
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A to Z: How did i get myself into this? A Random and Happy Tuesday Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Sometimes at the end of a day of working for Dr. D, i ask myself, how did i get myself into this?

It was Ms. PR at church, and as i’ve told her before, i don’t know whether to thank her or blame her.  She says everyone who knows Dr. D feels that way.

Well, not quite everyone.

Yesterday was errand day, and one errand involved dropping off a check for the storage unit.  Yes, she could mail it, but why when she drives past the storage place to get to the post office to check her mailbox?

The older gentleman who owns the place came out and asked how she was doing and what she was up to these days.  She answered a bit shyly, for her, and he noted “You don’t need that thing, do you?” pointing to her handicapped hang tag.

“Yes,” she answered, “my hips hurt so I can’t walk as far as I used to.”

“Oh, you are too young for that, it’s all in your head,” he told her.

They were flirting, and it was quite amusing to watch.

They'd make a cute couple.

She went through her bookshelves, and came up with two boxes worth of books to donate to the Friends of the Library.  She’d never been there to donate, so i navigated while she drove, and she was not at all happy about the gravel drive to get back to the book barn.

When we arrived, i told her to just sit, i’d get the books out, and i went in to make sure they were open and taking donations.

“How many books?” the gentleman asked.

About two boxes worth, i told him, then added, and you can have the books but not the boxes.

“That’s fine,” he said, “but may I ask why not the boxes?”

Well, i told him, this squatter moved into the house about 60 years ago, his name is Justin.  You know, Justin Case.  He’s been convinced to let go of the books, but he is holding on to the boxes with all his might and main!

It’s true, too, because the next stop was the office where copies were made, including of papers that had their own receipts attached, and more boxes were gathered.  Those were taken back to the storage unit, and the only way to get them in was to chuck them on top of everything else and slam the door so they didn’t fall back out.  She wants them for when she starts sorting the unit, once she gets done with the house and the storage building at the house.

Justin isn’t leaving any time soon, if anyone was wondering.

Someone once commented that my job description sounds like “anything legal,” and it is sometimes true.  Yesterday i found myself helping her color her hair.  When i asked why, she simply said, “Vanity.”   That’s the same answer Sweetie gives for making me color his as well.

Yes, she was and is a redhead.

She is now helping a relative apply for a grant of some kind, and part of yesterday was spent researching arcane information about how and when and where to apply and what criterion must be met.  The long and short of it is, you have to have permission from about 6 state and federal agencies and any Native American Tribes that have an interest anywhere in the area before you can get this grant, and i say good luck.

How do i get myself into these situations?  Danged if i know, but at least it’s a living.

Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!


Words for Wednesday is tomorrow, but i'm putting the words up today so anyone who wants to get a start may do so.

This week's words are:




Pick words from one list, or both, use them all, or use none.  The whole point is to get us writing, so please have fun with it!


Today is:

Appomattox Day -- US (marking the end of the US Civil War on this day in 1865)

Astronauts' Day -- unofficial, on the anniversary of NASA's announcement of the names of the first seven astronauts 

Baghdad Liberation Day -- Kurdistan, Iraq

Bataan Day/Day of Valor -- Philippines (Araw ng Kagitingan)

Be Kind to Lawyers Day -- after all, you will need one someday, for something

Children's Day in Florida -- FL, US

Dita e Kushtetutes -- Kosovo (Constitution Day)

Dry Milk Day -- a patent for a method to make powdered milk was issued this day in 1872 to Samuel Percy

Feast of Jalal (Glory) -- Baha'i

Independence Restoration Day -- Georgia (formerly Day of National Unity)

Martyr's Day -- Tunisia

Name Yourself Day -- an internet holiday allowing you to change your name for a day, if you want to.

National Cherish An Antique Day -- hooray for old fashioned quality!

National Chinese Almond Cookie Day

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day -- US

National Library Workers Day -- US (always the Tuesday of National Library Week)

Observation of the Nazi Occupation -- Denmark (anniversary of the Nazi invasion)

Public Library Day -- US (anniversary of the opening of the first "publicly funded" library -- i.e. a tax based, free library -- in the US, in 1833 in Petersborough, New Hampshire)

Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson -- Asatru/Norse Pagan Calendar (Haakon the Great, one of the Jarls of Hladhir)

St. Casilda's Day (Patron against sterility)

St. Mary of Cleophas' Day (one of the Marys in the Bible who was present at the Crucifixion)

Verruca Day -- Fairy Calendar (Goblin Celebration again)

Vimy Ridge Day -- Canada

Winston Churchill Day -- commemmorates his becoming an honorary US citizen

World Konkani Day -- Goa (Official language of the Indian state of Goa; on the death anniversary of the pioneer of modern Konkani literature, Vaman Raghunath Varde Valaulikar)

Anniversaries Today:

Sophia Loren marries Carlo Ponti, 1966
Wayne Newton marries Kathleen McCrone, 1994
Charles, Prince of Wales, marries Camilla Parker-Bowles, 2005

Birthdays Today:

Elle Fanning, 1998
Kristen Stewart, 1990
Jesse McCartney, 1987
Leighton Meester, 1986
Taylor Kitsch, 1981
Keshia Knight Pulliam, 1979
Rachel Stevens, 1978
Gerard Way, 1977
Austin Peck, 1971
Jacques Villeneueve, 1971
Cynthia Nixon, 1966
Paulina Prizkova, 1965
Dennis Quaid, 1954
Michael Learned, 1939
Avery Schreiber, 1935
Jean-Paul Belmondo, 1933
Paul Krassner, 1932
Tom Lehrer, 1928
Hugh Hefner, 1926
John Presper Eckert, Jr., 1919
Ward Bond, 1903
Paul Robeson, 1898
Efrem Zimbalist, 1889
Frank King, 1883
Eadweard Muybridge, 1830
Charles Baudelaire, 1821
Tamerlane, 1336

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Ticket to Ride"(Beatles' single), 1965
"Diamond Lil"(Play), 1928
"Shadow of a Gunman"(Play), 1923
The World, the Flesh and the Devil(Film), 1914

Today in History:

The Mongol hordes defeat the Poles and Germans in the Battle of Liegnitz, 1241
Robert Cavalier de la Salle reaches the mouth of the Mississippi River and claims all the land drained by the river and its tributaries for France, 1682
The African Methodist Episcopal church in the US is formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1816
The oldest audible sound recording of a human voice is made, 1860
Robert E. Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Court House, effectively ending the US Civil War, 1865
Passing by a single vote, the United States Senate ratifies a treaty with Russia for the purchase of Alaska, 1967
The Hudson Bay Company cedes its territory to Canada, 1869
Jumbo the Elephant arrives in the US, 1882
The Titanic leaves Queenstown, Ireland for NYC, 1912
The first full color film, "World, The Flesh, and The Devil", premiers in London, 1914
Mae West makes her NYC debut in "Diamond Lil," 1928
The first Japanese built aircraft to fly to Europe, the Kamikaze, arrives at Croydon Airport in London, 1937
The Suez Canal is officially opened for shipping, 1957
NASA announces the selection of the United States' first seven astronauts, whom the news media quickly dub the "Mercury Seven", 1959
In the first game in the Astrodome, Houston beats the Yankees 2-1 in an exhibition game, and Mickey Mantle hits the first indoor home run, 1967
The first British built Concorde makes its first flight, 1969
Georgia declares its indepedence from Russia, 1991
The funeral of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, at Westminster Abbey, 2002
Facebook purchases Instagram, a photo sharing application, for $1 billion, 2012
US Senator Tammy Duckworth becomes the first senator to give birth while in office, 2018


  1. Goodness you work hard - but I doubt very much that you are ever bored.
    Thanks for the W4W prompts.

  2. Well! Never a dull moment, variety is the spice of life, idle hands are the devil's workshop :D There certainly is no dearth of material from which to draw for your creative writing endeavors!
    Happy Tuesday, Mimi!
    P.S. I have a friend "Justin" too, lol

  3. Sounds like you are quite busy, but staying busy is a good thing.

  4. That sure keeps your moments from getting dull!

  5. She wears me out. I'm guessing she wears you out too. She's like a whirlwind. I do enjoy your posts about her though.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, my friend. ♥

  6. Glad to have the WFW early. Maybe I will have something for tomorrow.

  7. You are a saint ~ wishing you a gentle day ~ Xox

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Dr. D. sounds like quite a handful. Thanks for the new batch of prompts. National Cherish An Antique Day is right up my street -- that is if you take antiques in the broadest sense to mean anything older -- and probably better -- than what the stores sell today. I just bought a garden thingy fitting this description today.

  9. Does every family have a Justin? Hmm. I tend to want to hand deliver things, as I have had one or two bad experiences mailing them... But that's me... But then, I hand delivered one, and it was lost, after I delivered it, so there ya go!

    And since I am 99 percent sure I won't have internet tomorrow...

    The two dogs gaze at the cat on the windowsill. The cat is looking intently out, focused on a distant vision. A brave soul, the schnauzer walks over, and pushes the cat over to join in the watch. The Doxie, tempted to see, but still unable to reach the window, wrenches the ottoman across the room, to the ensconced group. With a decisive snort, she wriggles up on the ottoman, peers out the window wonderingly, then falls asleep.


    1. Fun story, Cat! Some dogs can be almost as curious as our felines, can't they.

  10. Reading that this date marks the departure of the Titanic...
    I was once contacted (in all seriousness) by someone writing a paper about the Titanic and wanting to know if I could supply them with pictures of it arriving in NYC.
    I did my best but it's entirely possible that they could discern the words, "You moron" in the tone of my reply...

  11. I love your Tuesday story and thank you for putting up the Wednesday words already.

  12. Hoping for a repeat of 1967, Astros over Yankees. Enjoyed all of your fun things!

  13. Dr. D is a character who is lucky to have someone as understanding as you. I do enjoy reading your escapades with her.

  14. Never a dull moment with Dr. D, eh? I love reading about all you do for her, but man, I get exhausted just reading about it! Can't imagine how you manage! Epitome of the Energizer Bunny, right? ;)


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