
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Veterinarians Can Be Very Punny (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Elephant's Child.     

Here are this week's prompts. 

  1. Lever
  2. Poison
  3. Fragrance
  4. Between
  5. Immediate
  6. Oven


  1. Sunshine
  2. Feathers
  3. Rotten
  4. Dubious
  5. Becoming
  6. Hard

She pulled the “POISON” out of the OVEN and inhaled the wonderful FRAGRANCE.  Of course, it wasn't really poisonous, but she had to make herself think of sugary concoctions that way.  BETWEEN the IMMEDIATE spike in blood sugar that always left her feeling tired and wrung out and the ROTTEN teeth she had by biology (thanks, mom, she always thought when it came up at the dentist), she had long ago decided the DUBIOUS reputation of table sugar meant she needed to abstain.

At first it had been HARD, especially when she was called upon to use her excellent culinary skills to make cakes, cookies, pies, and other desserts for every church function imaginable.  Over time, she'd found it was BECOMING easier, and now she could bake for the children at home or for others and not be tempted.

She pushed the LEVER that opened the trash can and dumped the last of the eggshells in.  Going back to the sink to finish the dishes, she smiled as the bird FEATHERS the children had brought in and set on the windowsill shone in the SUNSHINE.  It was going to be a beautiful day for a party.


Today is:

15th Khordad National Uprising -- Iran (1963)

Apple II Day -- the Apple II first went on sale today in 1977
    note that some historians say it went on sale June 10, others say the first models were shipped out that day

Arbor Day -- New Zealand

Clean Air Day -- Canada

Eid al Fitr -- Islam (celebration of the end of Ramadan; began sundown yesterday, runs through sundown on the 7th, although local dating and official government observances may vary)

Festival of Popular Delusions Day -- begun as this was the last day before D-Day that the Germans could delude themselves that they could win; thus a day to question your own assumptions and try to align your beliefs with facts and reality

Global Running Day

Great American Brass Band Festival -- Danville, KY, US (free and fun for the whole family; through Sunday)

Grunklovsdag -- Denmark and the Faroe Island (Constitution Day)

Indian Arrival Day -- Suriname (marking the arrival of indentured laborers from the Indian subcontinent)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (Nosegays)

June Bug Days -- Baldwin, WI, US (music, tractor pull, free outdoor movie night, and more; through Saturday)

Liberation Day -- Seychelles

Natalicio de Oblang Nguema Mbasogo -- Equatorial Guinea (President's Day)

National Attitude Day -- if this is really a day to celebrate, try to have a positive one

National Gingerbread Day

National Moonshine Day -- with its own sponsor     

Nones of June -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observance
    Festival of Semo Sancus -- god of loyalty, honesty and oaths (one of the oldest Roman cults, probably Etruscan or Oscan originally)

St. Boniface's Day (Patron of brewers, file cutters, tailors; Fulda, Germany; Germamy; Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada)

Tailor's Day -- the first Wednesday of June is noted on many sites as the day to thank your tailor

The National Tournament -- Spruce Meadows, Calgary, AB, Canada (features the Spruce Meadows Show Jumping Championship and the Nexen Cup, with live entertainment and activities daily; through Sunday)

Turtle Races -- Nisswa, MN, US (Wednesdays through August 21st, go race a turtle, it's only $5 to adopt a turtle for the race and get a participation racing button!)

World Environment Day -- UN (this year's theme, "Take Action to Beat Air Pollution") 

Birthdays Today:

Chad Allen, 1974
Mark Wahlberg, 1971
Brian McKnight, 1969
Kenny G, 1956
Jill Biden, 1951
Suze Orman, 1951
Ken Follett, 1949
Spalding Gray, 1941
Margaret Drabble, 1939
Bill Moyers, 1934
Tony Richardson, 1928
Richard Mcclure Scarry, 1919
William "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd, 1895
Panco Villa, 1878
Adam Smith, 1723 (O.S. Date)
Thomas Chippendale, 1718
Pu Songling, 1640

Today in History:

Traditional date for the sinking of Atlantis, 8498BC
Titus and his Roman legions breach the middle wall of Jerusalem  in the Siege of Jerusalem, 70
Kraków, Poland  receives city  rights, 1257
The first Great Lakes steamer, the Frontenac, is launched, 1817
Houston, Texas is incorporated by the Republic of Texas, 1837
Denmark  becomes a constitutional monarchy, 1849
Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's Cabin or, Life Among the Lowly starts a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper, 1851
Denmark  amends its constitution to allow women's suffrage, 1915
Elvis Presley introduces his new single, "Hound Dog", on The Milton Berle Show, scandalizing the audience with his suggestive hip movements, 1956
The first government of the State of Singapore is sworn in, 1959
The Apple II, the first practical personal computer, goes on sale, 1977
Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi orders an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion, 1984
A severe heat wave across Pakistan  and India  reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50°C (122°F) in the region, 2003
The planet Venus makes its last transit of the 21st century beginning at 22:09 UTC June 5, and ending 4:49 UTC June 6, 2012
The Swiss vote to reject the referendum to give each citizen a guaranteed income of $2,500 Swiss francs per month, 2015


  1. I do like a clever pun - and love your story. I need to acquire some of her willpower too.

  2. I love your story! I often bake goodies to take to an elderly neighbour, but then of course I have to sit and eat with her and have a cup of tea too. so I've told her I'll be baking less goodies because my lost kilos have come home and brought a few friends with them. I have bad teeth by biology too.

  3. I like the story. I think we all struggle with temptations especially with sweet snacks such as cakes, cookies, etc.

  4. Mimi,

    Your story is one I hope I never know. I'd hate to be on a restricted diet always. My parents have type II diabetes. Mom was diagnosed in 2006 and Daddy developed it in recent years. This is always a concern with me and I hope this isn't a future reality that I'll be stuck in. That would be like a living hell for me...really! I love sweets!! Good job on the writing prompt and your sign made me smile. :) Have a giggletastic day!

  5. The Brass Band Festival sounds like sprightly fun.
    I'll add that to the list... :-)

  6. Great story as always :) I could relate as I struggle with an addiction to sugar. If only I could think of it as poison.

    Funny sign too - made me laugh.

    Have a great Wednesday :)

  7. Love the vet sign. My mom loves sugar, it's hard to quit eating it.

  8. Frog parking. Well that's a first. Love the toad part.

    I always enjoy your stories. No exception to this one.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed Wordless Wednesday, my friend. ♥

  9. I don't have any toad parking, but I did make a toad abode in the landscape recently.

  10. LOL clever sign heheh!

    Have a toadtastic week :-)

  11. TOAD !!! ☺☺☺☺

    N we wood like ta see a turtlez race ;) ☺☺♥♥

  12. fun saying on sign ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. That is a funny sign :) And a great story.

  14. Oh my goodness Mimi. I laughed so hard after reading this. I needed a laugh today. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. I enjoyed your story and loved the sign. Toad indeed.

  16. Clever use of the words and a very engaging story.


  17. What a delightful story! Love the sign too.

    Happy WW!


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