
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Whatever Pops Up (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


This thankful day finds me woefully unprepared.  Not unthankful, of course, but unprepared, as i have not been keeping track as i usually do, or working to keep up with a theme of thankful things as i often do.

That means i have to wing it, and do so late in the evening.  My very long days this week are beginning to wear on me, and posting has been put off each day until late.

First, then, i am thankful to have time at all to post.

Second, i am thankful Little Girl has been accepted into nursing school.  The military covers her tuition, she got a scholarship to cover her fees, and this college has eliminated all the hullaballoo with college textbooks -- finding the right ones for your class, covering the costs, etc.-- by simply including a standard textbook rental fee for however many hours you take. You show what classes you are in, pay your fee, get your books, turn them in at the end of the semester.  So much easier than back in the day.

Sweetie is on my thankful list, too, of course.  He has never really given up job hunting since the lay-off, even though he helps me with some of my clients.  He has had an interview recently, and it is looking very promising.

Lunceford the Land Yacht and Low-Key Bessy both went in the shop again, and i am continually thankful for a good mechanic shop that will take payments as i can make them.

This day is special, it's the church prayer-walk day on campus.  Every year, many of us gather, break into groups, walk through different sections of the campus, and pray for students, teachers, faculty, staff, and visitors.  It's something i look forward to and find a joy to do.

Mikey recovered quickly from his trip to the vet for a trim, and i am thankful he holds no grudges.  He also seems to be a lot cooler and more comfortable.

The shelter has reached 14,000 adoptions as of yesterday.

We finally found the few remaining band-aids in the house, and that is all i am going to say on that matter.  Sweetie will be buying more soon.

Every day is a new start, i am very thankful for that.

Avocados and mangos, because they are so good, and so good together.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Today is:

#2 Pencil Day -- internet generated, but since a pencil can draw a line 35 miles long, write under water, in zero gravity, or upside down, what's not to celebrate!

Antique Marine Engine Exposition -- Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT, US (annual exposition of pre-WWII marine engines and models; through tomorrow)

Battle of Blue Licks Celebration -- Blue Licks Battlefield State Park, Mount Olivet, KY, US (to commemorate the Revolutionary War Battle of Blue Licks with living history demonstrations, arts, crafts, games, reenactments and more; through tomorrow)

Bike Van Buren -- Van Buren County, IA, US (a leisurely two-day bike tour of villages, landmarks and landscapes)

Black Cat Appreciation Day -- they deserve a day! black cats even have a Facebook page 

Day of Rituals in the Temples of Ra, Horus, and Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Drink Coffee at the Office from A Sippy Cup Day -- begun by someone with a sense of humor, who wants you to see how long it takes people to notice

Festival of Diana -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Hartjesdagen -- Amsterdam and Haarlem, Holland ("Little Hearts Day"; the folklore is that this was the day non-nobles could hunt deer in the woods around Haarlem, and became a two-day cross dressing festival, all men dressed as women, and women as men, to see how the other half lived; revived in recent years on the 3rd weekend of August, because the 3rd Monday was the original celebration, and is still the biggest day)

India Independence Day Parade -- Devon Avenue, Rogers Park, Chicago, IL, US (a celebration of the amazing country that is India)

International Homeless Animals Day® -- International Society for Animal Rights 

Jari Kemerdekaan RI -- Indonesia (Independence Day)(1945)

Kentucky State Fair and World Championship Horse Show -- Louisville, KY, US (if you love horses, it's the place to be since 1904; through the 24th)

Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon -- Leadville, CO, US (race 100 of the toughest miles in the country through the Rocky Mountains beginning at 4am; you have 30 hours to complete the course to the ghost town of Winfield and back)

Meaning of "Is" Day -- thank you, Clinton!

Minnesota Renaissance Festival -- Shakopee, MN, US (one of the countries largest and finest; weekends through Sept. 29)

Mt. Hagen Cultural Show -- Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea (one of the biggest cultural shows in Papua New Guinea; through tomorrow)

National Thrift Shop/Thrift Store Day -- no history on it, probably started by a thrift store having a summer sale; why not look for a bargain at a thrift store today? 

National Vanilla Custard Day

Odin's Ordeal begins -- based on the Ancient Norse legend, Modern Odinists and some Asatru practice silence for nine days, through the 25th

Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival -- Pittsburgh, PA, US (relive the days of yore, watch artisans practice the olde crafts, and have a high good time; weekends through September)

Portunalia -- Roman Empire (honoring the god of locks, keys, ports, and harbors)

Prekmurje Union Day -- Slovenia (celebrates the Slovenes in Prekmurje being Incorporated into the Mother Nation)

San Martin Day -- Argentina (death anniversary of General Jose de San Martin, liberator of Argentina, Chile, and Peru)

St. Hyacinth's Day (Patron of Camalaniugan, Philippines; Ermita de Piedra de San Jacinto, Philippines; Kradow, Poland; Lithuania; Poland; against drowning)

Woodward Dream Cruise Day 2019 -- Detroit, MI, US (what began in 1995 as a fundraiser for a soccer field has grown into the largest one-day classic car show in the world)

Birthdays Today:

Mark Salling, 1982
Donnie Wahlberg, 1969
Sean Penn, 1960
Jonathan Franzen, 1959
Belinda Carlisle, 1958
Guillermo Vilas, 1952
Robert Joy, 1951
Robert DeNiro, 1943
Francis Gary Powers, 1929
Maureen O'Hara, 1920
Harrison V. Chase, 1913
Mae West, 1892
charles I, last emperor of Austria-Hungary, 1887
Samuel Goldwyn, 1882
Davy Crockett, 1786

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Life of Brian(Film), 1979
"Symphonie Liturgique"(Honegger's Third Symphony), 1946
Animal Farm(Publication date), 1945
"Gotterdammerung/Twilight of the Gods"(Opera WWV 86D), 1876

Today in History:

The Peace of Bergerac gives political rights to the Huguenots, 1577
John White returns to Roanoke, Virginia, to find no trace of the colonists he had left there 3 years earlier, 1590
Robert Fulton's steamboat Clermont begins its first trip up the Hudson River, 1807
Solymon Merrick patents the wrench, 1835
The first bank in Hawaii opens, 1858
Patent granted for an electric self starter for automobiles, 1891
Pike Place Market, the longest continuously-running public farmers market in the US, opens in Seattle, 1907
Fantasmagorie by Émile Cohl, the first animated cartoon, is shown in Paris, 1908
First meeting of Narcotics Anonymous in Southern California, 1953
Quake Lake is formed by the magnitude 7.5 1959 Yellowstone earthquake near Hebgen Lake in Montana, 1958
East German border guards kill 18-year-old Peter Fechter as he attempts to cross the Berlin Wall into West Berlin becoming one of the first victims of the wall, 1962
Category 5 Hurricane Camille hits the Mississippi coast, killing 248 people and causing $1.5 billion in damage, 1969
Venera 7 launched. It will later become the first spacecraft to successfully transmit data from the surface of another planet (Venus), 1970
Double Eagle II becomes first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean when it lands in Miserey near Paris, 137 hours after leaving Presque Isle, Maine, 1978
The first Compact Discs are released to the public in Germany, 1982
The first forced evacuation of settlers, as part of the Israel unilateral disengagement plan, starts, 2005
Afghan archeologists discover the remains of a Buddhist site located south of Kabul, 2010
Trogloraptor marchingtoni, an unusual spider discovered in 2010 is determined to be a new family of spiders previously unknown in the world of science; the new spider family has been named Trogloraptor, meaning 'cave robber', 2012
LIGO picks up images of two neutron stars colliding, the first time scientists have ever been able to witness that event, 2017


  1. Love your list - and that you have so many things to be thankful for.

  2. I'm going to call the flea market close enough to a thrift store and get out there and celebrate for all I'm worth!
    (But if anyone is tempted by the Antique Marine Engines - Go! It's fascinating.)

  3. Congratulations to Little Girl! The book fee idea is a good one.
    Good luck to your husband on the job!
    Avocados and mangoes--yum!

  4. You are a creature of thankfulness and I am thankful for that.

  5. That was a darn good list and big hooray on the nursing school, cool indeed!

  6. I'm thankful for all my relatives and Mary Lou's relatives. We had a very good 2 day visit. It was funny, during the BBQ, it was amazing that everything that we talked about was the many illnesses that we all had. It really wasn't really funny because a few of them are having a real problem. But every time someone talked, it was about an illness. I guess we're getting to old. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. We really like your list of things to be thankful for. We are thankful for lots of things around here. Mainly that we do have cool air in our house. The nursing school thing sure sound like a winner.Have a super Saturday.

  8. fun TToT this week, (prepared or not)... in fact, it seems like a lot of us are taking a lesser travelled path to writing our posts... which is part of what keeps this such an interesting 'hop.

  9. Love your list of 'thanksfuls' and so happy for your daughter ~ and wow the number of pet adoptions ~ ! Praying hubby gets the job if he wants it. ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. what a wonderful list of things to be thankful!! And so happy to hear that the shelter has so many adoptions!

  11. Wonderful thankfuls. Congrats to your daughter! And fingers crossed for your Sweetie.

  12. I really like reading your thankfuls - it reminds me to appreciate all the good things that are in my life.

    That's an amazing number of adoptions. It rather boggles the mind!

    Good luck to your husband in the job hunt.

  13. Nice gratitude list! I like the book idea. A friend of mine has a time with hers.


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