
Saturday, November 10, 2018

There’s Just So Much! (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


It's Thankful Day during Thankful Month, and i'm dithering over what to list today.  There's just so much!  This week i will concentrate on young children and cats.

Several things have happened that make me so glad i work with children.  Last week was both rEcess and the Children's Choir performance of "A Not So Terrible Parable:  The Mysterious Whodunit About the Good Samaritan."

rEcess was the usual loud and raucous fun.  We were all thankful for the provided meal of lasagna, eggplant parmesan, bread, salad, and cupcakes.

Becca came, and i am thankful that i have been assigned to her.  She's 14, and for no good reason even the Mayo Clinic can find, she is showing all of the symptoms of senile dementia.  Like my previous charge Erin, she loves playing the little kids games on my tablet. 

Petey, a regular part of the crew, and a new young lady, Marianne, are both Down's kids.  They go to school together, and they consider themselves an "item."  It's so much fun to watch them hold hands during movie time.

The musical the choir put on was great, i am thankful we give our kids opportunities to get on stage and have a good time.

The young lady who played Yvette, the maid, came barreling backstage after and the first thing she said was, "I want to do it again!"  Their enthusiasm is contagious and i'm thankful i got to see first hand how much they love what they do as choir members.

Likewise i am thankful for the Sunday school kids, watching them have a great time always puts me in a good mood.

On the cat shelter front, there's a load to be thankful for there, too.

Jethro, an older cat with health problems, is being fostered and will be adopted if things work out.

Trixie, our older cat with cancer who probably only has a few months left, is no longer cooped up in an office.  She is in "fospice" care, meaning foster/hospice.  The family is giving her the doting attention she has needed, and they can let the office know as soon as she shows any signs that it is time to let her go.

We have no kitties in the upper respiratory infection isolation room!

We have only a handful of kitties left in the ringworm isolation room, and all of them should be declared clear within a week!

All the kittens that had "the trots" are doing better on their meds!

As a bonus thankful (i think i have ten things up there, i ramble and lose count), i treated myself to a veggie burger this week and it was good.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  



Today is:

Area Code Day -- US (went into effect this day in 1951)

Day of Russian Militsiya -- Russia

Deepavali/Diwali(Festival of Lights) -- Hindu; Jain; Sikh (fourth day of the festival)
    Goru Tihar/Goru Puja -- Day of Oxen (among most people)
    Gobardhan Puja -- Day of Cowdung (among followers of Krishna)
    Mha Puja -- Day of Self (among the Newar community)

Dia de la Tradicion -- Argentina (birth anniversary of Jose Hernandez)

Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial Beacon Lighting -- Split Rock Lighthouse, Two Harbors, MN, US (memorial for the Edmund Fitzgerald and all who have lost their lives in Great Lakes shipwrecks)

First Cry of Independence Day / Los Santos Uprising Day -- Panama (an official flag day)

Forget-Me-Not Day -- informal day to spend a bit of time with relatives you don't see often

Goddess of Reason's Day (Revolutionary France)

Guinness World Records' Day -- celebrating ordinary people who do extraordinary things, go try for a record! anniversary of the day in 1951 that Sir Hugh Beaver got the idea to create a book supplying answers to much debated questions, such as which game birds are the fastest fliers
    The Guinness World Records Book now holds the title of the best-selling copyrighted book of all time, and is one of the most frequently stolen books from US libraries!

Hari Pahlawan -- Indonesia (Heroes' Day/Warrior's Day)

Herring King Festival -- Etaples, France (Hareng Roi, a festival worth seeing at least once in your life, celebrating this fishing town with herring cooked every way you can imagine; through tomorrow)

Martini -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (beginning of winter festival that starts on Martinmas Eve)

Maputo Day -- Maputo, Mozambique

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week -- US (remembering those who have little or nothing during the upcoming holiday celebrations, and making time to share our bounty with them; through the 19th)

National Toothpaste Appreciation Day -- not official, but i'm sure the dentifrice industry loves this one

National Vanilla Cupcake Day

Sadie Hawkins Day -- US (on the Saturday nearest Nov. 9, and based on the Li'l Abner comic, a day for a woman to ask out the man of her choice; also widely observed on Feb. 29 because of a law passed in Scotland in 1288)

Sleep Dangerously Night -- internet generated, a night to switch sides of the bed with your spouse and see who falls out of bed first

St. Andrew Avellino's Day (Patron of apoplexics, for a holy death, stroke victims; Badlato, Naples, and Sicily, Italy; stroke victims; for a holy death; against apoplexy, strokes, and sudden death)

St. Martin's Eve -- Germany; Portugal (Martimas Eve)

The Lord Mayor's Show -- London, England (originally "The Lord Mayor's Day," according to the official website this show has marched, floated, trotted, and occasionally fought through almost 800 years of London history, making it one of the oldest civic pageants in the world) 

USMC Day -- US (anniversary of founding in 1775, includes the Marine Corps Birthday Ball)

Wish-Spoiling Sports Day -- Fairy Calendar (Imps, Gremlins, and grumpy Goblins) 

World Science Day for Peace and Development -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

Establishment of Badlands National Park, SD, US, 1978
Establisnment of the United States Marine Corps, 1775

Birthdays Today:

Ellen Pompeo, 1969
Vanessa Angel, 1963
Neil Gaiman, 1960
MacKenzie Phillips, 1959
Sinbad, 1956
Roland Emmerich, 1955
Ann Reinking, 1949
Donna Fargo, 1949
Tim Rice, 1944
Russel Charles Means, 1940
Russel Means, 1939
Roy Scheider, 1932
Richard Burton, 1925
Jane Froman, 1907
Claude Rains, 1889
Friedrick Voon Schiller, 1759
Oliver Goldsmith, 1728
William Hogarth, 1697
Martin Luther, 1483

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Microsoft Windows, 1983 (sometimes so slow, it was called "win-doze")
"Sesame Street", 1969

Today in History:

Rene Descartes has the dreams that inspire his Meditations on First Philosophy, 1619
The Dutch formally cede New Netherlands to the English; it is renamed New York, 1674
France ends forced worship of God, substitute the Goddess of Reason, 1793
The US state of Kentucky outlaws dueling, 1801
Stanley presumes that he has met Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa, 1871
The first Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting is held in Boston, 1891
The first Gideon Bible is put in a hotel room, 1908
Hirohito ascends the throne as Emperor of Japan, 1928
The Hope Diamond is donated to the Smithsonian Institution by New York diamond merchant Harry Winston, 1958
The 729-foot-long freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald sinks during a storm on Lake Superior, killing all 29 crew on board, 1975
A 106-car Canadian Pacific freight train carrying explosive and poisonous chemicals from Windsor, Ontario, Canada derails in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada just west of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, causing a massive explosion and the largest peacetime evacuation in Canadian history and one of the largest in North American history, 1979
The communist regime of Bulgaria falls, 1989
The "Codex Leicester", the only Leonardo da Vinci manuscript owned in the United States and the only one in the world still in private hands, was sold at auction to Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who paid $30.8 million, 1994
Thousands of people people march toward the royal palace of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur to hand over a memorandum to the King demanding electoral reform, 2007
Vietnam evacuates about 600,000 citizens under the threat of Typhoon Haiyan, 2013


  1. So wonderful to have so many things to be thankful for. In spite of the not so good, we still have more than enough to be thankful. Happy weekend!

  2. Wonderful things to be very, very thankful for. Each and every one of them.

  3. A 14-year old with dementia - how awful :-(

    You are such an amazing person - always giving to others and doing so much volunteer work.

  4. The Goddess of Reason, huh?
    She's going right to the top of my pantheon!

    Oooh - what kind of veggie burger did you have? I made some terrific white bean & pesto ones the other day.

  5. I am thankful that all was ready for the big freeze that happened last night.

  6. I always enjoy your thankful lists. I am adding Trixie and Jethro to my kitty prayer list.

  7. You and those around you are blessed ~ Thanks for being you!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. It sounds so rewarding working with the kids. It sounds as if each one of them individually has been a reason to be thankful for you.

  9. I am not a very "giving"person, I am thankful for people like yourself.

  10. I am thankful that I have your blog to read these days!

  11. Children and cats: what a great list! (I can't even imagine the difficulty of senile dementia appearing in a teenager. How terrible for her and her family!)

  12. I'm a very thankful person. Usually I very happy but today I received a phone call from my neighbor, friend Ron letting us know that his 13 year old grandson Caleb had passed away at 12:30 am in the morning. This young boy has had many years of fighting against cancer. I've been praying a greta deal for him and his family. I guess it's time for Caleb to visit the Lord. Thank you Mimi for just listening to me. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. Nat'l Dung Day and Nat'l vanilla cupcake day. Yes.

    There are so many things for which we can be thankful. One list could not begin to cover them all. I give thanks for God, His Love, and our Salvation.

  14. Sounds like a very good week, indeed.

  15. Watching musicals and plays performed by children are just so much fun!

    The Sleep Dangerously Night made me laugh. I could imagine so many things that could go wrong for an older couple in this scenario.

  16. I wasn't even counting lol
    What a magical time those kids had, at least it sounds like that to me...performance, loud, raucous, lasagne, eggplant parmesan....cupcakes!
    Good news on the feline front as well. How touching (and reassuring) that there are folks with enough compassion to foster a hospice cat. Wonderful.


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