
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

It's Not Ruled Out Yet, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

When i got to Dr. D's yesterday, i told her that if she was still working on that doggone grant, i was going to get online and research how to commit hari kiri.  She said the grant is done unless the committee has questions, or refuses it this year with recommendations to revise that will make it approvable next year.  Either way, that won't be for several months.

Thus we did not work on the grant.  We went back to working on her lawsuits, and searching for the bills that she had moved into yet another folder, as well as stopping every five minutes to be reminded to do something else.  Hari kiri has not been totally ruled out yet.

Also we spent a lot of time trying to hear each other over the noise of the repairmen who are working on the outside of her house where the window boards are rotten.  Whatever that tool is they were using to cut out the broken window, if i never hear it again it will be too soon.

When the builders first got there, i went out to ascertain if they needed access to the indoors or not, and i said, Hi, i'm "mimi" the janitor.  The nice gentleman answered, "And I'm Billy the Builder!  And that is my son, Billy the Builder, Junior!"

They are great guys and have already worked wonders.  He also is talking about buying her old van, the one she's been trying to get running for almost two years.  Some of these I-can-build-and-fix-anything people can really do just that, and it would get it out of the yard.

While i've temporarily run out of the funnies Grandma sends, i have several from another source, and here are a few:

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mozambique; Peru

Constitution Day/Recoronation of King Norodom Sihanouk -- Cambodia

Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day -- again, i wonder about the intentions of those who start these things

Feast of Our Lady of Mercy -- Catholic Christian
    Lady of Mercedes Day -- Dominican Republic
    La Merce -- Barcelona, Spain

Festival of the Latest Novelties -- an internet generated holiday to celebrate everything from traditional whoopie cushions to some of the more modern and weird novelty gifts out there; a great day for practical jokers

Gallbladder Good Health Day -- seems unsponsored, but there's information about keeping your gallbladder healthy here 

Going Forth of Isis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Heritage Day -- South Africa

Independence Day/National Day -- Guinea-Bissau(1973)

Innergize Day -- the day to take time for yourself! always on the day after the equinox, so either the 23rd or 24th, depending on where you live

Mahidol Day -- Thailand (commemorates the passing of Prince Father Mahidol Adulyadej, the "Father of Thai Modern Medicine")

Moose Day -- the day Bullwinkle J. Moose, from Frostbite Falls, MN, US, and his pal Rocky the Flying Squirrel debuted in 1959

National Bluebird of Happiness Day -- US (and no one knows why, but it's supposed to be a day to go spread some happiness)

National Cherries Jubilee Day

National Punctuation Day® -- US, but good punctuation matters everywhere, so make sure you are using those punctuation marks correctly! Jeff Rubin can help    

National Voter Registration Day -- US (Celebrating Democracy in America

New Caledonia Day -- New Caledonia

Nobel Conference 55 -- Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, US (annual two-day symposium, this year, Climate Changed: Facing our Future)

Republic Day -- Trinidad and Tobago

Santa Cruz Day -- Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving -- Pennsylvania Dutch followers of Silesian Reformation theology

St. Gerard's Day (Patron of Hungary)

St. Rupert's Day (Patron of Salzburg, Austria, where it is an official school and government holiday)

Thrue Bab -- Bhutan (Blessed Rainy Day)

Transatlantic Telephone Day -- the first cable across the Atlantic was completed on this day in 1956

Woman Road Warrior Day -- to recognize the traveling businesswomen in today's world

World School Milk Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Morgan Hamm, 1982
Paul Hamm, 1982
Nia Vardalos, 1962
Kevin Sorbo, 1958
Alan Colmes, 1950
Gordon Clapp, 1948
Phil Hartman, 1948
Linda McCartney, 1941
Jim Henson, 1936
Anthony Newley, 1931
Sheila MacRae, 1924
Jim McKay, 1921
F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1896
John Marshall, 1755
Horace Walpole, 1717

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Nevermind"(Album release), 1991
"No More Lonely Nights"(McCartney single release), 1984
"The Love Boat"(TV), 1977
"60 Minutes"(TV), 1968
"Daniel Boone"(TV), 1964
"The Munsters"(TV), 1964
"Love of Life"(TV), 1951
"Once in a Lifetime"(Play), 1930

Today in History:

Prophet Muhammad completes his hijra from Mecca to Medina, 622
The last Emperor of the Komnenian restoration of the Byzantine Empire, Manuel I Komnenos, dies; the empire slips into terminal decline, 1180
The Dutch Republic surrenders New Amsterdam to England, 1664
The first autopsy and coroner's jury verdict is recorded in the state of Maryland, 1657
John Jay is appointed by George Washington as the first Chief Justice of the then six-person Supreme Court, which was instituted by the Federal Judiciary Act passed that same day, 1789
US Attorney General Office is created, 1789
The Northern Daily Times becomes the first provincial daily newspaper in London, 1853
Alexander Dey patents a dial time recorder, 1889
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially renounces polygamy, 1890
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaims Devils Tower in Wyoming as the nation's first National Monument, 1906
Cathay Pacific Airways is founded in Hong Kong, 1946
The Honda Motor Company is founded, 1948
Forest fires black out the sun over portions of Canada and New England, and a Blue moon (in the astronomical sense) is seen as far away as Europe, 1950
Camp Nou, the largest stadium in Europe, is opened in Barcelona, 1957
President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends 101st Airborne Division troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce desegregation, 1957
The United States court of appeals orders the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, 1962
Swaziland joins the United Nations, 1968
Compu-Serve launches the first consumer internet service, which features the first public electronic mail service, 1979
Periodic Great White Spot observed on Saturn, 1990
Hurricane Rita devastates Beaumont, Texas, southwest Louisiana, and finishing off some of the parts of New Orleans and southeast Louisiana that Katrina missed, 2005
The G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA, US, marks the first use of LRAD for crowd control in the US, 2009
Nigeria's government opens two swollen dams and displaces about two million people, 2010
Plastic polystyrene rubbish is discovered for first time only 1,000 miles from the north pole by an international team of scientists, 2017


  1. I so admire your patience with Dr D. I think I would have bitten my tongue until it bled. Often.
    Love that last funny in particular.

  2. I need to break out some videos... Bullwinkle is well worth celebrating!

  3. The personality and attitude quote is a good one, as are those two service dogs!

  4. No Hari Kiri please! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I love the funnies, especially the last one, made me giggle before I finished my first cup of coffee!

  5. The two dogs are so funny!
    I said it already, but I admire your patience with Dr.D!

  6. Dr. D would drive me up a wall. Okay, that's a job I'd not do. Just saying. Remember my thing about toxic or difficult people. That's one difficult person.

    I love all your funnies and the two guys getting gas? Bless their hearts.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, my friend. ♥

  7. Oh, dear... I think you need an assistant. Preferably a tween or teenager that would like to earn a dollar or two, and tell them, here is the paper, you get to shuffle until Dr. D says stop... But that could lead to other problems, I suppose. Hmm. But no filet of you, thank you much!

    Do impressions of famous people around the office. No. Just no... Although I am not sure if it's people IN the office, or famous people generally. I mean, it could be amusing to have someone imitate Teddy Roosevelt riding up San Juan Hill in a corridor, or having your mail delivered by, oh, George Washington. Anyway... Maybe not.

    (Computer was too dark to see the problem at first, I was wondering why the gents getting gas were having a problem. Oh, dear. Those without a clue, I guess...)


  8. far do you think Billys the Junior and Senior would travel? I have a few chores...
    Those memes just made me laugh. Thank you for the chuckle!

  9. You are an angel to deal with all things Dr. D. I don't know that I could do it. I hope Dr. D is appreciative verbally and monetarily.

  10. we iz knot part oh customz butt we due a lot oh butt sniffin round heer all de time !!! ☺☺♥♥

  11. I like your attitude poster. When my dog chewed the postman's hat, I laughed. He said, "I don't like your attitude!" I replied, "It's not my hat he chewed, it's your hat he chewed!"

    God bless.

  12. Sounds like despite all of the noise you actually had a very productive day. I always love how I feel at the end of a day when a lot has been accomplished.

  13. I like the funnies! Oh, no hari kiri, you know you'd get stuck cleaning up the mess!

  14. Getting petrol/gas can be confusing.

  15. Given my options, I believe I'll celebrate cherries jubilee day. Pass the ice cream please.

  16. Fun post and photos ~ favorite, of course, are the doggies ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. You must have the patience of a saint! :) The introductions between you and the builders cracked me up, as did all your hilarious memes! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! :)


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