
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Biggest Small (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)  


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus has quit hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, don’t expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes.

There was an accident after church last week.  One of the pastors got home and fell on his stairs going up to the house and broke his arm.  He's going to recover, it's just the difficulty of dealing with a broken limb.

Tee Boudreaux be done like mos' young boy, he allus be climbin' de trees an' takin' chances.  One day he done broke his arm, so Boudreaux an' Clothile done take him to de doctor for to get it set in de cast.

When de doctor done finish, de nurse be fittin' Tee wit' de sling.  Since Tee be a young boy, she say, "I only gots one small sling fo' de size o' you."

An' Tee object, he say, "But I be a big boy now, i be almos' 6!"

So de nurse say, "You right, you do be a big boy now.  Well, dis be de biggest sling we have in you size!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.   

It's starting to look like some holidays are coming:

The shelter hasn't put up everything yet.

When i worked in Mr. BA's yard yesterday, he had me weeding again.  My plant killing talents are alive and well.  He tells me what to leave, and i take the rest:




Today is:

Be Bald and Be Free Day -- Wellcat Holidays wants everyone who is "shiny" to be proud of it! 

Bullying Bystanders Unite Week -- sponsored by Hey U.G.L.Y., which stands for Unique Gifted Lovable You   

Chisinau Day -- Chisinau, Moldova

Cirio de Nazare -- Belem, Brazil (two week Feast of Cirio begins in Belem [St. Mary of Bethlehem])

Clergy Appreciation Day

Dessert Day -- another one?

Doburoku Matsuri -- Shirakawago, Japan (unrefined sake festival and harvest festival; through the 19th)

Festival for the Penates -- Ancient Roman Calendar (gods of the storeroom)

First Fiddle of the Month -- Fairy Calendar

Flag Day/Jour de la Proclamation de la Premiere Republique -- Madagascar (flag adopted this day in 1958)

Grandmother's Day -- FL, US

Liberation Day -- Yemen

Mega Kenka Matsuri -- Hyogo, Japan (Roughhouse Festival, wrestling for a blessing; through tomorrow)

Mother's Day -- Belarus

Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Day -- Tanzania (climax of the Uhuru Torch Race)

National Chocolate Covered Insect Day -- i'll pass, sorry

National Education Day -- Poland

National Frump Day -- National FRUMPS of America (to honor the frugal, responsible, unpretentious, and mature people everywhere)

national lower case day -- someone wants us to not use all caps

Pulaski Day Parade -- Philadelphia, PA, US and NY, NY, US (honoring the Polish patriot known as the "Father of the American Cavalry")

Republic Day / October Revolution Day -- Yemen

St. Callistus' Day (Patron of cemetary workers)

St. Donatian of Rheims's Day (Patron of Bruges, Belgium; Rheims, France; West Flanders, Belgium)

St. Petca Paraskeva's Day (Patron of embroiderers, needle workers, spinners, weavers, and all who do needlework of any kind)related observance
    Petkouden -- Bulgaria

Svetitskovloba/Living Pillar Cathedral -- Georgia (celebration of the first Christian church in Georgia)

Vinternatsblot, a/k/a Haustblót -- Asatru (to bid Winter welcome; at the approximate date of the start of winter in the Old European Calendar of the Norse

Warai Matsuri -- Kawanabe, Wakayama, Japan (a laughing festival, in which wine flows and this place earns its name as one of the happiest places on earth; one legend about the laughter is that one of the spirits of the shrine didn't wake in time for a meeting, and was laughed at, so now everyone laughs)

White Sunday -- Samoa and American Samoa (children wear white to church and run the church services, are served a special meal, and recieve new church clothes for the upcoming year)

Windsor Pumpkin Regatta and Children's Wish Parade -- Windsor, NS, Canada (racing giant pumpkin boats [PVCs -- Personal Vegetable Crafts] across Lake Pezaquid, plus a parade and other festivities)

World Standards Day -- International

Youth Day -- Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Birthdays Today:

Usher, 1978
Natalie Maines, 1974
Greg Evigan, 1958
Harry Anderson, 1952
Sir Cliff Richard, 1940
Ralph Lauren, 1939
John Dean, 1938
Gary Graffman, 1928
Roger Moore, 1927
Charles Everett Koop, 1916
John Wooden, 1910
Eugene FRodor, 1905
e.e. cummings, 1894
Lillian Gish, 1893
Dwight Eisenhower, 1890
Eamon De Valera, 1882
Francis Lightfoot Lee, 1734
William Penn, 1644

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Rescue from Gilligan's Island(TV film), 1978 (the first TV film follow up of a TV series)
Winnie-The-Pooh(publication date), 1926

Today in History:

William the Conqueror wins England in the Battle of Hastings, 1066
Robert the Bruce of Scotland defeats King Edward II of England at Byland, forcing Edward to accept Scotland's independence, 1322
Mary, Queen of Scots, goes on trial for conspiracy against Elizabeth I of England, 1586
Massachusetts enacts the first punitive legislation against the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), 1656
Rabbi Judah Hasid & Chayim Molocho arrive in Jerusalem, 1700
Henry Blair receives a patent for a corn planter, becoming the first black to obtain a US patent, 1834
The 15th and the last military Shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate resigns in Japan, returning his power to the Emperor of Japan and thence to the re-established civil government of Japan, 1867
George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film, 1884
Theodore Roosevelt is shot while campaigning in Milwaukee on the "Bull Moose" ticket, 1912
The children's book Winnie-the-Pooh, by A.A. Milne, is first published, 1926
Ethel Merman makes her Broadway debut in "Girl Crazy", 1930
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the Indian Untouchable caste leader, converts to Buddhism along with 385,000 of his followers, 1956
Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first Canadian Monarch to open up an annual session of the Canadian Parliament, presenting her Speech from the Throne in Ottawa, Canada, 1957
The Cuban Missile Crisis begins when a U.S. Air Force U2 Reconnaissance pilot takes pictures of Soviet missiles being installed in Cuba, 1962
The city of Montreal, Quebec, begins the operation of its underground Montreal Metro rapid-transit system, 1966
The first live telecast from any manned spacecraft, the Apollo 7, 1968
The Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, The Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the Foreign Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres, receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the establishment of the Oslo Accords , 1994 
Indonesian rights groups applaud the end of a Suharto-era law that bans books deemed 'offensive' or a 'threat to public order,' 2010
A colony of stromatolites is discovered at the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, 2011
The Spanish government says it will impose direct rule on Catalonia after the region voted for independence in a referendum, 2017


  1. Ouch! I hope the pastor starts recovering very soon.

    LOL @ the joke I had that problem with hats ;-)

    I liked your Sunday Selections pics

    Have a selectedtastic Sunday :-)

  2. A cast in any size doesn't sound like much fun!

  3. Hope the pastor's arm recovers soon. Have a great new week!

  4. Yikes on the broken arm. Pain in the patootie too. I remember.

    Love the joke. Your jokes are the very best.

    Yes I noticed a lot of decorations yesterday around town. Pretty.

    Have a blessed Sunday and week, my friend. ♥

  5. Fun cajun joke and neat halloween decorations!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Have a wonderful Sunday Mimi. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Cute joke :) I love Halloween decorations. My hubby won't let me weed anymore because I pulled out good stuff- works for me :)

  8. Ha Ha, my daughter could probably rival you with plant killing skills. I keep threatening to plant her yard with plastic blooms. She can't kill those.


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