
Monday, August 19, 2019

Who Can Resist (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Camping!?! (Poetry Monday)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Who can resist kittens, and more important, who wants to?


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.

This week's Quote is from none other than our own Civic Association Announcement Board:


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.  She was unable to post for a while, so participants Delores and Jenny took turns providing a theme each week.  Now that Diane is back, i am guessing she will go back to providing all of the themes, but no matter who does it, i want to be in it as i've been bitten by the poetry bug.  This weeks theme is Camping.                    

Camping!  Are you kidding me?
Don't  you realize that i 
Grew up with a woman 
Whose idea of roughing it
Was a hotel without room service?

Camping!  The closest i ever got
Was Girl Scout Camp
Where we stayed in cabins
They cooked in the big kitchen
And we got to walk in the woods a couple of times.

Camping! The second closest 
Was being stuck in an RV
The time we went to Florida
And all of us kids got sick
Barfing sick.  You don't want details.

Camping!  No, i am willing 
To hike and climb and i
Will drive across the country
To meet up with friends
And do without luxuries

But Camping!  That is not
In my repertoire,
Though it might be nice
All i can think of is

Motel 6, please leave the light on for me!


Today is:

Badminton World Championships -- Basel, Switzerland (through Sunday)

Black Cow Root Beer Float Day -- the ice cream and root beer combination was supposedly first served on this date in 1893 by Frank J. Wisner, owner of Cripple Creek Brewing, and he named it after the local Cow Mountain 

Hanawa Bayashi -- Kazuno City, Japan (parades and music in the merchant's quarter, through tomorrow)

Hot & Spicy Food Day

Jeshen -- Afghanistan (Independence Day)

Manuel Luis Quezon Day -- Quezon City, Philippines

National Aviation Day -- US

Potato Day

RSPCA Cupcake Day -- a fun and delicious way to raise funds to stop animal cruelty 

Stay at Home With Your Kids Day -- begun by Work at Home Moms ezine in 1999, to encourage and support parents who work from home

St. John Eudes' Day (Patron of Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Canada)

St. Sebald's Day (a/k/a Sebaldus) (Patron of Bavaria, Germany; Nuremburg, Germany; against cold weather and freezing)

Vinalia Rustica -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Festival of Ripening Grapes)

Watch the Pot Wednesday -- Fairy Calendar (sometimes actually occurs on a Wednesday, more often not)

World Humanitarian Day -- UN

Yukon Discovery Day -- YT, Canada

Birthdays Today:

Snuffleupagus (year unconfirmed)
Jennifer Morrison, 1979
Matthew Perry, 1969
LeAnn Womack, 1966
Kyra Sedgwick, 1965
Kevin Dillon, 1965
John Stamos, 1963
Adam Arkin, 1956
Cindy Nelson
Peter Gallagher, 1955
Mary Matlin, 1953
Jonathan Frakes, 1952
John Deacon, 1951
Gerald McRaney, 1948
Tipper Gore, 1948
Bill Clinton, 1946
Jack Canfield, 1944
Jill St. John, 1940
Diana Muldaur, 1938
Franklin Story Musgrave, 1935
Willie Shoemaker, 1931
Don Ho, 1930
Gene Roddenberry, 1921
Malcolm Forbes, 1919
Jimmy Rowles, 1918
Ring Lardner, Jr., 1915
Philo T. Farnsworth, 1906 (forgotten inventor of television)
Ogden Nash, 1902
Coco Chanel, 1883
George Bellows, 1882
Orville Wright, 1881
John Dryden, 1631

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Animal Clinic" and "Acrobat Ranch"(first Saturday morning children's programs, on ABC), 1950

Today in History:

The Roman Senate is compelled to elect Octavian, later Augustus Caesar, Consul, BC43
Augustus Caesar dies, 14
Crusaders defeat the Saracens in the Battle of Ascalon, 1099
Mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith to assume the throne, 1561
Five people are executed for witchcraft in Salem, Mass., 1692
Presentation of Jacque Daguerre's new photographic process to the French Academy of Sciences, 1839
The New York Herald reports the discovery of gold in California, 1849
The first All-American Soap Box Derby is held in Dayton, Ohio, 1934
Hurricane Dianne kills 200 and does about $1 Billion in damage, 1955
Leonard Bernstein conducts his final concert, ending with Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 7, 1990
Several hundred East Germans cross the frontier between Hungary and Austria during the Pan-European Picnic, part of the events which began the process of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989
A series of strong storms lashes Southern Ontario spawning several tornadoes as well as creating extreme flash flooding within the city of Toronto and its surrounding communities, 2005
A team of divers discover the wreck of a Swedish warship, part of King Erik XIV's fleet, that sank in 1564 in the Baltic Sea, 2011
NASA satellites take photos showing that the eastern basin of the Aral Sea had for the first time completely dried up, 2014


  1. Awww cute kitties so sound asleep. I have not experience camping. Most probably it is not for me!

  2. The kitties are adorable! Camping? Not unless I can pitch my tent in the parking lot of a convenience store.

  3. They must not have wanted Sebaldus to have to work hard on his day, giving him mid-August and all. Lets him rest up for all those times his name is invoked in January, I suppose...

  4. Cute kittens and a great quote, especially these days when people are not so nice to others.

  5. Awww on the kitties. They are most precious.

    Love your Spark.

    I feel the same about camping. Went once. Once and that was enough.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, my friend. ♥

  6. Such cute kittens, maybe someone will encourage them today too.

  7. KITTENS! So cute! I used to love camping when I was young, can't see the attraction anymore - leave that light on Motel 6!

  8. They are lovely and irresistible :-)

    Nice quote too :-)

  9. Nice poem, even though I still want to go camping.

  10. Oh my whiskers, now The Female Human is meowing about how cute kittens are. We informed her that at this time she has reached her maximum cat allotment!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  11. Truth be told, I love camping. But, as I get older and my needs (cleanliness, facilities, comfortable bed, room service, pool boy) have changed. Hard to find a camping spot that includes all of the above. Sigh.

  12. I love this, Mimi!! We're on the same page :)

  13. Your poem gave me a good laugh. You would have hated our camping the time we stopped camping I was hating our camping.

  14. Such cute kittens and a great spark. I love your poem- no camping for me. I must have a bathroom :)


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