
Friday, September 27, 2019

One From the Archives (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code

Today, a picture of one of our former bottle babies:


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I think it would be fun to _________.

2. I have a hankering for __________.

3. _________ is a memory I will never forget.

4. If I were given the choice to be immortal, I would _________.

1. I think it would be fun to have enough money to give a lot away.

2. I have a hankering for raw cacao nibs.

3. My wedding day and the births of each of my children is a memory I will never forget.

4. If I were given the choice to be immortal, I would give it a pass, especially after reading Tuck Everlasting (Please note that i do think our souls are immortal, we just aren’t meant to live on this plane of existence forever.)


Today is:

Ancestor Appreciation Day -- sponsored by the Ancestor Appreciation Day Association of Ann Arbor, MI, US

Bonn Phchum Ben -- Cambodia (Ancestors' Day; official holidays through the 30th)

Buffalo Roundup and Arts Festival -- Custer, SD, US (buffalo round up, Western and Native American entertainment, arts and crafts; through Sunday)

Crush a Can Day -- internet generated, so have fun seeing how many (safe) ways you can crush a can, and how flat you can get one!

Danger Run/Ghost Run -- Louisville, KY, US ("The Most Fun You've Ever Had in Your Car,"  a haunted Halloween scavenger hunt style game in which you and your friends will work together to solve clues to find your way on dark, spooky roads to haunted houses, and compete for prizes; every Friday and Saturday evening through Oct. 26)

Fall Festival of the Arts And Crafts -- Washington, MO, US (juried art festival, beer, specialty foods, music, and fun; through Sunday)

Feast of Mashíyyat (Will) -- Baha'i

Fun and Fancy Free Day -- go out and have a great day, in honor of the release on this day in 1947 of the Disney film Fun and Fancy Free

French Community Holiday -- French community of Belgium

Huck Finn's Jubilee -- Ontario, CA, US (river-raft building, country and bluegrass music, an old-time tent circus, and more; through Sunday)

Hug a Vegan Day / Hug a Vegetarian Day -- i'm open!  please note that several dates are given on many websites for this "event," and i've chosen the final Friday of September which seems to be the original as sponsored by PETA

Liberty Fall Festival -- Liberty, MO, US (right in the heart of the town square, among the historic buildings from the 1800s, lots for everyone to do; through Sunday)

Love Note Day -- some good ideas here on keeping romance alive  

Manit Day -- Marshall Islands (Culture Day)

Mansfield Heritage Weekend -- Mansfield, PA, US (celebration of the first ever night football game in Mansfield in 1892; through tomorrow)

Marion County Country Ham Days -- Lebanon, KY, US (for those who love ham, and a PIGasus parade, and a Pokey Pig 5k, among other events; through Sunday)

Meskel -- Ethiopian/Eritrian Orthodox Christian (True Cross Day)

Monterey Jazz Festival -- Monterrey, CA, US (59th Annual, featuring some of the world's finest jazz musicians; through Sunday)

Mount Pleasant Glass and Ethnic Festival -- Mount Pleasant, PA, US (a "front porch neighborhood" festival; through Sunday)

National Corned Beef Hash Day

National Doodle Day -- UK (fundraiser for Epilepsy Action)    

National Milk Chocolate Day

National Youth Day -- Turks and Caicos Islands

Native American Day 2019 -- US (begun in California, a day to honor all Native Americans, always celebrated the fourth Friday in September)

Neptune Festival -- Virginia Beach, Virginia (a Boardwalk Weekend; through Sunday) related event
    International Sand Sculpting Championship -- Virginia Beach, Virginia, US (through Oct. 7)

New York Film Festival -- NY, NY, US (56th Annual, through Oct. 13)

Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day -- begun by someone with an overly verbose spouse, perhaps?

Sport Purple For Platelets Day(sm) -- Platelet Disorder Support Association  

St. Vincent De Paul's Day (Patron of charitable societies/charitable workers, charities, horses, hospital workers, hospitals, lepers, prisoners, spiritual help, volunteers; Brothers of Charity; Saint Vincent de Paul Societies; Sisters of Charity; Vincentian Service Corps; Madagascar; Richmond, Virginia; for finding lost objects; against leprosy)

Thanksgiving Day for Disappearance of Kelp-Koli Again -- Fairy Calendar

Warrens Cranberry Festival -- Warrens, WI, US (tour a cranberry bog, enjoy the festival and food; through Sunday)

World's Biggest Coffee Morning -- UK (Macmillan Cancer Support fundraiser, host or attend a Coffee Morning gathering or go to M&S Cafe, the official partner in the event!)

World Tourism Day -- World Tourism Organization  

Anniversary Today:

Google is founded, 1998

Birthdays Today:

Avril Lavigne, 1984
Gwyneth Paltrow, 1972
Bello Nock, 1968
Sophia Milos, 1965
Shaun Cassidy, 1958
Mike Schmidt, 1949
Marvin "Meat Loaf" Aday, 1947
Delores Taylor, 1939
Claude Jarman, Jr., 1934
Greg Morris, 1934
Wilford Brimley, 1934
Sada Thompson, 1929
Arthur Penn, 1922
William Conrad, 1920
Jayne Meadows, 1919
Thomas Nast, 1840
Raphael Semmes, 1809
George Muller, 1805
George Cruikshank, 1792
Samuel Adams, 1722

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Tonight Show"(TV), 1954
Strike Up The Band(Film), 1940
"Rip Van Winkle"(Bristow opera), 1855

Today in History:

Severe earthquake in the Gulf of Chili, China; reports of 100,000 killed, 1290
Jesuits founded by Ignatius Loyola, 1540
John Adams negotiates peace terms with Britain, 1779
Constitution submitted to the states for ratification, 1787
Jean-Francois Champollion announces that he has deciphered the Rosetta Stone, 1822
The Stockton and Darlington Railway opens, and begins operation of the world's first service of locomotive-hauled passenger trains, 1825
The physics journal Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", introducing the equation E=mc²,1905
The first production of a Ford Model T automobile rolls off the line at the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan, 1908
First test of a twin engine airplane, in France, 1910
Native American Day is first celebrated, 1916
Democratic National Committee votes to allow female members, 1919
The first Santa Clause Training School opens in Albion, NY, 1937
The Balinese tiger is declared to be an extinct species, 1937
Sierra Leone joins the United Nations, 1961
Richard Stallman announces the GNU project to develop a free Unix-like operating system, 1983
East Timor joins the United Nations, 2002
CNSA astronaut Zhai Zhigang becomes the first Chinese person to perform a spacewalk while flying on Shenzhou 7, 2008
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity discovers direct evidence of a fast-moving stream bed, showing a prior water source on the Red Planet, 2012
Thai Ex-Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra found guilty of criminal negligence in rice subsidy scheme, sentenced to 5 years in absentia, 2017


  1. Awww, such a sweetheart. I love little kittens. I love watching them learn to explore their surroundings.

  2. I have a huge weakness for ginger cats.
    Living forever? The mere idea fills me with horror.

  3. What an adorable baby!
    I wouldn't want to be immortal either.

  4. Aww! soooo cute heheh!

    Nice replies especially no.1 that's a kind thought mimi :-)

    Have a fill-intastic weekend :-)

  5. Love that little cutie! Those were good fill in answers!

  6. Aw, what a cutie pie. You do so much to help our four legged friends. Thank you for that.

    I love all your fill-ins. I hope for you that one day you'll have enough money to give to others.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, my friend. ♥

  7. Cute kitten. I too hope we all have enough money to share with others. Happy weekend!

  8. I'm glad this cutie made it!
    I don't want to live forever as well, because it would keep me from embracing life.
    Have a wonderful Feline Friday!

  9. Such a cute kitten. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I would not want immortality either. Have a nice weekend! XO

  10. it bee a babee toona !!!

    we knead ta get R reedin glazzez cheked....we thought that red fun & fancy feast day ~~

    oopz !! ♥♥☺

  11. Such an adorable little kitty, and two fun group participation opportunities. I probably would have answered those fill in the blanks pretty much the same as you, except the raw cacao nibs, don't know about that one.

  12. What a precious bottle baby photo! My now 5-year-old Thimble and her brothers were bottle babies, and I enjoyed their early kittenhood so much. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I really like how you answered #1, and that's something I have also always dreamed of being able to do. And Tuck Everlasting is a story that also made me realize how being immortal would really not be all that great. I hope your week is wonderful!


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