
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A to Z: By the time you read this, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 

To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

By the time you read this, let the bells ring out across my borders, we have finished getting our tax stuff together and it is on the way to the accountant!

As usual, adding up what i earned took the longest.  As usual, once that was done and i made myself get with it, everything else took about 1 1/2 hours.

Also, miracle of miracles, i set up a system whereby i am keeping track of each month as i go along this year, so next year it will all be ready sooner.

Why do i put it off every year?  As Dr. D said last week, that is a question for the ages.

Speaking of Dr. D, she forgot to tell me yesterday, when she sent me to do the errands, that she'd taken the post office box key out of the truck.  That is something i didn't find out until i got to the post office.

She has found records she wants to sell, too, the old LP albums, and i tried to go to the place that buys them, but they are closed on Monday.

We packed up more boxes for donation and i dropped them off, and went to the store for paper towels and toilet paper, so it wasn't a totally wasted trip -- batting .500, i guess, two of four errands were a go.

Now that taxes are done, next on the list is to clean out Lunceford the Land Yacht and reorganize all of my cleaning supplies.

Anyone want to take a guess on how long it will be before i do that?

Oh, and just last week was Bigger Girl's birthday, she turned 26.  She sent me a text:

Thank you for the birthday gift.  I'm gonna buy novelty cookie cutters so that everything I eat is shaped like a dinosaur!

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!


Words for Wednesday is tomorrow, but since i'm supplying the words and it's probably Wednesday already somewhere, i'm going ahead and posting just the words now.  My story will be here tomorrow, my time.  You can link your story today or tomorrow by leaving a comment, or even write your story in the comments, your choice.

This weeks words are:




Pick words from one list, or both, use them all, or use none.  The whole point is to get us writing, so please have fun with it!


Today is

Feast of Acan -- Ancient Mayan Calendar (god of wine, whose name means either "belch" or "groan", depending on your source -- although both seem apt, one during the celebration, the other after; date approximate)

Great Lovers Day -- you don't have to be a Cassanova to celebrate the great lovers in your life!

International Children's Book Day -- on the birth anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen, sponsored this year by the Latvia division of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People); this year's theme is "Small is Big In a Book"

Malvinas Day -- Argentina (honors veterans of the Falklands War)

National Equal Pay Day -- US (the date of how far into 2019 a US woman had to work to earn what a US man did in 2018)  

National Ferret Day -- US (The American Ferret Association

National Love Your Produce Manager Day -- with its own Facebook page 

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

Reconciliation Day -- as recommended by columnist Ann Landers, use today to reach out and mend a broken relationship

Sizdehbedar -- Iran (Nature Day)

Spring Fever and Medical Aid Appeal -- Fairy Calendar

St. Francis of Paloa's Day (Patron of boatmen, mariners, naval officers, sailors, travellers, watermen; Amato, Italy; Calbria, Italy; Fossato Serraita, Italy; Sant'Agata di Esaro, Italy; against fire, plague, and sterility)

St. Urban of Langres' Day (Patron of barrel makers/coopers, gardeners, vine dressers/vine growers/vintners; Dijon, France; Langres, France; against alcoholism, blight, fainting, frost, storms)

Sun 'n Fun International Fly in & Expo -- Lakeland, Florida, US (preserving and enhancing the future of flight; through Sunday)

Taily Day, Scotland (engage in pranks related to your tail end, a second day of April fooling)

Thai Heritage Conservation Day -- Thailand

Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day -- Belarus

World Autism Awareness Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

Napoleon Bonaparte marries the Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, 1810

Birthdays Today:

Bethany Joy Galeotti, 1981
Christopher Meloni, 1961
Pamela Reed, 1953
Ron "Horshack" Palillo, 1949
Camille Paglia, 1947
Emmylou Harris, 1947
Linda Hunt, 1945
Leon Russell, 1942
Dr. Demento, 1941
Marvin Gaye, 1939
Jack Webb, 1920
Charles White, 1918
Alec Guinness, 1914
Buddy Ebsen, 1908
Max Ernst, 1891
Walter Chrysler, 1875
Emile Zola, 1840
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, 1834
Hans Christian Anderson, 1805
Giovanni Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, 1725
Charlemagne, 742

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Nickelodeon(TV Cable Channel), 1979
"Dallas"(TV), 1978
2001: A Space Odyssey(Film), 1968  
"As the World Turns"(TV), 1956
"The Edge of Night"(TV), 1956
Symphony No. 1 in C major(Beethoven Op. 21), 1800

Today in History:

Mehmed II begins his siege of Istanbul/Constantinople, 1453
Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to set foot in Florida, 1513
"American Farmer," the first successful agricultural journal, begins publication, 1819
Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for president of the US, 1870
The first Easter egg roll is held on the White House lawn, 1877
Puerto Rico is given limited self rule by the US Congress, 1900
The first full time movie theater, the "Electric Theater," opens in Los Angeles, 1902
The Titanic undergoes sea trials under her own power, 1912
President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany, 1917
Haile Selassie is proclaimed emperor of Ethiopia, 1930
Charles Lindbergh turns over the $50,000 ransom for his kidnapped son, 1932
The first official Panda crossing is opened outside Waterloo station, London, 1962
Argentine forces sieze the Falkland Islands, beginning the Falklands War, 1982
Rita Johnston becomes the first female Premier of a Canadian province (British Columbia), 1991
Israeli forces surround and besiege the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into which armed Palestinians had retreated, 2002
Three widows and two daughters of Osama bin Laden were charged with illegally living in Pakistan; they were sentenced with 45 days in jail and fined $114 each, 2012
The Arms Trade Treaty, the first-ever bill to regulate the global trade in conventional weapons, is passed by the U.N. General Assembly, 2013
Eurozone unemployment reaches a high of 12%, 2013


  1. Yay for getting your tax done. Sigh at Dr D.
    Happy belated birthday to Bigger Girl - and thanks for the words.
    I will give them some thought.
    It is Tuesday afternoon here (about 4.30).

  2. Getting the tax done is a great relief and also keeping track on your monthly earning will help next year's tax report.

  3. My mom says some days were made for running errands and stuff and she knows those days because everything just works from perfect parking spots to no lines at check out. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Sorry, this is on the dark side. I will try and create a more positive take on the prompts later.
    It was no place for an older woman but Jodie had been living on the streets for quite some time. How long she didn't remember. It was a drab life, a difficult life, sometimes a dangerous life. Home was a cardboard box at the front of the service station. Sustenance came from the soup kitchen and the charity of strangers.
    There were others too. Wounded people with empty eyes.
    Nothing about her gave the smallest hint of the steely resolve which burned in her heart.
    Her only hope, their only hope, was in the election booth. Astonished officials recoiled as she led a ragged troupe to the booth. The helpful syrup the candidates had been spreading was about to be tested...

    1. Excellent, and very true in so many places. It's not dark, it's hopeful to me.

      My story is also about a homeless person, i actually wrote it up yesterday.

    2. I would have liked to see that ragged troupe adding their votes. I'm betting they wouldn't have swallowed any of the syrupy offerings politicians dish out.

    3. Excellent EC and very representative of the poverty out there. I hope their candidate gets elected.


    4. well done the words lend themselves to a darker theme.

    5. I like elephant's child story, sad but true to life.

      have a lovely day.'s quite confusing to me with these batched posts, I kind of like it if there is just one post for words for wed, I don't see my comment here so I must have posted on another post, kind of confusing.

  5. Hooray you are done with those tax gathering, it shouldn't be so taxing!

  6. This morning my wife & I go back to sign the papers for the tax papers. Once I sign my papers and I should be able to go on another cruise.
    I enjoyed the cartoons especially the one about " where are my keys ".
    Happy Birthday to Bigger Girl's. How wonderful it could be to be 26. I'm very past that one.
    See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Every time they make taxes easier, they seem to get more complicated to me.

  8. We filed our taxes yesterday and the checks are in the mail. All done until the quarterly payment in June.

    Yikes on the keys not being where you needed them to be. Oh well, it doesn't surprise me.

    Happy belated birthday to Bigger Girl.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, my friend. ♥

  9. Tkanks for the words, and Yay on getting taxes done!

  10. What a fun post and great your taxes are done! Yea!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. So happy you completed your taxes and YAY! to improving the process so it is easier next year - that is my line work HA! I think I love your daughter - I woudl enjoy eating dinosaurs all day too! Annster's Domain

  12. Dr. D sounds so much like my mom- I just dropped off some donations from her at Goodwill. She is losing motivation though. Your daughter sounds like a lot of fun. Congrats on the taxes! We need to get ours to the CPA.

  13. Another version.
    Julie was astonished to see how fast the empty street filled when she set up her make-shift puppet booth. The props (including the crown and the wings) were painted cardboard, but they brightened everyone's drab mood. Older people and the wounded veterans were given front row seats, without so much as a hint of a complaint. Everyone, but everyone, sang along to the syrupy choruses. It seems that fun gives as much sustenance as a good meal she thought, and launched into her version of the Princess and the Pea.

    1. Doing good and kind things for others is a type of sustenance. Thanks for two stories!

    2. Fun does give sustenance, food for the soul is as important as food for the body in my opinion.

  14. www.dublinhousewife.comApril 2, 2019 at 5:56 PM

    Wait until I tell Jimmy its great lovers day...he'll think it's all about him of

  15. So glad to hear someone is later than I am in getting around to taxes. I keep thinking that maybe the IRS will forget about me.


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