
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thankfully Busy, and Busy Being Thankful (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


It's been a great week.

Busy and great.

The first thing that happened when i got back in town was i received a call from Dr. D.  She was going to be out of town Monday, could i come for a couple of hours Tuesday afternoon?

That gave me Monday to run errands and get things done, which was a huge blessing.

When i went over there on Tuesday afternoon, she had her new-to-her car in the driveway, and she has begun to lay out a battle plan.  The two old vehicles junked, get cost estimates to finish repairs to the house, get all parts of the house functional.  She's in pain from the arthritis, yet ready to tackle stuff.  It would be most gratifying to keep that kind of spirit and energy as i get older, i am thankful she's a good role model in that sense.

Ms. G had to cancel for Wednesday, but i am grateful Ms. RW let me come early.  That was her dental appointment day, so i got to enjoy only the company of the dogs, Jack and Sam, while working.  It's always nice to have them, even if Jack does like to splay out on the bathroom tiles to keep cool and i have to shift all 100 pounds of him to clean the floor in there.

That evening, i was able to attend the first meeting of the ladies summer Bible study, and i am so thankful, because i have not been able to get to these studies in past years.  It's going to be a good one.

By this time some of you may be wondering how things are going with Brother-in-Law and his car trouble.  (No, none of you were thinking about that, but let's pretend, as a friend of mine used to say.)  A friend from his church took care of getting him to work and doctor appointments on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and so i am thankful we only had to do that on Thursday and Friday.  Also, i still have Little Girl's car for a few more days, so Sweetie used Lunceford the Land Yacht to run his brother around while i simply went to work and did errands.

Speaking of her car, i am thankful it has one of those warnings that tells you when a tire is low, thankful Kevin and Lenny were able to fill the tire with the slow leak and get me on my way, and thankful they worked me in a few minutes before their official opening time to patch the leak and replace her burned out reverse light so i got to work on time Thursday.

The Thursday workload was relatively easy for a Thursday, i am always thankful when that happens.

On Friday, Ms. J's house was, unusually, quite unkempt.  (She almost never has anything out of place in her home.)  The grandchildren had been over, and she is in the middle of a curriculum rewrite, and i am thankful i was able to lighten her load and get all of the sheets washed.

Mr. BA and Ms. GA are out of town again, so guess who gets to spend three days cat sitting and garden tending?  Yes, i am thankful for the extra money, i am thankful it's only 3 days and not 9 this time, and most of all i am thankful that Abigail turned up and i did not have to call them and let them know she was missing.

Abigail has three legs and is not allowed outdoors unsupervised.  When i got to the house Friday to clean, she was outdoors and Mr. BA went flying out saying, "We're leaving, see you next week!"

When i went out to grab her a few minutes later and bring her in, she was nowhere to be found.  She stayed missing the whole time we were there, and so we went to the shelter (where Carl, the special needs man whose apartment i clean, came for a while, we had a good time although he's a little scared to actually touch the cats), then i went back to feed everyone.

She was still gone, but when i started putting food out, guess who showed up on the front door mat!  As noted, i am thankful i did not have to call her parents and tell them she was missing, which i was going to have to do if she didn't come for dinner.

She is in the house now and will not be allowed out until her parents are back.

Today i am thankful i get to go to NOLA.

It's been busy, it's been good, Abigail is in the house.  We are all thankful

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  

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Today is:

Anti-Fascist Resistance Day -- Croatia

Baymen's Seafood and Music Festival -- Tuckerton, NJ, US (this year including a micro-brewers tent with the seafood and music; through tomorrow)

Bouphoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (sacrifice of an ox to symbolize social order dissolving and being restored; date approximate)

Colorado Brewers' Festival -- Fort Collings, CO, US (celebrate Colorado's rich brewing history with over 30 breweries; through Sunday)

Dairy Queen Day -- the first Dairy Queen® opened this day in 1940 in Joliet, Illinois

Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War -- Belarus

Elfin Music Festival -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of 1 Lithe -- Hobbit Calendar

Great American Campout -- sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, and remember that Happy Campers Protect Wildlife   

Mermaid Parade -- Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY, US (wacky and wonderful and worth every wild moment)

Midsummer's Day -- Aland; Finland; Sweden

Napoleon Bivouacs -- Waterloo, Belgium (reenactment of Napoleon's military camp at the sight of his battle battle against Allied forces led by the Duke of Wellington; through tomorrow)

National Chocolate Eclair Day

National Onion Rings Day

Norskedalen's Midsummer Fest -- Coon Valley, WI, US (celebrate summer solstice and Sankt Hans Dag[St. John's Day] the way pioneer Scandinavians did; through tomorrow)

Pixie Day -- Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England (reenacting of the "Revenge" of the Pixies who bothered the town until midsummer in 1454; now fun, games, music, pageant, and more)     

Quincy Preserves Spring Home Tour -- Quincy, IL, US (tour some of the most beautiful homes in Illinois!)

Rochesterfest -- Rochester, MN, US (street dances, parade, exotic foods, children's and senior events, and more; through the 30th)

Soap Microphone Day -- grab your soap in the shower and pretend you are on stage! (promise i won't tell)

Solennität -- Morat, Switzerland (on Morat Commemoration Day, a Youth festival remembering the pivotal role this tiny town played in winning a battle in 1476)

St. Nicetas' Day (Patron of Romania)

St. Thomas More's Day (Patron of adopted children, civil servants, difficult marriages, large families, lawyers, politicians/politicos/statesmen, step-parents, widowers; Arlington, VA; Ateneo de Manila Law School; Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL; University of Malta; University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Arts and Letters)

Stupid Guy Thing Day -- included under protest; "guy things" aren't necessarily stupid, it should just be Guy Thing Day; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, who want all women to just not count anything against guys today, but chalk it up to being a Stupid Guy Thing

Teacher's Day -- El Salvador

Anniversary Today:

Harry Houdini marries Wilhelmina Beatrice "Bess" Rahner, 1894

Birthdays Today:

Eric Stretch, 1980
Donald Faison, 1974
Carson Daly, 1973
Mary Lynn Rajskub, 1971
Kurt Warner, 1971
Amy Brennenman, 1964
Dan Brown, 1964
Randy Couture, 1963
Tracy Pollan, 1960
Freddie Prinze, 1954
Cyndi Lauper, 1953
Todd Rundgren, 1948
Meryl Streep, 1949
Lindsay Wagner, 1949
Pete Maravich, 1947
Klaus Maria Brandauer, 1944
Ed Bradley, 1941
Michael Lerner, 1941
Kris Kristofferson, 1936
William Ralph "Bill" Blass, 1922
Joseph Papp, 1921
Billy Wilder, 1906
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1906
John Dillinger, 1903
Captain George Vancouver, 1757

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Rescuers(Animated film), 1977
Lady and the Tramp(Animated film), 1955

Today in History:

Ptolemy IV of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom, BC217
Bilbo Baggins returns to his home at Bag End, (Shire Reconning), 1342
The  Jewish quarter of Prague is burned and looted, 1559
Galileo Galilei is forced by Inquisition to "abjure, curse, & detest" his Copernican heliocentric views, 1633
A poisonous cloud from Laki volcanic eruption in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France, 1783
The British Parliament abolishes feudalism  and the seigneurial system in British North America, 1825
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee procession in London, 1897
The Flag of Sweden is adopted, 1906
The Flag of the Faroe Islands is raised for the first time, 1919
Erwin Rommel is promoted to Field Marshal after the capture of Tobruk, 1942
The Cuyahoga River catches fire, which triggers a crack-down on pollution in the river, 1969
The Canadian  House of Commons  abolishes capital punishment, 1976
Charon, a satellite of the dwarf planet Pluto, is discovered, 1978
The largest hailstone ever recorded falls in Aurora, Nebraska (7inch diameter, 18.75 inch circumfrence), 2003
Eastman Kodak Company announces that it will discontinue sales of the Kodachrome Color Film, concluding its 74-year run as a photography icon, 2009
UNESCO officially names Mount Fuji a World Heritage Site, 2013
An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Internal Medicine Journal claims that obese Americans now outnumber those who are merely overweight, 2015
Eurozone countries agree to a debt relief deal for Greece, signalling end to the country's economic crisis, 2018


  1. I am so glad that Abigail materialised. Years ago we went on holidays. One of our cats disappeared the day we left and didn't reappear. The cat sitter had just told us when she strolled in the back door, demanding food. NOW. Three weeks later she was a hungry cat. Our poor cat sitter.

  2. I hope to still be able to look after my own home when I'm in my 80s. Cooking and shopping too. If I can't, I hope to have friends as nice as you to help out.

  3. I do hope that I will continue to be independent and able to do things myself in my old age. Looks like you are now back to your busy schedule. Take care.

  4. Darn good thankfuls! Have fun in NOLA!

  5. Ooo! I think I'll celebrate Dairy Queen Day!
    (you knew that was coming, didn't you?)

  6. Getting the kitty back in the house is the best part of all of this. Excellent.

    I'm glad you had a good first week back from your vacation.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. ♥

  7. Well Mimi, have are glad back home and back working? Probably yes because it's great going on a vacation but it's always great to back home. I'm glad you're back home and writing you blog. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. I'm glad Abigail showed up! I've had the same sort of situation before while watching a friend's cat, and it was nerve-wracking--and what a relief when the cat finally came back!

    Cars can be problematic, too. I'm glad you and your family members were able to get to the needed places this week.

    As always, thanks for joining the TToT again this week! :-)

  9. Good crazy-busy thankful tekst. It's amazing the things you put into a day. Hoping for more cars and more icecream in your next weeks.

  10. I sure Mrs. J really appreciated your help getting all the bedding laundered and everything back in place after her company was gone.
    I'm glad there were people available to help get your brother-in-law where he needed to go while he awaits for his car to be repaired.
    Soap Microphone Day - I'd probably drop the microphone LOL

  11. Busy is good...most of the time. Glad the dog returned.

  12. All those you serve are so blessed.

  13. Great list of thankfuls. I Am glad Abigail came back too.

  14. I’m so glad you had such a good week. You sure have been keeping busy.

  15. Busy-sounding week, like thats a
    However, it does sound like week where re-adjustment after vacation week is possible.
    Have a good week.

  16. So glad the kitty is home ~ and Wow! You were busy!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. I wish that I had half your energy! I am thankful that you had plenty of work to keep you busy and money coming in, and also had a little unplanned time off to do things you needed to do and enjoy for you. Balance is always a blessing! I easily understood your worries about the missing cat you were caring for. They can slip outside so easily and most know there way back but bad things can happen to prevent that. I am thankful for you that she returned for supper, just like most wayward children would. :-) A good Bible study with friends is so uplifting, I am thankful you got to attend and hope you are able to do so again this summer. I am thankful you were able to work out the shared vehicle schedule and repairs. How often God meets our needs in just the right ways! I hope you had a good time in NOLA on Saturday. Blessings to you this week as we journey on. XO


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