
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Doubleheader (Ten Things of Thankful, Five Apiece)


Thankful Day, and the thanking is easy.

A list divided in half this time.

We are still thankful that #1 Son was not injured or killed in the robbery.

He is thankful that i keep my phone on all night and will answer no matter the time, and so am i.

This account holder is thankful the phone company let me suspend service on a stolen phone even when their offices are closed.

The insurance is not expensive so i'm thankful i took that option, he already has his new phone.

And rounding it out, we are thankful that the majority of the damage done was to everyone's nerves, not bank accounts or Apple Pay accounts as he managed to change the passwords before the thief could get into either of those.

At the shelter, we are thankful for free litter:

Thankful people donate items that, if we can't use them, we can sell them:

Thankful when cats are buddies and willing to share the canned food:

Thankful that sometimes the tables are clear so i can clean them:

And thankful for our newcomer cats, both of them long haired and beautiful:

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Today is:

Apple Butter Festival -- Berkeley Springs, WV, US (simmering spicy apple butter in copper kettles in the town square, plus lots more; through tomorrow)

Ayathrem -- Zoroastrianism (feast of bringing the herds and flocks home, a five day feast, dates approximate)

Burgoo Festival -- North Utica, IL, US (only the Burgoomeister knows the secret recipe!  enjoy the burgoo, as well as music, food, antiques, and more)

Catoctin Colorfest -- Thurmont, MD, US (juried art festival, live music, food, and more; through tomorrow)

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Fossil Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; today, for all the "incredible suckers that have gone extinct"

Child Rambunctiousness Appreciation Day -- remembering back to when we didn't say every kid with ants in his/her pants needed drugs

Children's Day / Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida -- Brazil

Chowder Days -- Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT, US (a beautiful, and delicious, riverfront festival featuring seven kinds of New England Chowders; through Monday)

Cloud-Stamping Pentathlon -- Fairy Calendar

Cookbook Launch Day -- someone started this one just because s/he likes cookbooks is my guess

Day of Fortuna Redux -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of successful journeys and lucky homecomings, favored by travelers and soldiers)

Day of Giving the Black Land to Horus and the Red Land to Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Dia del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural -- Argentina

Discovery of America by Columbus, actual date; most government holidays will be on the Monday nearest this date
    Columbus Day -- Turks and Caicos Islands; US and Territories
    Descubrimiento de América -- Mexico
    Día de la Hispanidad or Fiesta Nacional de España -- Spain
    Dia de la Raza -- Latin America and especially Guatemala (Day of the Race, or Day of the Natives)
    Día de la Resistencia Indígena -- Venezuela (Day of Indigenous Resistance)
    Dia de las Americas/Descubrimiento de America -- Uruguay
    Dia de las Culturas -- Costa Rica (Day of the Cultures)
    Dia del Descubrimiento de dos Mundos -- Chile
    Discovery Day -- Bahamas
    Encuentro de Dos Mundos -- Ecuador
    Pan America Day -- Belize

Fell's Point Fun Festival -- Baltimore, MD, US (a festival in Baltimore's original seaport)

Fiesta Nacional de Espana -- Spain (National Day/Hispanity Day)

Freethought Day -- celebration by Freethinkers of the effective ending date of the Salem witch trials

Harvest Celebration -- Billings Farm, Woodstock, VT, US ('tis the season, especially for apple cider and lots of pumpkins; through tomorrow)

Independence Day -- Equatorial Guinea(1968)

International Moment of Frustration Scream Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, who want you to go outside at 1200GMT and scream for 30 seconds so we can all get it out of our systems 

Jack-O-Launch/Punkin Chunkin Colorado -- DeLaney Farm, Aurora, CO, US (with the official Punkin Chunkin Contest, divisions include trebuchet, compressed air cannon, catapult, human power, and youth; a free festival for the whole family)

Louisiana Art & Folk Festival -- Columbia, LA, US (celebrating the rich folklore and music arts of Louisiana)

Monster Myths by Moonlight -- Milford, KS, US (wear your costume and take a nature walk to learn the truth about such Halloween "monsters" as bats, snakes, spiders, vultures, etc.)

Mountain Glory Festival -- Marion, NC, US (celebrating the mountain heritage)

National Gumbo Day

Native American's Day -- often celebrated on both the observed and the traditional Columbus Day; a day to mourn Native American victims of conquest and oppression, make peace, and celebrate the empowerment of Native Americans

Old Farmers Day -- an unsponsored day, and any day is a good day to honor the men and women who work hard to grow our food

Oyster Festival -- Chincoteague Island, VA, US (oysters served almost every way imaginable, all you can eat!)

Pine Barrens Jamboree -- Waretown, NJ, US (celebration of New Jersey Pinelands, with canoeing, nature walks, music, kids' activities, and more; free!)

Prater's Mill Country Fair -- Dalton, GA, US (a Southern festival of quality artists, craftsmen, music, and food; through tomorrow)

Sedona Arts Festival -- Sedona, AZ, US (celebration of visual, performing, and culinary arts, with proceeds going to student art programs and scholarships; through tomorrow)

Shaker Village Harvest Festival -- Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, New Gloucester, ME, US (with free demonstrations and paid workshops and events)

St. Edwin of Northumbria's Day (Patron of converts, hoboes/tramps, homeless people, kings, parents of large families)

St. Wilfred of York's Day (Patron of Middlesbrough, England; Ripon, England)

The NILE (Northern International Livestock Exposition) -- MetraPark, Billings, MT, US (rodeo, trade show, horse clinics, and livestock sales; through next Saturday)

Universal Music Day -- celebrate music as our universal language

Vermont Apple Festival -- Springfield, VT, US (family fun, farm animals, food, farmer's market, crafts, and apples; a true family oriented event held at Riverside Middle School)

Wild West Show and Bullwhacker Days -- Olathe, KS, US (celebrate the Santa Fe Trail; through Sunday)

World Arthritis Day -- people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases can make their voices heard today    

Anniversary Today:

Day of Six Billion, 1999 (marking the world population reaching that number)

Birthdays Today:

Marion Jones, 1975
Kirk Cameron, 1970
Adam Rich, 1968
Hugh Jackman, 1968
Carlos Bernard, 1962
Ronald E. McNair, 1950
Susan Anton, 1950
Chris Wallace, 1947
Tony Kubek, 1936
Luciano Pavarotti, 1935
Dick Gregory, 1932
Charles Gordone, 1925
Jean Nidetch, 1923
Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872
Jonathan Trumbull, 1710

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Jesus Christ, Superstar"(Rock opera), 1971
"The Bob Hope Show"(TV), 1953
"The Burns and Allen Show"(TV), 1950
"Call Me Madam"(Musical). 1950

Today in History:

The army of Cyrus the Great of Persia takes Babylon, BC539
King John of England loses his crown jewels in The Wash, 1216
Nichiren, Japans Buddhist monk who founded Nichiren Buddhism, inscribes the Dai-Gohonzon, 1279
Christopher Columbus' expedition makes landfall in the Bahamas, 1492
Massachusetts discontinues all witch trials, 1692
America's first asylum for "Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds" opens in Virginia, 1773
Bavarian royalty invites the citizens of Munich to join the celebration of the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen; this celebration becomes the founding of the first Oktoberfest, 1810
Charles Macintosh, of Scotland, sells the first raincoat, 1821
Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) is enacted by British rule in India, which named over 160 local communities 'Criminal Tribes', i.e. hereditary criminals, 1871*
President Theodore Roosevelt officially renames the "Executive Mansion" to the White House, 1901
An iron lung respirator is used for the first time at Children's Hospital, Boston, 1928
The Soviet Union launches the Voskhod 1 into Earth orbit as the first spacecraft with a multi-person crew and the first flight without space suits, 1964
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the first of five books in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy comedy science fiction series by Douglas Adams is published, 1979
The lowest recorded non-tornadic atmospheric pressure, 87.0 kPa (870 mbar or 25.69 inHg), occurred in the Western Pacific during Typhoon Tip, 1979
Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh visit the People's Republic of China, 1986
NASA loses radio contact with the Magellan spacecraft as the probe descends into the thick atmosphere of Venus, 1994
The proclaimed 6 billionth living human in the world is born, 1999
The second Chinese human spaceflight, Shenzhou 6, is launched, 2005
The first of the thirty-three miners trapped in the Copiano mining disaster, Florencio Avalos, is rescued, 2010
The customary law preventing women from inheriting their family home is overturned in Botswana, 2012
A long-lost bust of Napoleon by Auguste Rodin is confirmed found in Madison borough hall, New Jersey; it is estimated to be worth at least $4m, 2017


  1. You had a major woohoo kind of week and a breath of whew too!

  2. Love your list. And am so glad that you have so many things to be thankful for.

  3. World Arthritis Day and my voice says ouch, ooch, eech.....
    Yes indeed..much to be thankful for. I am especially thankful that your Number One Son got off so easily from his experience.

  4. I'm so thankful that you son is still OK. In this crazy world every and anything can happen. I guess we can smile this Saturday Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. That was a wonderful list and those sweet kitties are beautiful.

  6. I'm glad your son's okay but what an awful thing to go through! I guess I'm thankful to not have been robbed but also knocking on wood as I type. I'm also thankful for my three dogs that scare away strangers with their ferocious barks. Have a great weekend!

  7. Your son really is a tough cookie, and it's a good thing you had insurance.
    Looks everything is going well at the shelter as well!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I'm thankful for the animal shelters and the kindness shown to the animals therein. :)

  9. That is a wonderful bunch of thankfuls. I am glad everything worked out with your son. Those long-haired cats are gorgeous. ?I hope they get homes soon.

  10. Having anything stolen is scary and aggravating, a phone can hold extra issues. Glad everything worked out with minimum damage.

  11. So glad that your son is safe and that there was insurance. Damage to nerves is no little thing, but hopefully life will resume to normal soon.

    Keeping a phone on all the time is a reassuring thing when you want to be available at a drop of the hat or for those family emergencies and life and death situations.

    Hope you have a good week, Mimi!

  12. That's a LOT of litter and I bet it doesn't last long. I'm thankful that my cat Lola has learned that cuddles are just as good when she lies beside the computer instead of on it.

  13. totally good news that your son's brush with the dark side was as limited in lasting consequences as it sounds.
    have a good week

  14. Your son had a guardian angel.
    Wow! As River just said, that is a lot of litter but better to have it than not!

  15. Yikes! So glad your son is OK! Wishing you (and him) a dull week in comparison.


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