rules are standardized and rugby starts as a separate game, 1863
The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral takes place at Tombstone, Arizona, 1881
First use of a "getaway car" after a robbery in Paris, 1901
The first Soviet (worker's council) formed, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1905
Margaret Sanger arrested for the obscenity of advocating birth control, 1916
The Maharaja of Kashmir agrees to allow his kingdom to join India, 1947
Mother Teresa founds her Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, 1950
Pan American Airways makes the first commercial flight of the Boeing 707 from New York City to Paris, France, 1958
The world sees the far side of the Moon for the first time, in pictures taken earlier in the month by the Soviet Luna 3, 1959
The last natural case of smallpox is discovered in Merca district, Somalia, 1977
"Baby Fae," born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, receives a controversial heart transplant from a baboon, dies of kidney infection 21 days later, 1984
The Charlottetown Accord fails to win majority support in a Canada wide referendum, 1992
Jordan and Israel sign a peace treaty, 1994
Britain's House of Lords votes to end the right of hereditary peers to vote in Britain's upper chamber of Parliament, 1999
The water level at Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest water control and utilization project, reaches full capacity, 2010
China blocks the New York Times from searches and social media in response to an investigation into Premier Wen Jiabao, 2012
The World Health Organization classifies processed meat as carcinogenic, 2015


  1. I know a cat like Mikey. And I adore black cats. Always have.

  2. Sounds like Mikey isn't stupid either heheh!

    I liked your fill-ins I like coconut ice cream too now I want some haha!

    Have a lazytastic weekend :-)

  3. I wonder how it would feel to have your birthday on the Day of the Ancients... It would be deadly in my family, for sure.
    (And thank you, Hamilton Smith!)

  4. Mincemeat pie with coconut milk ice cream! I like it!

  5. Mikey knows what he wants!. I enjoyed your answers and #1 is so true, always plan for the unexpected during retirement too, lots of it

  6. Mikey made me lough out loud. Lazy and always hungry and lays down to eat. I know a few two legged humans that fall into that category.

    Love your fill-ins and it appears that most of us love black kitties. As it should be.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  7. I haven't come across a cat like Mickey.

  8. I have never had coconut milk icecream - it sounds interesting. I have tried soya icecream, from Sweden, and it's really nice. Also vegan.

  9. Mikey is a cutie, cats can be lazy :) Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I am sorry about your retirement situation though, many have that problem. I have not tried vegan ice cream, maybe someday.And I love black cats too. Have a nice weekend! XO

  10. Love the quirks our fur persons personalities ~ Mikey photo is a delight!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Nice answers. You playing with your kibble, Mikey?

  12. Mikey looks a lot like my Remy...just a little fluffier. :)

  13. In response to your number one, Suzanne and I survive on just my social security disability. We live so far below the poverty level, we can't even reach up to touch bottom. Might I suggest the book Heads I Win, Tails You Lose?You might also want to check out Master Your Cash FLow. These are links to my video reviews. Have a blessed week.

  14. Bentley is always hungry too. It takes a lot of planning to retire these days. We've been very blessed. I love black cats too. Ours was named Amos the Manx.

  15. We have lots of lazy moments around here, too, Mikey. Sometimes you just have to eat and rest at the same time. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! You are so right about black cats. Your childhood kitties Midnight and Shadow sound like they were absolute sweethearts. Have a beautiful day!


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