
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Beach is for Everyone (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Elephant's Child.     

Here are this week's prompts. 

  1. Sleeping 
  2. Burnt
  3. Broken 
  4. Undercover
  5. Swallows
  6. Universe


  1. Voyage
  2. Heart
  3. Diary
  4. Falling
  5. Star
  6. Samurai

This vacation is going great.  There has been plenty of time spent checking the insides of my eyelids for cracks/SLEEPING.  We haven't BURNT any of the meals we've microwaved, nor BROKEN anything.

There are no SWALLOWS here, but plenty of herons and egrets and pelicans and seagulls.  The UNIVERSE has not showed me a FALLING STAR, but plenty of loveliness at sunrise and sunset.

While i won't be going UNDERCOVER, tomorrow i will be going to my friend DiDreaming's house to help her pack for her upcoming move.  My HEART goes out to her, she really needs the assistance and i'm glad to be able to give it.  We will also leave the house and go do something fun.  One time, we took a VOYAGE around the bay in a vehicle that goes from land to sea and back again called a duck boat, i don't know what we will find this time.

No DIARY keeping here, just jotting stuff online, so this is my place of memories, and i have no idea how to work the word SAMURAI into this and make it sensible.

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!


Today is:

Crowded Nest Awareness Day -- for those whose problem is the opposite of the Empty Nest, a day to remind you to keep your sense of humor and get support when you need it

Festival of Mut -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Ghost in the Machine Day -- the internet holiday that explains everything!

Helsinki Day -- Finland

Ice Cream Days -- LeMars, IA, US (the home of Wells's Blue Bunny Ice Cream calls itself the Ice Cream Capital of the World and has a parade, basketball tournament, children's activities, fishing derby, and more along with tons of ice cream; through Saturday)

Independence Day -- Philippines

International Cachaca Day -- the once illegal cocktail now has its own day of celebration 

Kuopio Dance Festival -- Kuopio, Finland (exotic dance art by familiar and new artists from around the world on the sunlit summer nights; through next Tuesday)

Loving Day -- US (commemoration of Loving vs. Virginia decision by the Supreme Court which struct down all anti-miscegenation laws) 

Midnight Sun Film Festival -- Sodankyla, Lapland, Finland (one of the world's most unique film festivals; through Sunday)

National Jerky Day -- begun a couple of years ago, possibly by one of the jerky manufacturers (no one can track it down, sounds suspicious to me)

National Peanut Butter Cookie Day

National Time Out Day -- US, sponsored by The Association of Operating Room Nurses, which want everyone involved in surgeries to take time out before the procedure to verify the surgery site, type, and patient and decrease OR errors  

Peace of Chaco Day / Chaco Armistice Day -- Paraguay and Bolivia (commemorates the end of a war between the two)

Red Rose Day -- found all over the internet, with June 12 as the most common date cited; may have begun with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Australia, which has Rose Days as fundraisers

Russia Day -- Russia

St. Anthony's Eve -- Brazil; Portugal
    Dia dos Namorados -- Brazil (Lover's Day, celebrated on St. Anthony's Eve)

St. Onuphrius' Day (Patron of weavers; Centrache, Catanzaro, Italy)

World Day Against Child Labour -- The UN, Education International and the International Labour Organization

Birthdays Today:

Frances O'Connor, 1969
Timothy Busfield, 1957
Marv Albert, 1941
Chick Corea, 1941
Jim Nabors, 1932
Anne Frank, 1929
Vic Damone, 1928
George H.W. Bush, 1924
David Rockefeller, 1915
Alexandre Tansman, 1897

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Doctor Doctor"(TV), 1989
Raiders of the Lost Ark(Film), 1981
You Only Live Twice(Film), 1967
Cleopatra(Film), 1963

Today in History:

Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk in the second day of the Battle of Jargeau, 1429
The French begin their colonization of Algeria with the landing of 34,000 troops, 1830
The world's first Fingerprint Bureau opens in Calcutta, India, after the Council of the Governor General approves a committee report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records, 1897
Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor, 1939
Anne Frank gets her diary as a birthday present, 1942
The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional, 1967
The first man powered flight across the English Channel is performed by Bryan Allen in the Gossamer Albatross designed by Paul MacCready, 1979
At the Brandenburg Gate U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, 1987
Russia Day – the parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty, 1990
Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London, 1997
A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to widespread protests, 2009
Ending an extensive study on the wooly mammoth, scientists conclude that they were wiped out by multiple things, including climate change, human hunters, and shifting habitats, 2012
AT&T's $85.4 billion takeover of Time Warner can go ahead according to US district court judge, 2018


  1. Loved your use of the prompts and am thrilled that your vacation is going so well. And unsurprised you are taking some time out to help a friend.

  2. WOrdless Wednesday photos? Love them! And writing a non-diary with the prompts is a nice thing to do.

  3. Caterpillar treads on a wheelchair! What a great idea!
    I like your story, an online diary is a great way to use the words and remember where you are going and what you are doing. Perhaps DiDreaming has a Samurai sword that needs packing?

  4. That wheelchair with that kind of wheels is a great idea. Enjoy your vacation and you are always ready to help a person in need.

  5. What a brilliant idea and wheelchair :-)

    I liked your prompts too have a beachtastic week :-)

  6. Technology has had so many good developments like wheelchairs that can go through sand!

  7. That wheelchair is super cool and I'm so glad you're having fun.

  8. Oh, my gosh - I love that! How wonderful to see everyone be able to enjoy the beach!

  9. I love your story and I'm ever so glad you're having a great time. I look forward to your vacation on the coast each year. Not as much as you do, but still.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. ♥

  10. It's so great seeing that even those that have physical problems, can still enjoy the beach. Fantastic Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. I am ALL IN on ice cream days. Any flavor anytime.
    Lovely image. The beach is indeed for everyone and an all terrain wheelchair makes much of the great outdoors accessible to many disabled. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Glad the man in the wheelchair can still enjoy the beach. Wonderful story, glad you are having a nice time. XO

  13. Great photos to see ~ of wheelchair on the beach ^_^

    Happy Day to you ^_^

  14. It looks like a lovely vacation, and such a happy use of the words!


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