
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trustworthy (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by WiseWebWoman.  

This week’s prompts are



Fountain Pen

“Grandma," said the young one, coming in with Grandpa from the PADDOCK, "what is that?"

"It's a FOUNTAIN PEN, sweetheart," Grandma replied.

Wide-eyed, the young one watched as Grandma dipped the pen into the ink bottle to refill it.  Then Grandma started writing, a beautiful script in LILAC ink.

"Wow, you write so nice!" the young one said.  Grandma smiled, but Grandpa just snorted.

"Used to be, everyone wrote nice," he said.  "They made us, and if we didn't behave in school and learn to do it the way they taught us, we would get the CANE!"

"The what?" the young one started to ask, but Grandma interrupted, "Let's not get into that, times were different.  Did you two have to cross the BRIDGE to find the cows this time?" she said, by way of changing the subject.

"Yes, dagnabbit, I need to fix that hole they broke in the fence again.  And I slipped and fell in that damp MOSS by the creek, got a grass stain on my good britches!"

"Don't worry about that, I have PEROXIDE that will take the stain out," Grandma reassured him.  "How would you like to learn to write like this?" she asked, turning to the young one with a smile.

"Yes, please!" the young one said, eyes sparkling.

"That's a great idea, teach the next generation something besides drinking sissy coffee drinks like ESPRESSO and taking all them pictures of themselves!"  Grandpa stomped off to change out of his stained britches while Grandma said, "Come on up and sit next to me, and I'll show you how to hold the pen."


Today is:

Air Conditioning Appreciation Days begin -- Northern Hemisphere (around here, they last until Thanksgiving!)

Compliment Your Mirror Day -- remind your mirror how great it is to have an owner like you, and look at other mirrors you meet to see if they greet you with a smile

Dipolieia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Zeus as god of the city)

Disobedience Day -- internet generated, but if you have a bone to pick, use your civil disobedience today to let it be known! 

Distressed Elves' Creditors' Pets' Day -- Fairy Calendar

Dixon Petunia Festival: The Pink. The Proud. The Petunias. -- Dixon, IL, US (food, entertainment, fun, and petunias! through Sunday)

Dog Days of Summer begin (according to the almanac, but not in all cultures)

Eat Beans Day -- bring the humble legume up to main dish status!

Fiesta del Fuego -- Santiago, Cuba (festival of fire, through the 9th)

Freedom Days -- Farmington, NM, US (the Four Corners region celebrates freedom and The 4th in a big way; through Sunday)

Grand Teton Music Festival -- Teton Village, WY, US (a summer celebration of classical music with the world's finest artists and in the spectacular setting of Jackson Hole, Wyoming; through Aug. 17)

Independence Day -- Belarus(1944)

International Plastic Bag Free Day -- working toward a plastic bag free world      

National Chocolate Wafer Day

Red White and Boom -- Columbus, OH, US (the Midwest's largest fireworks display and more!)

Stay Out of the Sun Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; for health's sake, give your skin a break!

St. Thomas the Apostle's Day (Patron of architects, blind people, builders, carpenters, construction workers, geometricians, masons, people in doubt, stonecutters, surveyors, theologians; against blindness, doubt; Certaldo, Italy; Ceylon/Sri Lanka; East Indies; India; Pakistan)

The North American Tournament -- Spruce Meadows, Calgary, AB, Canada (show jumping tournament, through Sunday)

Tom Sawyer Days -- Hannibal, MO, US (frog jumping, mud volleyball, Tom and Becky Contest; parade, Tomboy Sawyer Contest, fireworks, and more, with the highlight being the National Fence Painting Contest; through July 6)

Virgin Islands Emancipation Day -- US Virgin Islands

Anniversaries Today:

Prince Alois of Liechtenstein marries Duchess Sophie of Bavaria, 1993
Ted Kennedy marries Victoria Anne Reggie, 1992
Idaho becomes the 43rd US State, 1890

Birthdays Today:

Moises Alou, 1966
Thomas Gibson, 1962
Tom Cruise, 1962
Montel Williams, 1956
Alan Autry, 1952
Betty Buckley, 1947
Dave Barry, 1947
Kurtwood Smith, 1942
Tom Stoppard, 1937
Pete Fountain, 1930
Ken Russell, 1927
Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher, 1908
Franz Kafka, 1883
George M. Cohan, 1878
Richard Bedford Bennett, 1st Viscount Bennett, 1870
Samuel Huntington, 1731(O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"ITV News at Ten"(TV), 1967
"Mister Peepers"(TV), 1952

Today in History

Hugh Capet is crowned King of France, the first of the Capetian dynasty that would rule France till the French Revolution in 1792, 987
Québec City is founded by Samuel de Champlain, 1608
Pitcairn Island is discovered by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret, 1767
Norway's oldest newspaper still in print, Adresseavisen, is founded and the first edition is published, 1767
George Washington takes command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1775
The Bank of Savings in New York City, the first savings bank in the United States, opens, 1819
The last pair of Great Auks is killed, 1844
Slaves are freed in the Danish West Indies (now U.S. Virgin Islands) by Peter von Scholten in the culmination of a year-long plot by enslaved Africans, 1848
Dow Jones and Company publishes its first stock average, 1884
Karl Benz officially unveils the Benz Patent Motorwagen – the first purpose-built automobile, 1886
The New York Tribune becomes the first newspaper to use a linotype machine, eliminating typesetting  by hand, 1886
World speed record for a steam railway locomotive is set in England, by the Mallard, which reaches a speed of 126 miles per hour (203 km/h), 1938
The biggest explosion in the history of rocketry occurs when the Soviet N1 rocket explodes and subsequently destroys its launchpad, 1969
First mention in the New York Times of a disease that would later be called AIDS, 1981
The Stone of Scone is returned to Scotland, 1996
Asteroid 2004 XP14 flies within 432,308 kilometres (268,624 mi) of Earth, 2006
New Zealand sustains a major earthquake, with minor damage reported, 2012
In El Paraiso, Peru, property developers destroy a 4,000-year old pyramid, 2013
In Belgium, King Albert II abdicates his throne to son, Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant, due to health reasons, 2013
Health insurance company Aetna announces that it will pay $37 billion to acquire rival commpany Humana, 2015


  1. LOL very witty heheh!

    Have a koalatastic week :-)

  2. Builders, carpenters, and blind people feels particularly apt to me these days... ;-D
    Have a great holiday!

  3. Any day that I have to turn on the air conditioner is Air Conditioner Appreciation Day.

  4. I am definitely celebrating Air Conditioner Appreciation Day! I can't imagine surviving the summer without it.

  5. That was funny :) Have a great day!

  6. I love that sign. It made me chuckle.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. ♥

  7. round heer we apurreciatez de aye and sea for bout....5 months; then give thanx ta fern niss !!!!!☺☺☺♥♥♥

  8. LOL....I suppose if i had a koala bear, the sign would be very welcome! And, how convenient that AC Appreciation Day falls on the same day as the beginning of the Dog Days of Summer! xoxo

  9. Cute sign. We're appreciating our AC for the past two weeks.

  10. It's going to have to be the gandmas and grandpas who teach the young ones how to write one else will.

  11. I love your story! I remember an elderly neighbour that mum invited to my wedding, he couldn't make it as his wife was ill, but the handwriting on the card he sent is so beautiful. I'm sure I still have it somewhere. I still have my fountain pen too, somewhere, probably packed away with the wedding album. So few stores these days sell bottles of ink and blotting paper is even harder to find. I wanted some a few years ago and no one I asked had even heard of blotting paper. Remember when writing pads came with a sheet of blotting paper?

  12. I am with River - I love your story and would like to know someone like Grandma. My partner's mother had the most beautiful handwriting...

  13. I love this story, beautiful use of the words, Mimi. And I like how you leave the reader not knowing if it is a boy or a girl. Clever.
    I had a pot of purple ink once and a fountain pen. Must equip myself again.


  14. It's funny you would bring that up. I write illegibly when I don't have my glasses on. I'll jot something down and it looks like Latin. I can barely read it the next day. It pays for me to see.

  15. Sweet sign ~ Hope you had a lovely 4th ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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