
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful No Matter the Weather

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Hooray for Saturday, thankful day!

Since i did my Saturday work yesterday, it means i actually have today off.  It was supposed to be so i could go to see Grandma, but with the weather, it just means i get a day to lie in bed and be thankful i don't have to be up by a certain time.

The shelter is ready to ride out the storm with a huge generator, the gift of a donor, plus plenty of supplies on hand, and we are very thankful.

Our own generator is aging but still hanging in there, and if we need it, we can run the fridge and a couple of window A/C units, as well as small things like computers.  All of us are thankful.

Yesterday was beautiful and even though the clouds came and went there was a ton of sunshine, and i thankfully soaked it all up and it helped me feel better.

More than ever, i am thankful i do not own a TV or watch the news or weather.  (Yes, i keep up with the headlines in the newspaper, and i figure if the world ends, someone will tell me.)  

Grandma kept texting me the things she was seeing on the TV and asked what our news predictions were.  My response was, "no idea, at work, no TV, not watching news because there's nothing i can do about it anyway."  Thankfully, she quit texting me after that, except for our usual good night/good morning greetings.

Little Girl was called up for the last three storms, so we are very thankful she is not called up for this one.

While i was working today, in the morning for Ms. GA cleaning the inside of the house and in the afternoon for Mr. BA on the outside of the house (more weeding), Ms. S who lived across the street came back to her house to get a few more things to take to her new apartment.  Thankfully i noticed she was over there so i was able to help her get her lamp, and lamp oil, and a few candles, and help her load the car with her pull-cart she uses to get groceries from the car to the house.  There's no way she would have gotten it all in the vehicle herself.

We managed to find gas today.  Several stations ran out, so we had to go a bit further, but our tanks full (minus what it took us to finish errands and get home).

And i am very thankful for my comfy bed after a long day at work.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  

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Today is:

Art Fair on the Square -- Madison, WI, US (one of the Midwest's largest juried art fairs; through tomorrow)

Bald In - Bald Out Day -- sponsored by Bald Girls Do Lunch; if men can be bald and brazen, then women and children who cannot grow hair should bring bald INto their lives, and never feel on the OUTs!  

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day -- anniversary of the founding of Sweet Adelines International

Beans and Franks Day

Carver Day -- George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond, MO, US

Children's Party at Green Animals Topiary Garden -- Portsmouth, RI, US (annual party for children and the young at heart)

Circus City Festival -- Peru, IN, US (did you ever want to run off and join the circus?  This is the week kids age 7-21 get to do just that, so go watch and have fun with them!  through the 18th, when they have the big circus parade)

Embrace Your Geekness Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, celebrate your love of online dungeon games, comic books, or dressing up like a vampire

Feast of Kalimat (Words) -- Baha'i Faith

Fool's Paradise Day -- a day to figure out how a fool can achieve paradise?  or how it can be paradise if it is full of fools?

Galicnik Svadba -- Galicnik, Macedonia (wedding festival, when one lucky couple gets to be married in a traditional "Galichka" style wedding, through tomorrow)

Go West Day -- commemorates Horace Greeley's "Go West, young man, and grow up with the country."

Gruntled Workers Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; those of us who are gruntled, as opposed to the disgruntled, should unite and pass along some "great work" compliments to those doing a good job

International Carthage Festival -- Tunis, Tunisia (the country's biggest arts event and music festival, through Aug. 17)

International Puzzle Day -- some sites say Jan. 29, but today is Erno Rubik's birthday

La Retraite Aux Flambeaux -- France (night watch, before Bastille Day)

National French Fries Day

Obon (Ulambana) -- Buddhist; Shinto (Festival of the Lanterns, a time of honoring the ancestors, a reunion of them with the living; through the 15th, although Obon festivals are held on various dates in July at temples throughout the world)

Omaha Railroad Days -- Omaha, NE, US (sponsored by the Union Pacific Railroad and celebrating all things track and train, through tomorrow)

Sodbuster Days -- Fort Ransom, ND, US (learn how rural North Dakotans lived in the early 1920s; through tomorrow)

Statehood Day -- Montenegro

St. Henry the Emperor's Day (Patron of childless people, disabled people, dukes, handicapped people, kings, people rejected by religious orders, physically challenged people; Bamberg, Germany; Basel, Switzerland; Benedictine Oblates; against sterility)

St. Joel the Prophet's Day (Old Testament prophet of the Book of Joel)

Stone House Day -- Hurley, NY, US (tour of several 250+ year old stone houses within 150-yards of each other)

Stroud International Brick and Rolling Pin Throwing Contest -- held simultaneously in the 4 cities called Stroud: Gloucestershire, England; Oklahoma, US; Ontario, Canada; and New South Wales, Australia (results are compiled internationally following the event)

Birthdays Today

Anthony Jerome “Spud” Webb, 1963
Cameron Crowe, 1957
Jane Hamilton, 1957
Michael Spinks, 1956
Louise Mandrell, 1954
Cheech Marin, 1946
Erno Rubik, 1944
Harrison Ford, 1942
Roger McGuinn, 1942
Robert Forster, 1941
Patrick Stewart, 1940
Jack Kemp, 1935
Wole Soyinka, 1934
David Storey, 1933
Bob Crane, 1928
Dave Garroway, 1913
Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1821
Julius Caesar, BC100

Today in History

Capt James Cook begins 2nd trip (Resolution) to South Seas, 1772
William Wordsworth, on a walking tour through the Wye Valley, visited the ruins of Tintern Abbey and a few miles further on composed a poem about them, 1798
Greek War of Independence: Greeks defeated Ottoman forces at Thermopylae, 1822
Henry R Schoolcraft discovers the source of the Mississippi River, 1832
After 9,957 unnumbered patents, the U.S. Patent Office issues Patent No. 1, for locomotive wheels, 1836
Queen Victoria becomes the first British monarch to live at Buckingham Palace in London, 1837
First day of the New York Draft Riots in response to President Abraham Lincoln's Enrolment Act of Conscription, 1863
Horace Greeley publishes his editorial advising young men to "Go West, young man, go west and grow up with the country," 1865
PT Barnum's American Museum was destroyed in one of the most spectacular fires in New York City's history, 1865
Gold was discovered near Cochrane, Ontario, Canada, 1909
The British airship R34 lands in Norfolk, England, completing the first airship return journey across the Atlantic in 182 hours of flight, 1919
Alexander Butterfield reveals the existence of the Nixon tapes to the special Senate committee investigating the Watergate break in, 1973
The Live Aid benefit concert, a telecast fundraising concert for famine relief in Ethiopia, was held in London and Philadelphia, as well as other venues such as Sydney and Moscow, 1985
American Thoroughbred racehorse Cigar wins his 16th consecutive top-class race, the first horse to do so since Triple Crown winner citation, 1996
Researchers reveal two studies showing the antiretroviral drugs prescribed to treat AIDS can also prevent HIV infections, 2011
The Eurozone countries agree to a conditional deal to lend €86bn over 3 years if Greece passes reforms, 2015
Drought helps to reveal the outline of a previously unknown 5,000 year-old henge at New Grange, Ireland, 2018


  1. A beautiful thankful post. So many things to be thankful for. A thankful heart is a happy heart. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Isn't staying in bed just awesome! I could have done that this morning but I'm programmed to wake up early. A nap may find me later. Be safe with the storms.

  3. Thinking of you today, and hoping you stay safe. It sounds like you are prepared, and can just enjoy a stay-at-home day.

  4. Lots of things to be thankful for, that is for sure. I don't listen to much news myself. It is always so depressing. You all have a super Saturday.

  5. That was a nice list and double hooray for the day off!

  6. Lovely list and I agree I don't watch the news anymore and I feel better for it ~ Praying for your safety and that hurricane will not do too much damage ~ Be safe and lots of hugs to you and family ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I always like your Thankful lists.I am also thankful that I don't watch the TV news or listen to the radio news anymore. And the day off is a real bonus. As is the gas. I hope that the storm passes you by.

  8. Happy for you having the day off, enjoy. Great thankful list. I hardly watch any news now, nothing I can do about what they choose to report and it has gotten to where I don't know who to believe or if I can believe any of them. Stay safe! Hugs

  9. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I am glad you got a well deserved day off. I am praying you stay safe from the floods/storm. XO

  10. I'm surprised to read you don't own a TV. I watch mine more than I used to, but mostly for movies on dvd, since actual TV programs are rubbish these days. To me anyway, some people actually enjoy the "reality" shows that are proliferating right now.

  11. Saw the weather station showing the storm, trust you guys will 'weather it'(ha ha) just fine.
    I totally agree about news and such. While I will watch the weather channel, thats as much of tv news I watch. I will read headlines in the newspaper as I eat lunch but even then, I skim.
    (I agree with the principle. If the world ends, there's a good chance I can look out the window and spot it "News Six!!! Chance of End of Times now 87% Accu-apocalypse tracks when the world stops in your neighborhood!! Videos at 11")
    have a good week.

  12. I do hope you had a relaxing, self-indulgent Saturday! Hurricane season can be stressful. How wonderful someone donated a generator to the shelter. Often, our 4 legged friends do not make it to the top of the preparedness list and it's left to the volunteers and employees to do their best to protect them. It was beautiful here yesterday as well. Sunshine has an amazing restorative effect :)

  13. You must be expecting Barry! We will get the tag ends of it in the form of lots of rain that comes from the wrong direction (southeast to northwest, rather than southwest to northeast). Hope you're safe and dry and can hunker down until it's over.

  14. Hope you continue to stay safe throughout the storm. How nice you saw a need and helped the lady across the street load her car.
    The donated generator for the shelter is such a blessing.
    Watching too much of a bad thing doesn't make it better😕.
    Take care, Mimi.


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