
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Bits and Bobs, a Ten Things of Thankful Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Thankful day again, and i am not as prepared as i was last week.  Last week was a gimme, this week, not so much.

One i am thankful for right off the bat is that Lunceford the Land Yacht (our car) did not sustain any damage when one of our clients backed into him.  Poor lady went nuts when she realized what had happened, she pushed the car off the pavement onto the wet grass on an incline and watched in horror as it slid until it hit a fence.  Sweetie started it right up, and Lunceford backed out onto the pavement again, and was fine.  The fence only had a small crack in one board.  All is well.

This week has had some rain, so i'm thankful for the umbrella, a gift from Little Girl.

Yes, i am also thankful that it wasn't too much rain, and hope it stays that way.

After two notices, i finally got over to the library to renew my card.  This resulted in two thankful things, first that it didn't take nearly as much time as i thought it would (seems you only have to provide every proof of everything on the planet if you have moved, if you are still in the same location, they just look at your license and renew it), and i am thankful for the books i checked out.

As noted on Thursday, Little Girl's tax papers came in.  She signed the paper, took a photo, and tried to send it to the CPA so everything could be filed.  She couldn't get it to go through, and i am thankful i was able to do it.  She will get a refund soon.

Thursday was a day of mix-ups, too, and i am thankful we finally got let into the house we were supposed to clean (the family is on vacation and forgot to leave a spare key in the lock box).  Thankfully the dog sitter was able to come over and open the door.

The other day, i finally heard from a friend who had been out of touch for a little too long.  Whenever someone goes dark for a bit, i am thankful to have the person resurface.

It may sound like a commercial, but it isn't, i am glad for Chewy, the pet website, and that they deliver our pets' food to us.  The special diet Dansig and Mikey need (special for the kidneys for Dansig, and low cal for Mikey) is hard to find locally.

Last and in many ways the thing i am most thankful for is that, after applying for many jobs over the last few years, Sweetie has an interview for Monday afternoon.  He would be selling musical equipment, which is perfect for him.  It would be a grand happening for us if he gets this job.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.    

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Today is:

Andorra La Vella Festival -- Andorra (through Monday)

Armed Forces Day -- Equatorial Guinea

Battle of Bushy Run Reenactment -- Harrison City, PA, US (commemorates the decisive battle of Pontiac's War in 1763; through tomorrow)

Canmore Folk Music Festival -- Canmore, AB, Canada (bringing beautiful folk music and more to the area; through Monday)

Dia de la Bandera -- Venezuela (Flag Day)

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru (The National Eisteddfod of Wales) -- Llanrwst, Conwy, Wales (preserving the Welsh language and heritage, with music, drama, literature, arts and crafts; through the 10th) 

Fairy Washing Festival -- Fairy Calendar (do the fairies wash themselves, or is everyone supposed to wash his/her fairy?)

Fancy Farm Picnic -- Fancy Farm, KY, US (what a name for a town, and what a good time they have, Southern hospitality at its best!)

Feast of Caligo, the mother of Chaos -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate, and this is as good a day to celebrate chaos as any other)

Fete National de l'Arbre -- Niger (Independence Day, 1960)

Fiesta de San Salvador -- San Salvador, El Salvador

Golpe de la Libertad -- Equatorial Guinea (Freedom Day)

Grab Some Nuts Day -- almonds and walnuts are especially good for you

International Friendship Day (original date proposed by Joyce Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards, back in 1935 because it is the center of the largest lull between major holidays; the UN celebrates it on July 30 and many countries celebrate on the second Sunday in August) 

International Hangover Day -- always the day after International Beer Day, which should tell you something, and sponsored by the same group that does International Beer Day, which should tell you something more!

Ishitori Festival -- Kasuga Shrine, Kuwana City, Japan (called the loudest festival in Japan, with lots of bell ringing and drum beating; through Monday)

Kanto Matsuri -- Akita, Japan  (a four day festival, praying for good harvest, purification ceremonies, and feats of skill)

League of N.H. Craftsmen Annual Craftsmen's Fair -- Newbury, NH, US ("America's oldest crafts fair," through the 11th)

National Mustard Day -- US, sponsored by the National Mustard Museum 

National Watermelon Day

Olathe Sweet Corn Festival -- Olathe, CO, US (lots of fun and all the "Olathe Sweet" corn you can eat)

Pidjiguiti Day -- Guinea-Bissau (Colonization Martyr's Day; Anniversary of the Killing of Pidjiguiti)

Sagbraw: Schramm's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Wisconsin -- Wisconsin's oldest cross-state bicycle tour; through Aug. 9

St. Lydia Purpuraria's Day (Lydia the "seller of purple" who was Paul's first convert in Philippi; Patron of dyers)

St. Nicodemus' Day (member of the Sanhedrin and secret disciple who helped bury Jesus)

Teej Festival -- HR, India (a woman's festival, celebrating marriage and the uniting of Shiva and Parvati; through tomorrow)

Birthdays Today:

Evangeline Lilly, 1979
Blaine Wilson, 1974
Isaiah Washington, 1963
John McGinley, 1959
Jay North, 1951
John Landis, 1950
Martha Stewart, 1941
Martin Sheen, 1940
Steve Berkoff, 1937
Tony Bennett, 1926
Leon Uris, 1924
P.D. James, 1920
Margaret "Maggie" Kuhn, 1905
John T. Scopes, 1900
Ernest Taylor "Ernie" Pyle, 1900
Elisha Graves Otis, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Primetime Live"(TV), 1989
"Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp)"(Single release), 1963
"Chu Chin Chow"(Musical), 1916
"William Tell"(Opera), 1829

Today in History:

Tiberius, Roman Empire general, defeats the Dalmatians at the river Bathinus, 8
Columbus sets Sail for the "Indes",departing from Palos, Spain, 1492
John Rut, at St. John's, Newfoundland, sends the first known letter from North America, 1527
Robert LaSalle builds the Le Griffon, the first known ship built on the Great Lakes, 1678
First ascent of Jungfrau, third highest summit in the Bernese Alps, 1811
Harvard defeats Yale in the first intercollegiate rowing race, 1852*
Second Maori War begins in New Zealand, 1860
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company is founded, 1900
The nuclear submarine USS Nautilus travels beneath the Arctic ice cap, 1958
President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya of Mauritania is overthrown in a military coup while attending the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia, 2005
After last months extensive flooding, North Korea finally asks the United Nations for food aid, 2012

*In fact, it was the first American intercollegiate athletic event ever.


  1. I do hope your Sweetie's job comes through.

  2. Thankful that everything went well for you and love ones. Hope your Sweetie's interview is successful. Have a happy weekend!

  3. That was a really nice list and you all hope your Sweetie gets that job!

  4. What a week 'crowded with incidences!' ~ Do hope Sweetie get the job he wants ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I will say prayer for Sweetie to get that job, it sounds perfect. Have a nice weekend! XO

  6. Those are some mighty good things to be thankful for. We also like Chewy a lot. You all have a great weekend.

  7. Wow, glad Lunceford started right up. I imagine the lady gave a sigh of relief too.
    I hope the interview goes well on Monday and soon your Sweetie will be hired.
    Great list of TToT.

  8. sounds like a reasonably busy (and complicated) week, rather than a 'TT0T-that-writes-itself- or a 'Number 1... number 1....Number. One'
    Sounds like a cool job, selling instruments... pass on my 'good luck'
    (Hey! there's a joke he could try* suggest that your husband take along a can of Zippo lighter fluid... then, if the place (I'm assuming music store) sells guitars... he could take a Stratocaster off the wall and holding the can.... Monterey Pop!**)
    *if he didn't really want the job)
    ** Jimi Hendrix reference, of course....

  9. Oh, I can picture that car rolling down the incline! I'm glad all is well.
    Sending good thoughts and prayers that the job offer comes!

  10. Fingers crossed that the job interview goes well. Our UPS man HATES it but I often buy kitty litter from Amazon. It's not really cheaper, but I only have to get it from the step into the house and down to the basement. When I buy it at Petsmart, I have to load it into a cart, then put it in the car, then take it out at home and lug it into the house, then do all the rest.


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