
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

That’s One Way For the Shelter To Use a Cat Food Can (Wordless Wednesday) and First Cruise (Words for Wednesday)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulton, and are posted by Elephant's Child.                 

This week's prompts are familiar phrases:

  1. Sun over the yardarm

And/ or 

  1. Going commando

Marta yawned, stretched, and in that moment of awakening when everything is so confused, tried to remember exactly where she was.  A soft sound from the bunk above her reminded her, she was with Stephanie on her family's boat in the marina.  She'd been invited to sail with them on a cruise during the school break, and she was thrilled.

Sitting up gently, she peeped through the porthole and saw the sun rising.  She giggled softly to herself as she remembered the day before when Stephanie's dad had introduced her to a new phrase, saying, "I don't drink until the sun is over the yardarm!"  Her own father had always said, "Never drink before noon!" and she saw some similarities between the two men.

They were due to set sail in the afternoon, as there were still a few things to do before they left.  Stephanie had told her, "We need to do one last load of laundry before we leave tomorrow, or I'll be going commando before the cruise is over."

Meanwhile, the sun was barely up, the boat was rocking gently, and Marta decided to snuggle back down and sleep a while longer.  She knew it was going to be a fun but long day, the start of her first cruise.


Today is:

Dog-Prodding Day -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins)

Fête de l'iris -- Belgium (Brussels Region Day)

Helston Furry Dance a/k/a The Flora -- Helston, Cornwall, England (the world-famous dance is each year on May 8, unless that day is Sunday or Monday, when it's held the Saturday before; dancing around the streets begins very early in the morning)

Iris  Day -- celebrate these beautiful spring flowers

Liberation Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia

Miguel Hidalgo Day -- Mexico (birth anniversary of the father of Mexican independence)

National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day -- US  (FEMA wants you to make plans for your pets in case of disaster or emergency)     

National Bike to School Day -- US (encouraging kids to have fun, get their exercise, and get to school under their own steam)     

National Coconut Cream Pie Day

National Empanada Day

National Nightshift Workers Day/Third Shift Workers Day -- US (remembering those intrepid souls who keep things running smoothly through the night)

National Receptionist Day -- US (because that first impression is important; National Receptionists Association) 

National School Nurse Day -- US (the school nurse is there to help!)   

National Student Nurses Day -- US

No Socks Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, who want you to let your toes go free, and cut down on your laundry a bit today

Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day -- US (info here)  

Parents' Day -- South Korea

Royal Windsor Horse Show -- Windsor, England (through the 12th)

St. Ida of Nivelles' Day (Patron of erysipelas patients, toothache sufferers; against erysipelas and toothache)

Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War -- International

Truman Day -- Missouri, US

V-E Day -- some countries celebrate today, some celebrate tomorrow

World Ovarian Cancer Day -- International (because while up to 89% of women with breast cancer are likely to survive 5 years or more, only 45% of women who get ovarian cancer will survive that long)   

World Red Cross Day / World Red Crescent Day

Yom HaZiKaron -- Israel (Memorial Day; ends at sunset)

Yom Ha'Atzmaut -- Israel (Independence Day; beings at sunset, through tomorrow sunset)

Birthdays Today:

Enrique Iglesias, 1975
Robert M. Hensel, 1969
Melissa Gilbert, 1964
Janet McTeer, 1961
David Keith, 1954
Toni Tennille, 1943
Peter Benchley, 1940
Rick Nelson, 1940
Thomas Pynchon, 1937
Charles “Sonny” Liston, 1932
Don Rickles, 1926
David Attenborough, 1926
Robert Johnson, 1911 
Bishop Fulton Sheen, 1895
Harry S Truman, 1884
Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829
Jean-Henri Dunant, 1828
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla, 1753

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Let It Be"(Album), 1970
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"(Musical), 1962
"Look Back in Anger"(Play), 1959
Concerto in E-flat, "Dumbarton Oaks"(Stravinsky concerto), 1938

Today in History:

Hernando de Soto  reaches the Mississippi River and names it Río de Espíritu Santo, 1541
Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, is tried and guillotined by the Reign of Terror, 1794
Future US president Zachary Taylor defeats a Mexican force north of the Rio Grande in the first major battle of the Mexican-American war, 1846
At Gilmore's Gardens in New York City, the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens, 1877
George B. Selden files the first patent for an automobile in the US, 1879
Pharmacist John Styth Pemberton first sells a carbonated beverage named "Coca-Cola" as a patent medicine, 1886
In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts, destroying the town of Saint-Pierre and killing over 30,000 people, 1902
In Rheims, France, German forces agree to an unconditional surrender, ending the war in Europe, 1945
The rollercoaster Revolution, the first steel coaster with a vertical loop, opens at Six Flags Magic Mountain, 1976
Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler make the first ascent of Mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen, 1978
The World Health Organization announces the eradication of smallpox, 1980
The new Canadian War Museum opens, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of V-E Day, 2005
The last piece of Yankee Stadium falls in the Bronx, New York, marking the end of the two year demolition process, 2010
The world's oldest astrolabe (mariner's navigator tool) c. 1498 from Portugeuese shipwreck of explorer Vasco da Gama is found near Al Hallaniyah Island, Oman, 2015
The largest-ever wave at 23.8m is recorded in the South Hemisphere at Campbell Island by New Zealand scientists, 2018


  1. This is yet another lovely take on the prompts.

  2. I like this beginning and hope you can keep it going. I will take note of Stephanie's laundry comment though and if I ever go cruising one suitcase will have nothing but underwear in it.

  3. I like your take on those two starnge expression. Maybe we'll hear more from Martha's cruise.

  4. Stephanie wouldn't be the only one to have gone 'commando' due to being lax with the laundry lol

  5. Great use of those two phrases. I liked the description and felt I was there on that boat. I like the photo that ties in subtly as well.

  6. As it's No Socks Day. why not go commando too?

  7. I hadn't realized there was such a thing as Iris Day - but my garden must have, because they just started popping yesterday!

  8. Mimi,

    A DIY dryer leveler - inventive! I have children's (angled) building blocks under the front of a cabinet sitting on carpet. It scotches it in place nicely. Some might call it being a Redneck but I say it's being clever. Going commando isn't all bad, especially if you were something form fitting and you don't want to reveal undergarment lines. :)

  9. Looking forward to more of the cruise story. Sounds like a fun thing to do. You all have a wonderful day.

  10. I remember doing just that to level the washer or dryer. Fond memories.

    I love your commando story. I'll be doing just that tomorrow. I'll wake up on our boat in our slip and then later in the morning we're off on our monthly cruise with our yacht club. I love your stories.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. ♥

  11. LMAO @ Keith's comment :-)

    Have a leveltastic week :-)

  12. Love the creative handyman reusing cat food cans - Whatever works!

  13. Fun take on the two phrases and gotta level with ya...that's a smart move on the use of the can.....and no socks for me for the past and sunny! Cheers!

  14. My favorite thing is too sleep long after the sun is over the yardarm.

  15. That is an inspired use for the can of cat food!

  16. Good use of a can. :) Great story too.

  17. We think it would be better to feed it to the kitties, but whatever they need, I guess.

  18. And here is my use of this week's terms...

    "I don’t care if the sun is over the yardarm - a term frequently used years ago by an old friend of mine come Sunday mornings - I am not going commando, whether it’s past 11 am on a warm, sunny morning or not!

    Along with the yardarm quote, regularly my friend, who has since passed away, often would cheerfully declare.. “It’s time for choir practice!” Both declarations meant it was time for a beverage of the alcoholic kind!"

    1. Excellent, Lee! That sounds like you had a wonderful friend.

  19. That is one way to use a tin...the floor has to be really uneven!

  20. Wonderous word less photo ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Well done, a very sweet story. I like how you linked her dad to her friend;s dad.


  22. good take on the words for wed phrases.

    have a lovely day.


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