
Thursday, August 29, 2019

At Least (Six Sentence Story), Fancy (Good Fences), Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


"Look," he said excitedly, "I did all the dishes, not just the ones I dirtied!"

He appeared to be so proud of himself that she had to stifle a smile.

"And just why," she asked, pretending to be perturbed, "is that such a big deal, something a woman does regularly, every day.  You are acting as if you deserve a gold medal!"

His crestfallen look almost made her laugh.

Then he nailed it and made them both howl with laughter when he stuck out his bottom lip and said, "Could I at least have a cookie?"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Howl.     


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

This place has one fancy fence bordering the road:

This part of their fence that leads to the carport even has a fountain!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Do, re, do, re, do, re, mi,
Do, re, do, re, mi, re, do.
The lessons start small,
You hold your fingers just so.
Soon parents look up and see
That you really do understand
What you are doing up there:
Enjoying, letting the music 
That is in come through --
It's really your spirit you are playing
Not just simple notes.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Grandma and Grandpa took us out to eat recently, so today i am grateful for restaurant leftovers!


Today is:

According to Hoyle Day -- death anniversary of Edmond Hoyle

Be Kind to Humankind Week:  Thoughtful Thursday 

Birthday of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Blue Hill Fair -- Blue Hill, ME, US (beautiful "down to earth" country fair; through Labor Day)

Chop Suey Day

Day of Loose Talk -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Patron of baptism, bird dealers, converts, convulsive children, cutters, epileptics, farmers, French Canadians, lambs, monastic life, motorways, printers, tailors; over 70 cities and countries around the world; against convulsions, epilepsy, hail and hailstorms, spasms)
    Head Day -- Iceland (a weather omen day; whatever today's weather, it will stay the same for at least 3 weeks)

Individual Rights Day -- on the birth anniversary of John Locke, the first philosopher to argue that a human being has basic rights based on his status as a sovereign human being, and that people are not slaves of their government, but their human rights should be protected by government

International Day Against Nuclear Testing -- UN

Judgment Day -- according to "The Terminator"

Lemon Juice Day

Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival and Fair -- Morgan City, LA, US (celebrating the importance of the shrimping and petroleum industries in Louisiana, it includes one of the most unique children's villages among such events and a Blessing of the Fleet; through Labor Day)

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

National Sarcoidosis Awareness Day -- US (by presidential proclamation in 1991)

Runic Half-Month Rad begins (Motion)

Slovak National Uprising Anniversary -- Slovakia

St. Medericus' Day (also called Saint-Merri or St. Merry, acclaimed as the Patron of the Right Bank of the Seine River in Paris)

Birthdays Today:

Lea Michele, 1986
Rebecca De Mornay, 1962
Mark Morris, 1956
Michael Jackson, 1958
`Richard Gere, 1949
Robin Leach, 1941
William Friedkin, 1939
Elliot Gould, 1938
John McCain, 1936
Richard Attenborough, 1923
Charlie "Bird" Parker, 1920
Isabel Sanford, 1917
Ingrid Bergman, 1915
Preston Sturges, 1898
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., 1809
John Locke, 1632

Today in History

Era of Diocletian (Martyrs), the last major time of persecution for the early Christian churches, begins with Gen. Gaius Aurelius V Diocletianus Jovius becoming emperor of Rome, 284
Japan mints its first copper coins, 708
The last Incan King of Peru, Atahualpa, is executed by order of Francisco Pizarro, 1533
The first Indian "reservation" is formed by the New Jersey Legislature, 1758
Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction, 1831
The United Kingdom legislates the abolition of slavery in its empire, 1833
Treaty of Nanking signing ends the First Opium War, 1842
The first motorcycle is patented in Germany by Gottlieb Daimler, 1885
The chef of a visiting Chinese Ambassador invents "chop suey" in NYC, 1896
The Goodyear tire company is founded, 1898
The Quebec Bridge collapses during construction, killing 75 workers, 1907
Ishi, considered the last Native American to make contact with European Americans, emerges from the wilderness of northeastern California, 1911
The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, 1949
Speedy Gonzales makes his debut, 1953
The Beatles perform their last concert before paying fans at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, 1966
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union suspends all activities of the Soviet Communist Party, 1991
Hurricane Katrina devastates much of the U.S. Gulf Coast, 2005
Sumatra's Sinabung volcano erupts for the first time in 400 years, killing one and causing Indonesia to evacuate thousands of people, 2010
London holds the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Summer Paralympics, 2012
Austrian researchers announce they successfully grew 'cerebral organoids' or mini-brains, containing several distinct regions of the brain; the mini-brains will help scientists understand how brains develop, and what causes schizophrenia and autism, 2013
Hurricane Harvey sets a rainfall record of 51.88 inches in Cedar Bayou the most ever from a tropical cyclone in continental US, according to US National Weather Service, 2017


  1. Cute SSS! Made me laugh, and laughter is good.

  2. Love your six sentence story. So very true.

  3. at the risk of exposing the Mark of Y Chromia (on my forehead or somewhere), I'll say, "Well, he did do them. That should count as something. ....right?"
    fun six

  4. LOL, whenever my husband does something around the house he expects praise. Thanks for the laugh, this was funny.

  5. Laughter IS the best medicine...and a good reward.

    I see that Speedy Gonzales makes his debut, 1953, ariba! ariba! he always made me laugh

  6. Smiles on that one!
    Lovely sentiment expressed in your poem. Truly, notes from the heart☺
    Restaurant leftovers are the best🙆‍♀️

  7. That was a cute story and a cute poem too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. I love it when someone does something so simple and think they have done something so special. Just saying. Love the cookie part though.

    Love that fancy fence.

    Your poem is so cute.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. ♥

  9. I am thankful for my husband.

    Six sentence story: "My husband often washes all dishes."

  10. the fence is nicer than my house !! ☺☺♥♥

  11. Great poem and I love the story. I have a sheet of gold star stickers and I give the hubby one when he
    does something good like the dishes :)

  12. Great story! Six sentences...Hmm....Sounds like a great challenge!
    I love your poem! I've watched countless little ones discover the joy of creating music. It does come from the soul!
    And I'm ALWAYS grateful for leftovers!

  13. Aww of course he gets a cookie 🍪

  14. Funny thing about the six, I'm not sure if it's a little boy or a grown man. (Is there much of a difference?) yes, give him the cookie, maybe he'll do dishes a second time.

  15. A very interesting post. Thank you for a great read :)

  16. Unique fence and neat photo and fun story ~ and husbands are like that at time ~ LOL

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbour)

  17. I joined Thankful Day today and you know I always enjoy your blog here. Thank you and your thankful list is great! HUGS


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