
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Are You Really? (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


He'd always thought of himself as an upright person, someone who did the right thing.

Then the accident happened, the one he wished he could forget, the one that haunted his dreams.

He'd managed to convince the other guy not to call the police, to go to the attorney, to accept cash for repairing the car instead of bringing in the insurance companies.

After all, he'd noted, the damages really were minimal, it was a low impact fender bender, and he'd been able to more than cover it out of pocket.

All to keep the homeless guy who'd been thumbing a ride from being able to sue for his non-existent "injuries."

He'd always thought of himself as an upright person, but now he wondered, was he really?

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Upright.      


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

'Tis the season:


Today is:

Akibasan Gongen Hibuse Matsuri -- Odawara, Japan (ritual giving thanks for fire and water)

Clute's Christmas in the Park -- Clute, TX, US (food and fun; through Sunday)

Day of Quito -- Ecuador (founding of the city in 1534)

Days of Reckoning Begin -- Fairy Calendar (no, they will not tell us what they reckon)

Dia de la Constitucion Espanola -- Spain (Constitution Day)

Give a Secret Gift Day -- obviously in honor of the original St. Nicholas

Independence Day -- Aland Islands(1917); Finland(1917)

Microwave Oven Day -- patented this day in 1945

Mitten Tree Day -- remembering when mittens, along with maybe a knit cap or scarf, were the big gift to find hanging from the Christmas tree

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women -- Canada

National Gazpacho Day

National Miner's Day -- US

Pawnbrokers' Day -- on St. Nicholas' Day, in his role as Patron Saint of pawnbrokers

Sindhi Topi and Ajrak Day -- Sindh, Pakistan

St. Nicholas of Myra's Day (Patron of apothecaries/druggists/pharmacists, archers, bakers, barrel makers, boatmen, bootblacks/shoe shiners, boys, brewers, brides, captives, children, coopers, dock workers/longshoremen, fishermen, grooms, judges, lawsuits lost unjustly, maidens, mariners/sailors, merchants, penitent murderers, newlyweds, old maids, parish clerks, paupers/poor people, pawnbrokers, perfumers, pilgrims, prisoners, scholars, schoolchildren, spinsters, students, penitent thieves, travelers, unmarried girls; Greek Catholic Church in America; Greek Catholic Union; University of Paris; Varangian Guard; Greece; Russia; also dozens of cities around the world; against imprisonment, robberies, robbers)
     Christkind -- Central and Southern Europe (the traditional gift giving day, instead of Christmas)

Birthdays Today:

Andrew J. Howard, 1969
Macy Gray, 1969
Janine Turner, 1962
Andrew Cuomo, 1957
Peter Buck, 1956
Randy Rhoads, 1956
Steven Wright, 1955
Tom Hulce, 1953
JoBeth Williams, 1953
Craig Newmark, 1952
James Naughton, 1945
David Ossman, 1936
Wally Cox, 1924
Dave Brubeck, 1920
Agnes Moorehead, 1906
Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1898
Ira Gershwin, 1896
Lynn Fontanne, 1887
Joyce Kilmer, 1886
William S. Hard, 1870
John Singleton Mosby, 1833

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Star Trek VI- The Undiscovered Country(Film), 1991
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"(TV special), 1964
"Talent Scouts"(TV), 1948
"Du Barry Was a Lady"(Porter musical), 1939
"La damnation de Faust"(Berlioz opera, Op, 24), 1846

Today in History:

The Mongols under Batu Khan occupy and destroy Kiev, 1240
Don Alfonso V of Aragon grants Barcelona the right to exclude Jews, 1424
The first edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica is published, in Scotland, 1768
Harriet Tubman escapes slavery, 1849
The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified, abolishing slavery, 1865
The first crematorium in the Us begins operation, in Washington, Pennsylvania, 1876
London becomes the first city to license taxicabs, 1897
One year to the day after the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the Irish Free State comes into existence, 1922
U.S. federal judge John M. Woolsey rules that the James Joyce's novel Ulysses is not obscene, 1933
The Vanguard rocket, the first US attempt to launch a satellite, fails, 1957
The Canadian province of Newfoundland is renamed Newfoundland and Labrador, 2001
NASA reveals photographs taken by Mars Global Surveyor suggesting the presence of liquid water on Mars, 2006
Belgium's new federal government is sworn in after 541 days of negotiations, 2011
Pope Francis gives his ascent to a proposal to create a permanent post on the Pontifical Commission on cases of sin and sexual abuse of minors, 2013


  1. Tricky six sentences...
    And what if those injuries were real.

  2. Clever, as always. You have a real gift for this. That looks like a charming area with the wreaths.

  3. Tis the season looks great and so was your story!

  4. I love that first gate.

    As for insurance companies. Reporting fender benders can make your insurance go though the roof. I'd do this and I consider myself an honest person. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  5. I watched the funeral for President Bush. It was a very respectful funeral. I was amazed how caring the people were for the man. That's the way things should be. I laughed when Bush 2 shook hands with Mrs. Obama. Those two really have a closeness. I loved that. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. The choices we make sometimes conflict with the person we (would) be.

  7. Contemplative 6 sentence story ~ lovely fence photos ~ the wreathes add so much ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Surely the most awful feeling -not being 100% comfortable with a critical "life" choice.
    How do we reconcile it after the fact?
    Thought provoking Six.

  9. Happy Saint Nicholas's Day! Just catching up on my blogging buddies a bit. God bless!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is the situations that make the person... good one!!


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