
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Mixed Bag for Random and Happy Tuesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)  


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Although there's a mixed bag here, and right now i'm tempted to feel mighty low.

Feeling low enough to milk a snake!

Usually when you say you feel low enough to milk a snake, it means you feel like you did something dastardly and you are ashamed of yourself.

Like the time Sweetie's dad accidentally spanked him instead of his identical twin brother.  Sweetie got an ice cream soda every day for a week to make up for it.

It might be worth taking a spanking to get one of these every day for a week!

Anyway, Young Jacob came by and took the battery out of Jalopy and took it to Auto Zone where they tested it and discovered it was a lemon.  They replaced it for free, of course, and the Jalopy is now working.

And smelling like coolant, even though Kevin and Lenny are supposed to have fixed that leak.  It is not overheating, though, and their radiator guy will look at it when he comes in in Friday.

It also still needs brakes.  Speaking of brakes, we just got everything brake related fixed on Lunceford the Land Yacht, and yet they are freezing up again.

That's why i'm feeling a bit low.  This never ending saga with the vehicles is wearing me out.

Dr. D is preparing for another trip to Houston.  As usual, you would think she was getting ready to go to the middle of a jungle and stay gone six months by the fuss.  She needed cash, she needed bills paid, she needed items returned to the library.

In the middle of all of that, she had to sort out a bag for Goodwill.  She decided she had to get rid of some of her many pairs of shoes.  She proceeded to go through about two dozen pair (after we dragged a bunch out from under the bed, along with more cat fuzz than you can shake a stick at), coming up with a reason why she had to keep each one!  Eventually two pairs of shoes and four pairs of slippers went.

Once she leaves, i will be going by to take care of the cats each day, and i just hope she doesn't leave as much of a mess this time as last.  How one person can have that many dirty dishes in less than a week i will never understand.

Today is the Ladies' Circle meeting, and even though i have to figure a way to get to work after, i am going to go and enjoy it thoroughly.

May you enjoy your Tuesday just as much!


Today is:

Constitution Day -- Mexico (trad.)

Feast Day of Jacob, Patriarch -- Catholic Christian

Kashmir Day -- Pakistan

Liberation from the Alberoni Occupation -- San Marino (also St. Agatha's Day)

Longest War in History Ends -- The Third Punic War, between Rome and Carthage, was officially ended on this date with a peace treaty signed in 1985, which is 2,131 years after the war began

Losar/Loshar (Lunar New Year) -- Bhutan; Nepal; Tibet (this is Tibetan Year 2146, and it's dominant gender is female, dominant element is earth, and dominant animal is the pig)

Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year/Lhosar/Seol-Nal/Tet -- celebrations throughout Asia, some before and some after this "official" Western date, some for up to a month; Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist celebrations
    Sonam Lhosar -- Nepal (Tamang New Year)

Mother's Day -- Israel (Shevat 30)

Move Hollywood & Broadway to Lebanon, PA Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, and Why would they want it?

National Chocolate Fondue Day

National Weatherperson's Day -- US (mostly, though some other countries now observe it as well; in honor of the first US meteorologist, John Jeffries)

Nones of February -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also
    Fornacalia -- celebration in honor of bread and the ovens used to dry grain; held any day between now and the 17th, one of Rome's few movable feasts)

Runeberg's Birthday -- Finland (National Poet)

Safer Internet Day -- organised originally by Insafe, now called Better Internet for Kids (promotes safe and responsible use of the internet by teaching children how to keep themselves safe online; this year's theme is "Together for a better internet")  

St. Agatha's Day (Patron of bell-founders, fire prevention, jewelers, martyrs, nurses, rape victims, single laywomen, torture victims, wet-nurses; Malta; San Marino; as well as over 50 cities around the world; against breast cancer, breast disease, earthquakes, eruptions of Mt. Etna, fire, natural disasters, sterility, volcanic eruptions)

Unity Day -- Burundi

World Nutella Day

Birthdays Today:

Jeremy Sumpter, 1989
Sara Evans, 1971
Bobby Brown, 1969
Michael Sheen, 1969
Laura Linney, 1964
Jennifer Jason Leigh, 1962
Christopher Guest, 1948
Barbara Hershey, 1948
David Alan Ladd, 1947
Charlotte Rampling, 1946
Roger Stauback, 1942
Jane Bryant Quinn, 1941
David Selby, 1941
H.R. Giger, 1940
Alex Harvey, 1935
Henry "Hank" Aaron, 1934
Andrew Greeley, 1928
Red Buttons, 1919
William Burroughs, 1914
John Carradine, 1906
Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr., 1900
Andre' Citroen, 1878
Belle Starr(Myra Maybelle Shirley), 1848
Dwight Lyman Moody, 1837
Ole Bull, 1810
Robert Peel, 1788
John Witherspoon, 1723
Sanjo, Emperor of Japan, 976

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Where On Earth Is Carmen San Diego"(TV), 1994
"Hagar The Horrible"(Comic strip), 1973
"Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour"(TV), 1967
"Peter Pan"(Disney cartoon film), 1953
"Otello"(Verdi Opera), 1887

Today in History:

Earthquake in Pompeii, Italy, 62
King Alfonso V orders Sicily's Jews to attend conversion sermons, 1428
A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society, 1597
The first US livestock branding law is passed, in Connecticut, 1644
Georgia becomes the first state to abolish both entail and primogenature, 1777
Sweden recognizes US independence, 1783
Hannah Lord Montague of New York creates the first detachable shirt collar, 1825
The "Oregon Spectator" is the first newspaper published on the American West Coast, 1846
An adding machine employing depressible keys is patented in New Paltz, NY, 1850
Two innovations which helped pave the way for motion pictures are pateneted, a hand turned stereoscope by Samuel Goodale of Cincinnati, and the Kinematoscope by Coleman Sellers of Philadelphia, 1861
Four inches of snow falls in San Francisco, 1887
The loop-the-loop centrifugal railroad (a/k/a the roller coaster) is patented by Ed Prescot, 1901
Greek military aviators, Michael Moutoussis and Aristeidis Moraitinis performed the first naval air mission in history, with a Farman MF.7 hydroplane, 1913
Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and D.W. Griffith launch United Artists, 1919
Reader's Digest magazine is first published, 1922
The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal, 1924
A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered, 1958
The so-called Big Three banks in Switzerland announce the creation of a $71 million fund to aid Holocaust survivors and their families, 1997
Danish special forces storm a ship captured by Somali pirates, freeing 25 crewmembers on board, 2010
Archaeologist and runologist K. Jonas Nordby publishes his suggestions for how to decrypt the 13th C Viking jötunvillur runic code, 2014
Computer hackers try to steal 1 billion from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but a typo in their codes alerts authorities before they can finish, 2016


  1. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your Ladies Circle meeting. It sounds as if you need it. Hugs.

  2. I have had those periods of relentless car problems and they are awful - they just really grind a person down. Makes you wanna just kick the tires, doesn't it?

  3. Car problems. Though rare now, I can so remember praying that my car would make it to work and back. Always something.

    I hope you find a easy solution to getting to our job today. Enjoy your Ladies Circle. You deserve it.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day, my friend. ♥

  4. Ladies Circle sounds like a good thing (I had to look it up) I hope good company and food will raise your spirits above ths snake stasium. At least your post made me laugh, a much needed medicin, thanks.

  5. We had to laugh because my Gramma has been cleaning out her shoes in the closet. We had to help her take a few bags of shoes to the donation place last weekend. Now my mom should do the same thing!

  6. Hoping your car problems get completely solved and soon. t is stressful to not know if you have transportation or not.

  7. Some people find it hard to give away things even though they many not use them anymore. It can be very frustrating to have endless problem with our cars.

  8. Car problems are so frustrating...and expensive. My wife sounds a bit like your doctor, only not quite as extreme.

  9. Sorry the jalopy is giving you grief. Dr. D sure keeps you busy.

  10. Cars have so much that can go wrong...and does go wrong.

  11. Amazing Mimi. Thank goodness your car is OK now and WOW, all of those plates on the countertop. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Mimi,

    That Dr. D is an interesting, funny character! I hate going through stuff to get rid of because in many ways I'm like Dr. D I find a reason to want to hold on to it for a little while longer. DH is worse than me. We've made progress over the years but we're still slow at it. If I lived by myself, I'd use disponsible plates, spoons, etc if I didn't have a dishwasher. I hate when dishes pile up! Car woes are not fun. I hate that you're dealing with so much. Hopefully, this will pass sooner than later. Have a good day!

  13. Oh you deserve some good things to happen for you ~ sending lots of healing hugs to you ~ Xox ~ A new car would be nice for you ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I feel like a gerbil on a wheel a lot too. And when life relentlessly causes problems, it can seem very overwhelming. I saw a documentary on Daniel Boone and other Fronteirsmen on the History channel. It was amazing. He was amazing!


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