
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Our Own Glorious Night (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


It's Thankful Day, and yesterday was over the top, so i will keep this brief.  (It's being written at 10:30pm after rEcess Friday, and i have to go get #1 Son at 5:45am Saturday, then go to NOLA.)

We had a beautiful rEcess.

Ms. CM made us her famous salad.

Someone who had not signed up for it brought cookies.

The place in town that sells the best chicken tenders ever is just around the corner and got a large order ready for us very, very fast.

We needed the large order because we had several kids show up we didn't know were coming.  (Foster children of a volunteer.)

Every volunteer we were expecting came, and then some.

Ms. Nan came and played guitar and we had a Christmas sing-along.

There were games in the gym.

 We had so many craft supplies everyone who wanted was able to make two decorations to take home.

Clean-up went faster than usual.

The freeway was completely stopped when i left, and i was able to get off at the first exit, go the opposite direction from everyone else to cut down a different road, and got home only about 10 minutes later than i would have if the freeway had been clear.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  


Today is:

AKC/Royal Canin National Championships -- Orlando, FL, US (top dogs from around the world compete to see -- who really is top dog? through the 18th)

Alcyone -- Ancient Greek Calendar (kingfisher goddess; date approximate, but during the Halcyon Days)

Bill of Rights Day -- US

Cat Herders Day -- for those whose job or life is like trying to herd cats; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Centipede Boot-Making and Shoe-Repair Season begins -- Fairy Calendar

Consualia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Festival for Consus, god of graineries, with games and races in the Circus Maximus in his honor)

Coonskin Cap Day -- debut of "Davy Crocket" on TV's "Disneyland" in 1954 (and the original Davy Crockett hated the things, by the way)

Hakidaore Ichi -- Tokyo, Japan (fabulous shoe festival; through tomorrow)

Homecoming Day -- Alderney, UK

Icelandic Yuletide Lad of the Day, Pvorusleikier -- Spoon-licker, who tries to steal all the wooden spoons he can find

Kasuga Wakamiya on-Matsuri -- Nara Prefecture, Japan (dates to the 12th century, to pray against plague and for a good harvest; through the 18th)

Koninkrijksdag -- Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba; Sint Maarten (Kingdom Day)

National Lemon Cupcake Day

National Regifting Day -- be careful here!

Navidades begin -- Puerto Rico (traditional Christmas celebrations that last through Three Kings Day)

Setagaya no Bori Ichi -- Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan (a two day flea market that dates back to 1578)

St. Nino's Day (Patron of Georgia)

Trivial Pursuit Day -- honoring Canadians Chris Haney and Scott Abbott, who created the game on this date in 1979

Zamenhof Day -- International Esperanto Community

Anniversary Today:

Sylvester Stallone marries Brigitte Nielson, 1985

Birthdays Today:

Adam Brody, 1979
Garrett Wang, 1968
Helen Slater, 1963
Nick Beggs, 1961
Don Johnson, 1949
Dave Clark, 1942
Tim Conway, 1933
Edna O'Brien, 1931
Friedensreich Hundertwasser, 1928
Uziel "Uzi" Gal, 1923
Jeff Chandler, 1918
Stan Kenton, 1911
J. Paul Getty, 1892
Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, 1859
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel,1832

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Gone With the Wind(Film), 1939 (Atlanta only, general release Jan. 1, 1940)
"Song of the Forests"(Shostakovich Op. 81), 1949
"Charlie Girl"(Musical), 1965

Today in History:

Byzantine general Belisarius defeats the Vandals, commanded by King Gelimer, at the Battle of Ticameron, 533
Hulagu Khan captures and destroys the Hashshashin stronghold at Alamut in present-day Iran as part of the Mongol offensive on Islamic southwest Asia, 1265
Bartholomeus Diaz returns to Portugal after sailing round Cape of Good Hope, 1488
The State of Holland grants patent on a windmill with crankshaft, 1593
The first US law school is established at University of Pennsylvania, 1791
The first Irish magazine in US, Shamrock, is published, 1810
The first street-cleaning machine in US is used in Philadelphia, 1854
The King of Hawaii becomes the first reigning king to visit the Us, and is received by President Grant, 1874
The London Underground's Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway opens, 1906
Bandleader, Major Glenn Miller, is lost over English Channel, 1944
Gemini 6A, crewed by Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford, is launched from Cape Kennedy, Florida; four orbits later, it achieves the first space rendezvous, with Gemini 7, 1965
Samoa becomes a member of the United Nations, 1976
U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces that the United States will recognize the People's Republic of China and cut off all relations with Taiwan, 1978
The 3rd reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is shut down, 2000
The Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens after 11 years and $27,000,000 to fortify it, without fixing its famous lean, 2001
Boeing's new Boeing 787 Dreamliner makes its maiden flight from Seattle, Washington, 2009
The Mayor of Flint, Michigan declares state of emergency over contaminated water supplies amid calls for a criminal investigation, 2015


  1. Sometimes it doesn't matter if the detour takes longer, as long as you're moving. Gad, I hate just sitting there on a road...

  2. You have a great evening. Everything clicked and you got home using an alternate route. Excellent. I'm guessing you'll be ready for bed tonight. Long day.

    Have a fabulous and blessed weekend. ♥

  3. Those were great thankfuls and I'm so glad so many showed up!

  4. Sounds like a busy and fun time ~ glad you managed it and the traffic so well ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Glad it all went well. Sounds like a fun busy time. You all have a great day.

  6. I"m thankful for everything that I have and everyone. Thanks to you Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Wonderful thankfuls. ReCess sounds like a lot of fun.

  8. As you know, I love your rEcess posts! Merry Christmas!

  9. (that last item! one of my least favorite things is to drive onto the entrance ramp and find the highway locked up... seeing it ahead and making a detour...very cool)


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