
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday Fun, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Dr. D was out last week, so this week we had to make up for it.  She is planning a whirlwind tour to New York to see a former student, one of her favorite students ever, be ordained an Episcopal priest.

Former student makes good, i guess.

Now for a few funnies that Grandma sent:

Have a fabulous Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Ashura -- Islam (optional day of fasting that begins at sundown, local observances and national holidays may vary)

Dia del Nino -- Honduras (Children's Day)

Harvest Home Nibbling Contest  -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins)

Husker Harvest Days -- Grand Island, NE, US (the largest irrigated working ag show on a permanent site in the US; through Thursday)

National Day -- Gibraltar

Saint George's Caye Day -- Belize (National Day)

Sewing Machine Day -- date of issuance of an early sewing machine patent, to Elias Howe; some sites call this "Sew Be It! Day"

Swap Ideas Day -- Robert L. Birch of Puns Corp wants people to explore ways in which their ideas can be put to work to benefit all humanity and develop incentives to encourage using our creative imaginations

St. Finian's Day (Patron of Ulster, Ireland)

St. Nicholas of Tolentino's Day (Patron of animals, baby, dying people, mariners/sailors, sick animals; Albi, Italy; Cabanatuan, Philippines; Guimbai, Philippines; Lambuna, Philippines; Mati, Philippines; Tandag, Philippines; Toentino, Italy)

Teacher's Day -- China

TV Dinner Day

World Suicide Prevention Day -- a great resource is here 

Birthdays Today:

Clark Johnson, 1964
Randy Johnson, 1963
Colin Firth, 1960
Amy Irving, 1953
Joe Perry, 1950
Judy Geeson, 1948
Jose Feliciano, 1945
Stephen Jay Gould, 1941
Karl Lagerfeld, 1938
Charles Kuralt, 1934
Roger Maris, 1934
Arnold Palmer, 1929
Rin Tin Tin, 1918
Fay Wray, 1907
Adele Astaire, 1896
Elsa Schiaparelli, 1890
Franz Werfel, 1890
Ian Fleming, 1888
Isaac Kauffman Funk, 1839
Marie Laveau, 1801
Carter Braxton, 1736

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The X Files"(TV), 1993
"Gentle Ben"(TV), 1967
"The Road Runner Show"(TV), 1966
"Gunsmoke"(TV), 1955
"Benvenuto Cellini(Berlioz opera), 1838

Today in History:

The Battle of Marathon takes places between the forces of the Persian Empire and those of Athens, BC490*
An earthquake known as "The Lesser Judgment Day" hits Istanbul, 1509
John Smith is elected president of Jamestown, Va., Colony Council, 1608
Nathan Hale answers the call of George Washington for a volunteer spy, 1776
Simón Bolívar is named President of Peru, 1823
Elias Howe is granted a patent for the sewing machine, 1846
George Mary Searle discovers the asteroid 55 Pandora, 1858
Lincoln Highway, the first paved coast-to-coast road in the US, opens, 1913
Austria and the Allies sign the Treaty of Saint-Germain recognizing the independence of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, 1919
20 African-American students enter public schools in Alabama, 1963
Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by guillotine in France, 1977
Switzerland, traditionally a neutral country, joins the United Nations, 2002
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in history, is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland, 2008
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres makes an urgent call for a climate change conference saying "climate change is moving faster than we are," 2018

*actual date disputed, but it was the 9th day of the 9th moon on their calendar


  1. Have you alerted New York?
    (just wondering...)

  2. Oh my goodness, we are laughing hard here! Love those quotes. Mom says the gold/Easter egg hunt describes her golf game to a tee! Thanks for the laughs.

  3. Mimi,

    I like the sign at the end telling who ever is at the door to go away because... I had to smile when I notice that today is national TV dinner day. I remember those alumium foiled trays. Gosh, what a thing of the past. Today, TV dinner's are in plastic trays, you pop them in the microwave, and zap dinner is done! Happy random Tuesday, my friend!

  4. Love those, we need that no soliciting sign for our door!

  5. Sweet kitty and love the caption ~ great 'sparks' too ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Dr. D makes me tired in the planning stages, never mind the execution part.

    Love all the signs, especially the last one. I want that one.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  7. I like the one about 1969. I just recently saw one in a somewhat similar vein, "I survived the 60's. TWICE." Why does your Dr. D make me think of one of my more over the top, every thing is an exclamation point, chickens? ;)


  8. Oh, that cat! I would love a cat that sits like that!

  9. dad would have enjoyed the golf piece !!! too funny :) ♥♥♥

  10. Yes, I want that "No Soliciting" notice.

    God bless.


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