
Thursday, April 4, 2019

A to Z: Dirty (Six Sentence Story) and Dog at the Fence (Good Fences)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


What type of flooring in an average three bedroom house takes over 25 hours of accumulated work to clean?

A 20+ year old vinyl tile floor that has not been properly cleaned in at least ten of those years, maybe more.

We've finally hit on the formula -- Scrubbing Bubbles, the bathroom kind, the ones that can take the varnish off of your furniture if you aren't careful.

Spray a section of tile in one room, leave it sit at least ten minutes while you go scrub another section you sprayed a while ago in another room, repeat over and over and over until you've gotten the years of dirt and Mop 'n Glo put over the dirt scrubbed up.

Then go back and rinse, rinse, rinse.

When it's all clean, it's okay to Mop 'n Glo, and i hope to finish it up this Saturday so the owner can put it back up for rent.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Type.     


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

Cookie the Dog does not like being behind her fence:


Today is:

Ballroom Dance Day -- dance with your sweetheart today in honor of the birth anniversary of Arthur Murray

Bonza Bottler Day™

Children's Day -- Taiwan

Cold Food Day -- China (especially celebrated in the Shanxi Province, a commemoration of Jie Zitui, a loyal servant; no fires are to be lit and all food is too be served cold)

Homogenized Milk Day -- a machine to homogenize milk was patented this day in 1892 by Auguste Gaulin

Hug a Newsman/Newswoman Day -- an internet holiday, and be careful, no more fiascos like the gropings in 2009, please, just a nice hug for someone who does good reporting of actual news facts (and ask permission first)

Independence Day -- Senegal(1960)

International Day for Mine Awareness & Assistance in Mine Action -- UN

Lailat al Miraj -- Islam (observance of Mohammed's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem; began at sundown yesterday, local customs and dates may vary)

Matsuyama Haru Matsuri -- Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan (Spring celebrations incorporating the Matsuyama Castle festival and the Dogo Hot Springs festival)

Megalesia, a/k/a Festival of Magna Mater -- Ancient Roman Calendar (great mother festival for Cybele; through the 9th)

Nafels Pilgrimage -- Canton Glarus, Switzerland (commemoration of the Battle of Nafels in 1388, observed with processions, prayers, sermon, and a reading of the names of those killed in battle)

National Alcohol Screening Day® 2019 -- US (if you or a loved one need help, find a way to get screened here)   

National Cordon Bleu Day

National Reading a Roadmap Day -- another internet holiday that some sites call "Learn to Read A Roadmap Day," but a good one to observe; you need to know how to read one when your GPS battery dies, after all

Ose Matsuri -- Ose Shrine, ShizouKa Prefecture, Japan (men dressed in women's clothes dance a lively jig on board a boat afloat in the harbour which is festooned with flags and streamers while taiko groups play drums on shore in this festival thought to date back to a wife wanting to protect her fisherman-husband by giving him a kimono)

Peace Day -- Angola

RAINN Day -- The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network encourages all of us to get involved in stoping sexual violence    

Randox Health Grand National -- Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, England (the world's greatest steeplechase, according to many, dating back to 1839; today is Grand Opening Day, tomorrow is Ladies Day, and Saturday is Grand National Day)

St. Benedict the African's Day (Patron of African missions; African-Americans; Palermo, Sicily, Italy)

St. Isidore of Seville's Day (Patron of computer technicians, computer users, computers, the Internet, schoolchildren, students)

Swedish-American Friendship Day

Tell a Lie Day -- an internet generated holiday; the only day it is acceptable! make sure, after today, to clear it up, trust me

Victims of Violence Day -- anniversary of the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vitamin C Day -- the vitamin was isolated on this day in 1932 by C.C, King at the University of Pittsburgh

Walk Around Things Day -- fun to do, it makes people look at you funny

World Rat Day -- pet rat lovers everywhere, unite and introduce your friends to your pet rats

ZAB Death Anniversary -- Pakistan (39th anniversary)

Anniversary Today:

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft Corporation, 1975

Birthdays Today:

David Blaine, 1973
Dave Mirra, 1972
Jill Scott, 1972
Barry Pepper, 1970
Nancy McKeon, 1966
Robert Downey, Jr., 1965
David Gavurin, 1963
Gary Moore, 1952
Christine Lahti, 1950
Craig T. Nelson, 1946
Kitty Kelley, 1942
Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti, 1938
Michael Parks, 1938
Anthony Perkins, 1932
Maya Angelou, 1928
Muddy Waters, 1915
Frances Langford, 1914
Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, 1908
John Cameron Swayze, 1906
Arthur Murray, 1895
Isoroku Yamamoto, 1884
Linus Yale, Jr., 1821
Dorothea Dix, 1802

Today in History:

Francis Drake is knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world, 1581
Sir Robert Walpole becomes First Lord of the Treasury of England, and is so influential in the Cabinet that he is considered the de facto first Prime Minister of England, 1721
Napoleon abdicates for the first time, 1814
Casparus van Wooden of Amsterdam patents chocolate milk powder, 1828
William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and the one with the shortest term served, 1841
Bryant's Minstrels debut the song "Dixie" in a blackface minstrel show, 1859
Susanna Medora Salter is elected the first US woman mayor, in Argonia, KS, 1887
Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund is established, 1902
An earthquake in India's Kangra Valley kills 20,000, destroys most of three cities, 1905
Vitamin C was first isolated by C.C. King at the University of Pittsburgh, 1932
Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty, creating NATO, 1949
Martin Luther King, Jr., is assasinated, 1968
Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart (the patient survived for 65 hours), 1969
The World Trade Center in NYC is dedicated, 1973
Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft, 1975
Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space, 1983
Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications Corporation under the name "Mosaic Communications Corporation", 1994
Comet Hyakutake is imaged by the USA Asteroid Orbiter Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, 1996
The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign a peace treaty ending the Angolan Civil War, 2002
15 British Royal Navy personnel held in Iran are released, 2007
The most distant supernova on record is found by the Hubble Space Telescope, 2013
The "Pink Star" diamond sells at an auction in Hong Kong for a record $71 million, 2017


  1. Wow! That sounds like a lot of work, but it seems you found the perfect solution. This makes for a great SSS too.

  2. Poor Cookie.
    That floor sounds like very hard work. I hope you were well paid for rectifying years of neglect.

  3. You are such a good worker. Blessed are the ones who hire you. Cookie reminds me of one of my dog.

  4. I wouldn't mind if my decades old vinyl floor could get a good scrub and polish. I planned on getting it done before I moved in, but as soon as I had the keys and over-enthusiastic niece had half my stuff loaded in a trailer and into the unit. Probably better than me slipping on a shiny floor and breaking something.

  5. This weeks six was a lot of work. I know it is too late to suggest it, but for a later date, try a scant amount of Dawn dish washing liquid in a bucket of hot water,cuts through anything, and there is minimal if any rinsing needed.

  6. Oh my gosh, mimi!
    I was just talking with Bookman about how to best clean old vinyl flooring! How did you know???
    I'm copy and pasting IMMEDIATELY.

  7. good home care tip! still sounds like a job that is not kind to knees and elbows

  8. That was a great cleaning tip! Cookie wants out n' about fur sure!

  9. Mop & Glo. I remember that one. I must be getting old Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. I just put laminate floors in several rooms of my home and love them. Cannot use any cleaners other than water and something else my housekeeper uses.

    Can't we let the doggy out of the cage? Poor baby.

  11. I was going to say perhaps the owner should think of replacing any 20+ year old floor, especially as modern tile floor and lamanent flooring have so many options, but if I was renting I would opt for a good cleaning too. Sounds like a B****of a job though!

  12. Oh come on "I want out of here!' ~ handsome doggie ^_^

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Cookie is a cutie pie and not they want to be with their peeps, not fenced in.

    Scrubbing Bubbles. I'll have to remember that. Yikes on the work though. Mop and Glow? That's a blast from the past.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  14. Such a cute pup. That did take a long time to clean the floor. Glad you found a good formula. I mix dishwasher liquid with water and that cleans anything.

  15. Aww...poor Cookie...but it is for her own good..and safety...she will soon learn. :)

  16. Informative 6! I've long been a fan of the Bubbles but who knew! I've always wondered the path taken when people discover "other uses" for products :D

  17. Nice 6SS with great advice! I use the yellow stuff called Awesome. My friend introduced it to me when she found it cleaned grout so well. I am glad you found something that works.

  18. Good to know about the Scrubbing Bubbles for the floor. I will file that away for future use!

  19. Too well done! But I might use the tips... in a few more years.


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