
Monday, July 8, 2019

Just Plain Tuckered (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Gardening (Poetry Monday)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

This little darling was dashing around and playing until she just plum tuckered herself out:


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.


Delores and her friend Jenny are taking turns providing a theme for Poetry Monday, and i am trying my hand at participating.  This weeks theme is Gardening.           

Gardening has taught me a lot.
And one big thing it has taught
Is that cut out for it i am not!

Plants just don't like me, indeed,
They don't want to grow when i plant the seed,
The only thing i can do is kill every weed!


Today is:

Carnival Monday -- Saint Vincent and Grenadines 

Celtic Tree Month Tinne begins (Holly)

Central Maine Egg Festival -- Pittsfield, Maine (more fun with eggs than you ever thought you could have; through Saturday)

Feast of St. Sunniva (Ancient Norse solar maiden Sunna's worship around this time of year was merged with the story of this medieval saint; Patron of Bergen, Norway and the Norwegian west coast)

International Town Criers Day

Kaustinen Folk Music Festival -- Kaustined, Finland (the largest international music festival in the Nordic countries; through Sunday)

Math 2.0 Day -- celebrating the intermingling of math with technology   

Nagoya Sumo Tournament -- Nagoya, Japan (one of the 6 major tournaments; through the 22nd)

National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day

Old Crafts Day -- it's listed in a few places, but i can't find the history; Old time crafts, or old crafts you've had sitting around the house and never gotten done? If you have the latter, do them or toss them!

Olive Branch Petition Day -- the final attempt, by the 13 Colonies, to avoid a complete break with England in 1775

SCUD Day (Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama) -- a good habit, on every day

Sempach Battle Commemoration -- Lucerne, Switzerland (remembrance of the battle in 1386 includes a solemn procession to the battlefield and services in the chapel) 

Sts. Aquila and Prisca's Day

St. Kilian's Day (Patron of people with gout or rheumatism, whitewashers; Bavaria, Germany; Paderborn, Germany; Tuosist, Ireland; Wurzburg,Germany)

Video Games Day -- do they really need a day?

Vitulatio -- Ancient Roman Calendar (when Vitula was given the first fruits of the earth)

Ziegfeld Follies Day -- his first "Follies of 1907" opened on this day

Anniversary Today:

Prince Richard of Gloucester marries Birgitte Eva van Deurs, 1972

Birthdays Today

Jaden Smith, 1998
Sophia Bush, 1982
Milo Ventimiglia, 1977
Kathleen Robertson, 1973
Beck Hansen, 1970
Billy Crudup, 1968
Toby Keith, 1961
Kevin Bacon, 1958
Christopher G. Moore, 1952
Marianne Williamson, 1952
Anjelica Huston, 1951
Wolfgang Puck, 1949
Kim Darby, 1948
Raffi, 1948
Cynthia Gregory, 1946
Jeffrey Tambor, 1944
Steve Lawrence, 1935
Marty Feldman, 1933
Roone Arledge, 1931
Billy Eckstine, 1914
Nelson Rockefeller, 1908
Louis Thomas Jordan, 1908
Philip Cortelyou Johnson, 1906
Alfred Binet, 1857
John D. Rockefeller, 1839
Ferdinand von Zeppelin, 1838
Etienne De Silhouette, 1709

Today in History

Vasco da Gama sets sail on first direct European voyage to India, 1497
Charles II of England grants John Clarke a Royal Charter to Rhode Island, 1663
Battle of Restigouche – British defeat French forces in last naval battle in New France, 1760
The Olive Branch Petition is drafted by the Second Continental Congress as the Congress' last attempt to get King George III of Great Britain to reason with them, 1775
The Declaration of Independence has its first public reading, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Liberty Bell is rung, 1776
Chippewas turn over huge tract of land in Ontario to the United Kingdom, 1822
Commodore Perry sails into Tokyo Bay, 1853
The initial force of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police begin their March West, 1874
The first issue of the Wall Street Journal is published, 1889
St. John's, Newfoundland is devastated in the Great Fire of 1892
The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level of the Great Depression, bottoming out at 41.22, 1932
The United States Air Force accepts its first female recruits into a program called Women in the Air Force (WAF), 1948
Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American Self-Determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination Act, 1970
The Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe creates the office of High Commissioner on National Minorities, 1992
NATO invites the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland to join the alliance, membership to become effective in two years, 1997
The Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched in the final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle program, 2011
Pope Francis condemns the 'global indifference' to the plight of immigrants who have drowned trying to reach Europe, 2013
The mission of the NASA Curiosity Mars rover begins, 2013
Unesco declares Asmara, capital of Eritrea, a world heritage site for its Art Deco buildings, 2017
Eritrea and Ethiopia announce the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries after almost 20 years, 2018


  1. Why don't I look a fraction as good as that tuckered out kitteh?
    Your particular gardening talent would be very, very welcome here. And your poem made me smile.

  2. Oh funny poem indeed. But if you're really killing every weed, you'll be welcome in my gardeb.

  3. Sweetest kitty I've seen all day. I liked your poem, I have trouble with gardening too. I plant so much that just up and dies on me, so I learned to plant more of what survives.

  4. awesome article,
    thanks for sharing and have a nice day

  5. Kitties do that don't they. Play and play and then play some more and then they just drop and go to sleep. So precious.

    Love your Spark and your poem. I hate gardening.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday, my friend. ♥

  6. Everyone with a garden could use a good weed killer lol.

  7. What a darling little kit! I love the JFK spark, so true. Hey, if you can actually kill weeds, you're one up on me - they thrive under my care, while my plants shrivel.

  8. Kittens and puppies have two speeds: high and off.

    1. I love how you put that, Jan - it's so true :)

  9. I know how you feel, Mimi - that's how I am with indoor plants, except there are no weeds to kill. I can't keep house plants alive!

  10. What a cutie of a kitten. I'd want to take her home if I saw her in person. Great quote.

  11. cute little tuckered out sweetie!

  12. Such a beautiful kitten. And a great spark!

  13. That little sweetie looks like Sister Seal when she showed up here.

  14. That is one cute kitty ~ great photo and love the blanket she is on too ~ adorable! Great spark too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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